London to Paris Bike Ride
Join the London to Paris Bike Ride with More Adventure! This classic journey between two capital cities will take you through the garden of England, across the English Channel, through quaint French towns and medieval forests to the fabulous city of Paris.
It’s a wonderful feeling heading down the Champs Elysees on the final stretch with the Eiffel Tower looming ahead! This is a fantastic group cycling experience, whether individually, with friends or raising money for charity. Book your place now!
You can find al the information at
This chap needs to go back for a physics refresher. Is traffic an incompressible fluid ("it will just go elsewhere") or not ("there will be more...
I remember when my dad got my first bike for £20 guineas, a million years ago, thats how old I am
All these wheels in part are maufactured in Far East, maybe not the hub, but the rim, so why buy just to get thier name on them, ive just purchased...
“Car is king” I’m often told, but it appears to be scared of gaining new subjects....
Yeah +1 for geometrygeeks, it's the best way to work out whether a bargain bike frame will actually fit you. Surprising how reach can vary with...
We support cycle lanes - ...
Sounds counterintuitive but I think fixing the legal system would be harder than fixing the street design and rules - and might even cost more!...
Increased drive friction and power loss:...
I was really enjoying the article until I came to the price!
I have a very old MTB (guess what make) that I'll happily leave locked at the train station or shops or whatever. The fairly new Trek MTB or...