Welcome to one of the oldest established sportives on the UK calendar.
Now in its 11th year the ever evolving Forest of Dean Classic road sportive has gone 2 –DAY with a new route on Sunday, The Monmouthshire Challenge, over roads mostly within the county and offering a good testing ride following some of the British Road race Championship route of 2014 where possible. This is an ideal warm up for the Forest of Dean Classic route on the Monday with over 9000ft 0f climbing over 18 listed climbs all in 90 miles, still presents one of the hardest rides on the UK calendar.
A brand new Registration, start and finish on Vauxhall Fields in Monmouth Town offers FREE PARKING right next to the registration marquee, FREE CAMPING for those doing both days all at 2013 prices.
FOREST OF DEAN CLASSIC £35 or ride BOTH for only £45.
All at 2013 prices
Between closed and pedestrianised roads, one-way streets, dead-ends and 20 mph speed limit it is quite a challenge to drive through central...
"Alright guys, we've got a twenty-four-year-old rider who's ranked world #40, several top-20 finishes this year and a national championship."...
Used to watch his YT videos a fair bit. But recently he's outed himself as a right wing fash....
"Back in the day" of real policing, yes - operation names were randomly selected, often alphabetically; however, sadly that was pre-virtue...
North Somerset council has introduced paid parking in various car parks around the region which were formerly free. Cue howls of outrage from the...
Which is fair enough, just seemed an odd place for them to be stopped, and probably unintentionally encourages the BMW driver to try to exit the...
That's a big strong helmet that would prevent fatal chest injuries from, I suspect, a wheel of a PSV driving over the casualty.
With the Sprintech, I add a thin cord to the mirror part, thread it through the socket and tie it off inside the bar, with a few inches of slack....
Hi Guys. Thanks to everyone. I thoroughly enjoyed playing since 2011 despite never having any major success. ...
No drivers involved in any of this. I'm wondering if the journalist who wrote it is actually a car itself....