A relaxed yet stunning tour around the Somerset levels, this fun ride is about taking your time, enjoying the views and just getting in some early season miles.
Returning in 2019 and strictly limited to 500 riders come join us for a smile that will last for weeks, we sell out every year and the event is building to be a great addition to our sportive portfolio.
The Short is an ideal opportunity if you are new to Sportive riding or you just want a nice easy ride, great for a family ride, we are happy for children 14 and Under to attend for FREE, as long as they are accompanied with an paying adult (One adult/one child per entry).
This medium route for 40 miles is a nice flat affair other than 3 very small climbs (Really they are small), so it could be a quick pace but the ride is more about adding another dimension to your training, its not necessarily about speed ,its about putting those longer miles into the legs.
There are a few tests towards the end of the ride in the shape of some nice climbs that will need some effort.
The long route isn't a leg burner, but it will include the iconic climb through Cheddar Gorge, being an early season sportive, its more about testing where you are after your winter training, but it would be wrong not to include the climb, the cut of times are there for the safety of both the riders and the sanity off the staff.
Be under no illusion the long route will still test you, its long with an iconic climb and the last 20 miles include a few more climbs just in case you haven't worked hard enough.With 3 Aid stations for the long and 2 for the medium, we will refuel you, all you need do is enjoy the day.
Do you have any views on bike frame materials?
There's a character in that film Premium Rush who walks into their workshp and says, "with all the tools in here you'd figure there'd be something...
Like what? "Have a care"?
Actually I think the "Stop forcing your views on me" cartoon you posted on the Funnies thread is probably the best response.
As shown in this video from CycleGaz: "What a difference school holidays make on traffic" https://youtu.be/z57UgWLCfRg?feature=shared
The cyclists of today would appreciate this, but they make up a few % of those making journeys. And I only appreciate traffic lights because other...
Thanks, that's probably a good point about all the different profiles - I hadn't thought of that. Interesting Unior tool, thanks for the link.
Having basic DIY skills for anthing, including bikes, is a great help when you do need to go to the professionals.
Wera Hex-Plus work very well for me.
no, because it's cyclists who want to take us back to the Stone Age