The stunning backdrop of Framlingham College at the start of the Suffolk Sunrise 100 bike ride is a sight to behold. As one of over 1,300 riders, you will set off on this popular charity cycling sportive that offers an enjoyable mixture of town, countryside and coast on quiet lanes. The Suffolk terrain offers little resistance on this RIDE100 cycling event that is raising funds for children’s charity Action Medical Research.
With three route options the Cool 45 mile route is great if you’re a newbie to cycling or if you’ve been out of action for a while. The more challenging Classic 60 mile and Champion at 103 mile routes are ideal if you’re an experienced or regular Sportive rider.
Expect a great day in the saddle with the team on this Action Medical Research cycling event with first class support throughout the day.
Forgive my lack of astonishment - but:...
Several times recently I've come across drivers having to back out of roads and take an alternative route because either their cars wouldn't...
Generally agree, unless it's "why should we do anything for cyclists when nobody cycles?" - although it's arguable if that's really a question.
our friends in the US ...
To be fair, they didn't claim that it was a picture of the Daytripper Pack - the caption clearly says it's the Seat Pack.
I dont know what Conti were thinking with that price. But I can often find GP5000's for the same price or as low as £43 for the TR versions
I think buying anything off Covert Instruments would equate to going equipped over here.
Ah, British Cycling and the UCI. It's hard to think of two more universally beloved organisations. Thames Water and the National Rifle Association...
Car hits stone wall and overturns in smash outside Wiltshire pub...
We get these 'high action rate' claims all the time, with little or no evidence of what the action was. People are, of course, entitled to consider...