The ever-popular New Forest Rattler takes riders on a magnificent loop of this amazing national park - offering a fantastic day on the bike in a truly stunning part of the country. With three different route options; 47, 82 and 102 mile - this is an event for cyclists of all abilities.
Overall, each route takes in the spectacular scenery that the New Forest has to offer. You will encounter ancient Redwoods when passing through Ornamental Drive, wild animals grazing at the roadside and picturesque villages and hamlets.
Included in the entry fee:
- Breakfast, tea and coffee
- BBQ at the finish
- Fully stocked feed stations with Torq energy products
- Registration pack including Torq gel and sweets
- Disposable timing chips
- Mechanical support and SAG wagon
- Minimal time spent on busy roads
- An exhilarating day in the saddle on an excellent course
- A friendly, accessible and welcoming event like no other on the calendar
For a little extra you can camp at the Rattler HQ. Finding accommodation in the New Forest during the summer can be problematic, so camping in the stunning grounds of Moyles Court seemed like the logical thing to offer our riders (places are limited and offered on a first come first served basis).
Book now for the original and best New Forest cyclosportive
why yes, yes it is
If the Severn Way path, the allegedly impassable muddy path, is not a public right of way and not maintainable by the councils PROW team, then...
The Junior Minister appears pig ignorant of the law in this area....
And creating transgender mice. Transgender/ transgenic it's the same thing.
Agreed, and to be clear, I don't expect everybody to be an expert in everything (I certainly am not). Ha, I worked at bike shops long enough to...
Opposition to controversial East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood ‘will filter away’ say council bosses...
I know it's not the same, but they are saying Quest will have free highlights.
Yeah but if you take away any chance of getting their licence back they'll turn into some kind of amoral road-bandit! * checks court records again ...
As far as I can see, the only place anything like that number appears in the source story is in the video, near the end, when they're chatting...
A338: Van flips over in crash on busy road 40 mph zone