Warwickshire Police this week launched its #ShareTheSpace campaign as part of the wider national NPCC campaign between 6-19 September aiming to increase safety for all road users.
The force says it will be handing out hi-vis tabards and other hi-vis items carrying the 'Let's Share The Space' branding...
In other cases they'll be sending Community Speed Watch groups out to monitor speeds in local communities, as well as "asking the public to be aware of less protected road users."
However, that's just "part of the picture" they say, and advice will also be offered to cyclists, walkers, horse riders and bikers about how they can stay safe too. One likely positive from this is increased emphasis on reporting and submitting digital footage of dangerous driving via Operation Snap.
PS Shaun Bridle said “Pedestrians, cyclists, bikers and horse riders do not have a metal shell around them like a driver does sitting in a vehicle and even relatively minor contact can seriously injure them. That’s why they need vehicles to ‘ShareTheSpace’ on the roads and pass pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders wide and slow.
“September is a peak month for motorcycle collisions and that’s why the campaign is happening now. The campaign also coincides with children returning to school after the summer break.”
Looking into the autumn, Chair and Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire Philip Seccombe says the emphasis will be developing their 'Strategy to 2030' by encouraging cyclists, and other road users, to respond to the public consultation.
The spotlight will then turn to the upcoming Highway Code changes, which Warwickshire Police says it welcomes. The changes include a new hierarchy of road users that ensures those who can do greatest harm hold greatest responsibility. The force says it is also expecting guidance on safe passing distances and speeds, as well as ensuring cyclists have priority at junctions when travelling straight ahead.