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6870 Di2 FD & RD Firmware update issue?

Hi All,

first post here and not sure if this is in the right section however I am having a (possible) problem following an update to my Ultegra Di2 with view to add the syncroshift functionality. I have updated everything, however when clicking on Shift Mode Setting button via E-Tube software I receive an error saying the FD & RD is not on the latest version? I then try and update everything  again and it tells me that everything is on the latest firmware? 

So, my question is - do I have an issue here or are the FD&RD just too old or not compatible?

The fullsystem details are as follows;

SM-BTR2 - 3.0.10

SM-EW90-A - 3.0.4

FD-6870 - 2.6.2

RD-6870-SS - 2.6.3

ST-6870-R - 3.0.0

ST-6879-R - 3.0.0

Thanks everyone

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GoodtoGo | 7 years ago

Does anyone know if 6770 will have synchro shifting enabled? Don't see why not if you can use wu111 and the Dn100 external battery holder... Pretty poor if you can't..

bkunrath | 7 years ago


thanks for mentioning, but our thanks should go to butty here and the guy in the youtube video he mentioned above! Theres the double tap in there, glad it works for us - sync shift is really a great feature!

Ciao, Bernd

deville1977 | 7 years ago

Where are you mounting your Bluetooth adaptor? In the frame? Not sure I would work through a titanium frame if I installed it in the frame?

bkunrath replied to deville1977 | 7 years ago

deville1977 wrote:

Where are you mounting your Bluetooth adaptor? In the frame? Not sure I would work through a titanium frame if I installed it in the frame?



simply outside above the rear derailleur, which is the easiest cabling approach. I had the old Ant+ there, so it was a simple replacement.

Ciao, Bernd

bkunrath | 7 years ago


yes it is! Double tap is the trick, so you can switch through 3 modes, one normal and two sync modes s1  and s2. The led blinks 1,2 or 3 times depending on mode set. 

Since today syncshift is working on my Canyon Ultimate Cf slx with the 6870 after I installed the new battery and the bluetooth for ease of use instead of the ant+ unit to connect to my Garmin.

Syncshifting with the racebike is even more helpful as on my Canyon Exceed XTR Di2 and works fast. The only difference to the XTR is shifting precision when going from the large front to the small very fast. Not sure but i think shiftijng logic is little different, the Ultegra is first shifting the front and then 2-3 on the rear. On the XTRthat seems to happen at the same time and more smooth.

I might need to adjust the Ultegra tommorrow

Ciao, Bernd (and thanks for the help in here)


Ray Fasano replied to bkunrath | 7 years ago

bkunrath wrote:


yes it is! Double tap is the trick, so you can switch through 3 modes, one normal and two sync modes s1  and s2. The led blinks 1,2 or 3 times depending on mode set. 

Since today syncshift is working on my Canyon Ultimate Cf slx with the 6870 after I installed the new battery and the bluetooth for ease of use instead of the ant+ unit to connect to my Garmin.

Syncshifting with the racebike is even more helpful as on my Canyon Exceed XTR Di2 and works fast. The only difference to the XTR is shifting precision when going from the large front to the small very fast. Not sure but i think shiftijng logic is little different, the Ultegra is first shifting the front and then 2-3 on the rear. On the XTRthat seems to happen at the same time and more smooth.

I might need to adjust the Ultegra tommorrow

Ciao, Bernd (and thanks for the help in here)


I decided to register just so could thank you for this advice.

I uploaded all info to bike but it just would not go into sync mode. Never saw any directions on cycling through the modes by double tapping. Works great now. Thanks

deville1977 | 7 years ago

Hi all, interesting seeing these comments. Can someone confirm if I need to upgrade my battery or JB. Honestly don't think I will just to add this feature!

Butty replied to deville1977 | 7 years ago

deville1977 wrote:

Hi all, interesting seeing these comments. Can someone confirm if I need to upgrade my battery or JB. Honestly don't think I will just to add this feature!

Came across this:

So long as you have a EW90 3 or 5 port junction box then just the new battery is needed.

Mode switch is by pressing the junction box button?

bkunrath | 7 years ago



downloaded the same updates but using old battery and no bluetooth device, but I was able to configure the sync shift and semi sync shift throught new Windows app 3.2.1 without error.


I wonder howto activate mode 1 or 2. With my XTR DI2 I use the switch at my bar, but what to use on my 6870?


Ciao, Bernd (having the new battery and bluetooth on order)



Mark Roberts | 7 years ago

Well I have downloaded the new firmware 3.0.0 for RD and FD, I have the new battery and can connect via Bluetooth. I have managed to set up synchro and semi synchro option under S1 and S2 but can't work out how to select them. Do I need to upgrade the junction box SM-EW90?


IrrelevantD | 7 years ago

New firmware update today for 6870 and 9070 to add synchro shifting

CXR94Di2 | 8 years ago
1 like

Currently, you can do manual syncro shifting, I do it often.  I'll cross chain, then press both front and rear derailleurs together to shift onto small front ring and drop down one or two cogs on the back.  Works fine.

brooksby | 8 years ago

...and this is why I don't want to think too hard about the future of bicycles.  Firmware updates on a bicycle gear-shifting system?!?  Grrr.  Release the hounds!  no

deville1977 replied to brooksby | 8 years ago

brooksby wrote:

...and this is why I don't want to think too hard about the future of bicycles.  Firmware updates on a bicycle gear-shifting system?!?  Grrr.  Release the hounds!  no

ha! I hear you! However it is the future though and the way is all going. Syncroshift would be good though.

Getoutpa | 8 years ago

I was told by Shimano in mid-January that it would be a month or so.  BUT, they have been telling me another month ever since I started asking in December.  I read on another forum "Spring 2017", so who knows when we'll finally see it roll out.

Thomfoolery | 8 years ago

You do have to have the new battery BT-DN110 in order to use synchro shift on road bikes.  The battery is where the operating system of your di2 is.


If you want to do it wirelessly via the app then you will need the new di2 transmitter EW-WU101(external) or EW-WU111(internal).


Everything is in place for Udi2 6870 and di2 9070 to make synchro shift work.  However as someone noted the firmware for the front derailuer has not been updated yet.  That is the final step if you have all of the other equipment upgraded. 

wknight | 8 years ago

I had the same issue using  the PC version. WHen I connected using the new app it showed that synchro shifting was enabled.


i haven't taken my bike out yet to test it 

deville1977 replied to wknight | 8 years ago

wknight wrote:

I had the same issue using  the PC version. WHen I connected using the new app it showed that synchro shifting was enabled.


i haven't taken my bike out yet to test it 

thats strange? Did you have to upgrade the battery? Be interested to know if it does work

andyjtiger | 8 years ago

Is the bluetooth module really required for the synchro shift to work?  I am more than happy to plug my bike into my laptop and make changes that way rather then pay £75 for something i probably wouldn't use.

watlina | 8 years ago
1 like

The plan is Syncro-Shift will work with Ultegra Di2 11-Speed just as it will for DA Di2 11-Speed and combinations of the two.

We have the new BT-DN110 battery that has the processing power required for Syncro-Shift and the EW-EW101 Bluetooth module we can talk to the new Syncro-Shift enabled app with.

But the final piece of the puzzle is a new FD & RD firmware. They need to be at 3.0.0 or above and that has not yet been released by Shimano. So just keep checking for the update.

The only FD and RD with this newer firmware are the new DA9150 ones and these are only just coming into stock anywhere so my guess is that the 3.0.0 firmware for the older Ultegra 6870 and DA9070 won't be too long now.


deville1977 | 8 years ago

Argh ok, that makes sense - thanks pal

CXR94Di2 | 8 years ago

I have similar setup on one bike. It doesn't do synchro shit but multi shift. Afaik synchro shift is only available on XTR, XT and 9000 series Durace system, not ultegra. With XTR, you need the MTB thumb shifter to have synchro shift.

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