An Evening wirg Dave Barter - author of Great British Bike Rides
Dave Barter has ridden bikes all his life, and for the last 12 years has been taking it far too seriously. He’s a veteran of numerous races and sportives, including the Etape du Tour, the Fausto Coppi, the Polka Dot Challenge, two successful Land’s End-John O’Groats expeditions and numerous other audaxes and sportives. In 2001 he chucked in his job and went cycling. A lot. He did the same again in 2010 but this time he took his pen and his book Great British Bike Rides is the result, with Dave riding over 9000 British miles during the course of his research. His writing evolved from articles published in Cycling Plus, Cycling Weekly, CTC Cycle and Singletrack magazine to his first book Obsessive Compulsive Cycling Disorder, currently a bestseller on Amazon worldwide. Through his writing Dave has inspired many lapsed cyclists to take up the bike once again while reinforcing the habit of those already addicted. Residing in deepest Wiltshire with his very understanding wife Helen and children Jake and Holly, his passion for British cycling continues to drive him out into the countryside in all weathers seeking out two wheeled incident and adventure. Come and hear his entertaining story at Cadence on Thursday 6th June at 7.30. The talk is Free – visit to reserve your place
It's your vehicle ... as the driver you are legally responsible for it....
Meh - can get round that easy and safely enough. They need to take a lesson from Edinburgh drivers. For example - here's a joint effort to block...
to be absolutely clear: a 200km that hard every month would probably kill me before february. the butt buster next month has not much more than...
So there will need to be a dangerous bell ringing offence too one assumes? Bloody campa(g)nologists!!
In addition to my steel road bike, I got a titanium gravel bike built last year; really fancied a 'signature bike' and the bike mechanic I use was...
nice extension can be found if you google for it that allows you to download a GPX which can then be loaded into Strava's mapping tool to then push...
And another thing: has anyone noticed how nobody has tried and failed to shoot Trump since he won the election? I'm not saying it could have been...
What are you, some kind of authoritarian* Communist?...
I'd say just 4 reverting is a good result; they haven't just been steamrollered by public pressure. Of those, I know 3 well and agree that 30 is...
Another day, another BristolPost piece about Park St: