Every Saturday North Cheshire Clarion CC hold skills rides from the Swan Pub at Winwick near Warrington. Pace steady and social, however these runs are not training rides, more over a vehicle to develop road riding skills and group riding. Covering on a rolling basis, week 1 is 24 miles and week 4 is 35 miles. All routes are available to download from bikeroutetoaster. Our club motto is strongly adhered to of "We never leave a rider behind" and because if this we have grown from 20 to 210 members in 3 years. Check out our website for further details www.northcheshireclarion.co.uk Hope to see you out.
An illegal moped (obviously no tax/insurance) with a flat battery is, functionally, a pedal cycle. An illegal (for whatever reason, & say no...
Are sales low because it seems like every other bike retailer is closing? So sales are low because people can't buy bikes (rather than because they...
I don't recommend watching the video (!). ...
I generally get a response saying that action will be taken in 90% of cases I submit (I do only submit ones that I believe are absolute certanties)...
If you can't hear me call out a cheery (loud) "excuse me" as I approach them you're not going to hear the pathetic "ting" from a tiny bell....
I got mine FOC with a Galibier gilet, just as versatile as a Buff.
From the outside the US appears to be a Christian fundamentalist country, with the same prudish outlook as other religious fundamentalist countries.
You can't park there, mate!
It's bullshit, a token effort akin to sportswashing....
If you know anyone with Zwift or other indoor training programmes, they all have FTP tests on them so you wouldn't have to subject yourself to a...