Join your fellow 'winter warriors' by tackling 'The Hateful Eight' Yorkshire Reliability Rides.
'The Otley One' takes place on 18 February 2018.
Booking not available - Sign up on the day.
50km or 100km route to choose between.
£4 (or £5 inc. a free tea/coffee)
Start Time: Long route starts 09.30am. Short route starts 09.45am. Sign on from 08:45am
Start: Buttercross (Market Place), Otley
Finish: Sign off at Otley Chevin Cycles and then refreshments at Otley CC Clubrooms
Route (100km):
Route (50 km):
I think they have done a great job on these bikes ; upto date 853 steel frames British made and at a good weight with decent finishing kit and at a...
Why should they be forced to play in a market that's being gobbled up by the Chinese?
Can't say that was my experience touring Taiwan last year. Taipei was a bit hard in places to find or keep on the bike route but no worse than...
That's why I tend to go via Colston Street and Park Row!
South Manchester.
Never as spectacular but I have had the rear QR loose after changing a p'ture. I thankfully could feel it pop out and quickly sat down.
Partly agree - and the great thing with cycling is it can be "a little here, a bit more there" - it's local so it could still flourish in just a...
I am pleased for the family that it sounds this is finally going to be resolved. And while I detest the behaviour of the insurance company I think...
Ah, Ludwig!
A lot of these brands like Winspace , Planet X, Dolan, etc etc which are pretty much the same open mould Chinese cranes have been around for...