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York launches first off-road leisure maps

Cycling city’s new maps a must

York has launched the first of four off-road leisure ride maps. They feature handwritten notes about facilities and places of interest along the way, and were devised, designed and tested out by a team of local volunteers.

The new leisure ride maps are now widely available at venues across the city and were also distributed at the recent Festival of Cycling, the highlight of this summer's cycling initiatives as part of Cycling City York.

Olwyn Fonseca, a volunteer ranger for the UK's leading sustainable transport charity Sustrans, first came up with the idea and drew the maps herself, as well as writing the accompanying notes. Olwyn and fellow Sustrans ranger Lynne Clark then tested out the routes with members of the First Friday Cycling Group.

Monica Nelson, who is a member of the group, produced watercolour paintings to illustrate the front of each map.

York has been designated a Cycling City from 2008 to 2011 and £3.68m of government funds have been made available to improve facilities for cyclists in the city and get more people cycling.

Meanwhile, York’s first ever Car Free Day will take place on Tuesday, September 22.

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