Organised by the Freemasons of Edinburgh to raise much-needed funds for our nominated charity Motor Neurone Disease Scotland, you don’t need to be a mason to participate!
You don’t need to be a veteran cyclist either - as there are three set-off times for varying abilities. It’s a great starter if you’ve never taken part in a charity cycle run before, and a well-organised run if you have. Anyone between 12 and 17yrs must bring a participating adult. You can use any bike you like, but you’ll be much fresher at the end if you use (or borrow) a road bike.
We take a circular route from South Queensferry on main roads which are quiet on Sundays, cycling along the southern edge of the Firth of Forth, through the picturesque fishing villages of Bo'ness and Grangemouth and then over the Kincardine Bridge, taking advantage of a comfort break at our feed station there before coming back along the Fife Coastal Route, and returning via the Forth Road Bridge to our finish ceremony.
Closer to the run itself you’ll be able to download a .GPX file of the route, but there will be direction markers where needed on the road for those who don’t have bike computers, and we also have motorbike road marshals and a couple of support vehicles for your peace of mind.
Unlike some “charity” events, there is no entry fee - all we ask is that you raise as much as you can for MND Scotland. We don’t get involved in the money side of things, your contributions go direct to the charity via MyDonate, which enables them to add 25% tax to your total!
I went to the shellfish disco, showing all my moves, and I pulled a muscle.
Agreed. Filmores work great and also look less clunky than alternatives.
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I would question whether 96% of drivers have heard of (or understand) the 2022 updates to the highway code, never mind conform to them.
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was planning on getting some WD-40 / GT 85 rivalry going, looked it up and now mind blown! 🤯
Holds it in place better no doubt. It's not complicated.