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Speeding drivers

The car lobby really believe drivers are being milked for cash by camera's. Well I saw a piece on our local paper about the top spots and the tone of the piece was clear.

I have blogged it here

What right does any driver think it is OK to speed (goes for cyclists less so) and what is wrong with camera's to reduce speed on our roads ? When I ride it is shocking to think and feel how fast cars do go.

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Al__S | 9 years ago

I was doing 15mph across a level crossing with double white lines the other day, got overtaken by a police car...

brooksby replied to Al__S | 9 years ago
Al__S wrote:

I was doing 15mph across a level crossing with double white lines the other day, got overtaken by a police car...

The problem with the whole double white lines thing, is that so many motorists don't think overtaking a cyclist is "proper" overtaking; hence it must be OK to do it even if there are double white lines.

Batchy | 9 years ago

How many times have you been out on your bike doing 29.9mph in a 30mph limit and have been overtaken? Well me personally I've lost count and the same thing with doing 25mph where double white lines have been crossed by overtaking vehicles.! ( only when a vehicle is travelling at less than 10mph can you legally cross double white lines )

Shep73 | 9 years ago

Because most drivers would rather more police on the roads, you know so they can also catch drunk drivers, people on phones and people jumping red lights, (which seems to be ok to do for the commuter cyclist brigade). Bad driving below the speed limit is just as likely to cause harm as doing 35 in a 30.

fenix | 9 years ago

The local tv had an article on drivers speeding past a primary school. If caught it was £100 fine or go and be interviewed by a panel of school kids. One of their pals was killed by a van going at 20 mph last year. He was five. Heart breaking stuff.

ianrobo | 9 years ago

No Pablo no link bait at all, just for fun.

As for your points I totally agree and certainly on Urban roads in the cities we need a redesign.

pablo | 9 years ago

Sorry didn't read your blog post felt it was a bit clickbait and your original post was a little strong hence the question. I did look at the numbers and the rather good Google map the newspaper put together i use a lot of the roads covered. Personally some of the sites (top ones) feel more to do with revenue but others are definitely areas where speeds should be controlled.

Speeding will always be a contentious subject the simple fact is if you want people to slow down roads need to be redesigned or technology introduced. Until recently the only real option to limit speeds was via the policeman or a speed camera, with advances and the reduction in prices it could now be done in vehicle.
I'm torn on this one because I love cars i have 2 personal cars and have always worked in the car industry but on the other hand I love bikes (I have 3 of those). Speeding in built up areas to me personally is not acceptable but I also feel that nudging over the limit in appropriate locations is acceptable within my own personal limit and at my own risk.
I ride my bike for the feeling of freedom it gives me I'm not sure how I'd feel if when I went above 30mph going down hill the brakes were jammed on. I feel the same about my cars.

This argument can never be won by either side the only thing we can all agree on is you should be considerate to other road users and pedestrians.

Joeinpoole | 9 years ago

Actually, as a cyclist, I am far more concerned about motorists using mobile phones at the wheel than I am about them speeding. That's where I want the police to take action and the government to increase penalties.

In your blog you talk of 3K people per year dying on UK roads but actually the number is down to 1.7K and steadily reducing.

There is also no direct relationship between speed and deaths on the roads as you infer. The roads with the highest speed limits, motorways and dual carriageways, also happen to be the safest to travel on.

As a cyclist I feel I am most likely to be injured or killed by a motorist who is simply not paying attention to the road rather than one who is speeding.

I know, as someone who used to speed all the time when I was young and foolish, whenever you are speeding you tend to be particularly alert. To some degree that was why I did it ... it was simply more stimulating.

jacknorell replied to Joeinpoole | 9 years ago
Joeinpoole wrote:

There is also no direct relationship between speed and deaths on the roads as you infer.

Wrong, higher speeds in a collision causes more damage, in a non-linear and rising fashion. I.e. if you're hit at 20mph as a pedestrian you likely live, at 30 mph you're likely dead.

Fully agree on the phones, eating cereal, applying makeup, or whatever else stupid sh*t people get up to while (they should be) driving.

Joeinpoole replied to jacknorell | 9 years ago
jacknorell wrote:
Joeinpoole wrote:

There is also no direct relationship between speed and deaths on the roads as you infer.

Wrong, higher speeds in a collision causes more damage, in a non-linear and rising fashion. I.e. if you're hit at 20mph as a pedestrian you likely live, at 30 mph you're likely dead.

Thanks for quoting me out of context. You fail to explain why the roads on which the highest speeds are driven also happen to be the safest.

Shep73 replied to Joeinpoole | 9 years ago
Joeinpoole wrote:
jacknorell wrote:
Joeinpoole wrote:

There is also no direct relationship between speed and deaths on the roads as you infer.

Wrong, higher speeds in a collision causes more damage, in a non-linear and rising fashion. I.e. if you're hit at 20mph as a pedestrian you likely live, at 30 mph you're likely dead.

Thanks for quoting me out of context. You fail to explain why the roads on which the highest speeds are driven also happen to be the safest.

Well you did use facts against those who like to bash car drivers, brought it on yourself.

ianrobo | 9 years ago

I firmly believe every driver should be 1) retested every 10 years and 2) be forced to go on one of the driver awareness courses at the same time. It is total nonsense you can pass at 17 and not be tested for another 50 years.

ianrobo | 9 years ago

I firmly believe every driver should be 1) retested every 10 years and 2) be forced to go on one of the driver awareness courses at the same time. It is total nonsense you can pass at 17 and not be tested for another 50 years.

climber | 9 years ago

I think part of the problem is that some (possibly most) see staying within limits as a way of avoiding fines. Speeding generally isn't seen as 'anti social' in the way that other crimes are.

Simon E replied to climber | 9 years ago
climber wrote:

Speeding generally isn't seen as 'anti social' in the way that other crimes are.

True. Many consider things like speeding, using a mobile phone and flouting many of the rules in the Highway Code as not serious. They invariably have an inflated idea of their own ability (and importance) when behind the wheel.

Perhaps if they got to experience that "Oh shiiiit!" reaction when 3 tonnes of Chelsea Tractor swooshes by at close quarters they might rethink it.

If you put a yummy mummy's own child on the bike she's passing we would see her drive very differently. It would cost her nothing to be similarly considerate around someone else's child, including grown-up ones.

untakenname | 9 years ago

Speed camera's are placed in areas where its safest to speed or overtake (to gain the most revenue) well sighted straight and wide roads etc.. so instead you get risky overtakes instead by frustrated drivers.

fukawitribe replied to untakenname | 9 years ago
untakenname wrote:

Speed camera's are placed in areas where its safest to speed or overtake (to gain the most revenue)


PonteD replied to untakenname | 9 years ago
untakenname wrote:

Speed camera's are placed in areas where its safest to speed or overtake (to gain the most revenue) well sighted straight and wide roads etc.. so instead you get risky overtakes instead by frustrated drivers.

If I have to speed to overtake someone I don't overtake BECAUSE ITS BREAKING THE LAW. If you have to break the law to overtake, then you shouldn't really overtake. Just sit back, chill out and enjoy the ride! You're still going to be stuck in traffic once you get past them so why fret about it.

For the record, I try my best not to speed, I accept we all do it from time to time, but when I realise I'm over the limit I slow down, unlike some who only ever ease off when they reach the car in front. Sit down and do the maths, speeding by 5 or 10mph really doesn't gain you that much time for your average journey under and hour (at rush hour all it does is increase your queuing time).

I also don't speed when I'm late! Enough bad things happen when I rush without me adding to it by causing an accident in the car.

SB76 | 9 years ago

I'd rather the roads were adequately policed over fixed cameras as all that ultimately happens is people moan about the camera but learn they are there and the aggresively hit the breaks just before entering the camera area.

Yeah, some do appear to be cash cows but others are put in areas with high risk of accidents due aggresive/speeding drivers.

Surely we should all want safer roads?

ianrobo replied to SB76 | 9 years ago
SB76 wrote:

I'd rather the roads were adequately policed over fixed cameras as all that ultimately happens is people moan about the camera but learn they are there and the aggresively hit the breaks just before entering the camera area.

Yeah, some do appear to be cash cows but others are put in areas with high risk of accidents due aggresive/speeding drivers.

Surely we should all want safer roads?

You think selfish people care about that ?

SB76 replied to ianrobo | 9 years ago

No but that's why i wish the roads were adequately policed.

ianrobo replied to SB76 | 9 years ago
SB76 wrote:

No but that's why i wish the roads were adequately policed.

WMP tweeted earlier about how many the Motorway police caught in an operation, no shock it was in the hundreds

ianrobo | 9 years ago

I said in my blog post that I do drive (about 10K miles a year) and I was caught Speeding but no moaning from me on it. I broke the rules and paid a price.

All studies show that speeding is a major cause of death and the slower you are the more chance of survival in an accident.

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

brooksby replied to ianrobo | 9 years ago
ianrobo wrote:

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

Because there are far too many motorists out there who do not believe that speeding is actually an offence. They bought their car that can do the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs, and they d**m well want to get to Tesco FAST. Why is that a crime? I blame the government.  3

SB76 replied to brooksby | 9 years ago
brooksby wrote:
ianrobo wrote:

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

Because there are far too many motorists out there who do not believe that speeding is actually an offence. They bought their car that can do the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs, and they d**m well want to get to Tesco FAST. Why is that a crime? I blame the government.  3

I blame Clarkson!

Simon_MacMichael replied to brooksby | 9 years ago
brooksby wrote:

they d**m well want to get to Tesco FAST.

Having seen their results this morning, Tesco appears to be the last place they're going  3

bigshape replied to ianrobo | 9 years ago
ianrobo wrote:

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

well, as you've been caught for speeding, surely you're in the best position to answer that question?

ianrobo replied to bigshape | 9 years ago
bigshape wrote:
ianrobo wrote:

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

well, as you've been caught for speeding, surely you're in the best position to answer that question?

because I was stupid !

OldRidgeback replied to bigshape | 9 years ago
bigshape wrote:
ianrobo wrote:

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

well, as you've been caught for speeding, surely you're in the best position to answer that question?

Well me too, I was caught a few years back. I did the speed awareness course and have been very careful since. I was only a bit over the limit but still enough to be caught speeding. I thought it wasn't much, but I learned a lesson.

I've noticed how much fuel I save since I started being really careful about my speed. I wish more drivers would realise they'd save themselves money by sticking to the limit, and they rarely get where they're going much quicker anyway.

PonteD replied to ianrobo | 9 years ago
ianrobo wrote:

It is simple if you do not speed you will not get fined, why is that simple rule ignored ?

Because people are stupid and don't understand cause and effect?

or perhaps

Because people have the maturity of a five year old and think that "because everyone else does it" is an appropriate excuse for a so-called adult to use when challenged about breaking the law?


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