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Thank-you for parking thoughtfully next time! - A polite alternative to YPLAC

We are all familiar with Anti Social or forgetful parking, which blocks access to mobility tracks.

I have pasted graphics below that can be used for an A5 leaflet or a business card to educate the forgetful parker. We may enjoy posting something quite rude, but sometimes  agentler approach can work better. Piccies are in the first 3 replies.

There is a front artwork, and two back artworks.

They were created for parking on pavements and shared paths, but since mobility scooters are now encouraged on cycle tracks by Govt guidelines they are appropriate there too.

These are non-confrontational, and remind drivers for whom they are making life more difficult, also dodging any anticycling prejudice.

The designs emerged in the community around the Wheels for Wellbeing charity, and have been reported useful in some places. They are deliberately not branded, so please do *not* add any brands.

If you find these useful and want to, perhaps consider a small donation to Wheels for Wellbeing, or take a look at joining their Disabled Cycling Activists Network (DCAN).

Who can use mobility tracks? W4W

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andystow | 4 days ago

Something a little more passive-aggressive from Texas.

brooksby replied to andystow | 4 days ago

That is really good yes

brooksby | 4 days ago
1 like

If you intend them to be applicable for shared paths, couldn't at least one of the images include a bicycle?

(I suppose that there's no bike in case it overly antagonises the illegally parked motorists...?)

mattw replied to brooksby | 4 days ago
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I agree with that, and have already made the request of the person who created them. These were created for use with people blocking pedestriam drop kerbs (ie mainly with tactile paving ... hence the pics on the artwork), and cycles are often not technically allowed to use those - unless, as you say, it is a shared pavement.

I've requested a standard cycle and tricycle to be included in a version.

If they come back soon (I have said 'when time is available') I'll post them here.

mdavidford replied to mattw | 4 days ago

A child on a bicycle might be a way to go if there are concerns about how people might perceive cyclists more generally.

mattw replied to mdavidford | 4 days ago
1 like

That's a great idea. Thanks.

wtjs | 4 days ago

This softly-softly love-bombing would have no effect on the real ultra-selfish villains who park on the pavement, park on double yellows, and who have not paid VED for 6 years 7 months- in fact, it would ease things for them if the slightly less anti-social were discouraged from entering the competition for pavement parking places. I have demonstrated much too often on here the continuing immunity to the law granted by Lancashire Constabulary to the driver of WU59 UMH- here on Garstang High Street, but not in his usual spot close to Garstang Police Station

mattw replied to wtjs | 4 days ago
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I agree. This won't fix your Lancashire Police issue, and it's not designed to do so. The Lancs Police thing is about institutional culture, and that requires a change of the organisation from strategic, perhaps even organisational DNA, level.

For Lincs that will most likely require a national policy level intervention, and the best vehicle I can see at present is a possible Road Safety Review under the next Govt, *if* we get that done, and then get it right.

I would make a similar argument about car-brain culture in LHAs. 

I divide drivers into about 5 groups, with overlaps. 1) Criminal, 2) Dangerous / Reckless / Indifferent,  3) Ignorant / complacent / careless,  4) Competent / engaged, 5) Thoughtful / wanting to improve. Choose your % for each group - I suggest ~80% are in Group 3 aka "the average driver" !

I suggest that the issue you address is mainly Groups 1 and 2, and these cards are aimed at 3 and 4 - those of whom some may persuaded. For such, I think a softer approach may be more appropriate - a different tool for a different group.

There is also that disabled or more frail people who may be using these cannot get on their cycle and get away easily, and many are used to past harrassment whether by the public or eg Council Officers. 

For a comparison, we broke the back of drink driving from 1980 to 2010 (85% fall in fatalities) by combination of law enforcement, and education making it socially unacceptable.

This is about chipping away at the culture of ASB parking being acceptable for my Groups 3 and 4.

The other needs addressing, but that needs Operation Parksafe / PSPO / Police willing to enforce, or more fundamental measures that will then drive these.

wtjs replied to mattw | 4 days ago

I must defend Lincolnshire- I know nothing about their police. What I know about is Lancashire!

mattw | 4 days ago

Back 2

mattw | 4 days ago

Back 1

andystow | 4 days ago

I don't see any graphics.

mattw replied to andystow | 4 days ago
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Do you now?

Uploaded as replies.

andystow replied to mattw | 4 days ago
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mattw | 4 days ago


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