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The King of The Downs is one of 4 challenge events we’ll be hosting across the country in 2019 designed for riders who are looking to challenge themselves on a longer route distance than our regular RIDE IT events.
The event has a choice of fully waymarked routes, well stocked feed stations sponsored by High 5 Sports Nutrition, mechanical and sweeper van support if things go wrong, electronic chip timing to record your ride along with a unique event specific finishers medal, goody bag and post ride food waiting for you at the end.
Now a well-established fixture on the sportive calendar our King of The Downs ride returns for another year to challenge riders with a true test of cycling endurance on a 115 mile route taking you through the Surrey hills, North Downs, Ashdown Forest and Kent.
The full 115 mile route consists of two separate loops and 10 featured climbs or for riders who don’t want to take on the full distance we’re also offering two half distance route options each featuring 5 featured climbs.
The west loop (which is ridden first on the 115 mile ride) is probably the easier of the two and contains the first five climbs including Leith Hill, Combe Lane and Box hill whilst the east loop contains the last five climbs including Kidds Hill (aka The Wall), Yorks Hill and Titsey Hill.
It's gradually dawning on drivers where they're getting to congestion-wise... ...
Japan - luckily people can see what that's about through the power of the Internet. Short - not transferrable (although bringing in kei cars and...
Just a rail with sliding hooks, about as safe as the property its fitted in ,plus over time damage to wheels, plus it doesnt stop parts being removed
All sorts of people are subject to hatred and othering under the fascist, nazi regime of trump and musk. I'm sorry I did not give a exhaustive list.
Blade Mews is private, so you have to ask why the council thought it reasonable to (legally) restrict cycling on a public right of way, that...
That's correct, but it raises an interesting question: if the defendant used a knife the starting point for a minimum term is twenty-five years, if...
To be fair as much as I like to see decent public rack being put up just not at the cost of taking spaces like these specifically designed to allow...
You've missed the bit where it's going to court.
The Silca is not that great, if you go online to Silca and look at the scale they use it is very poorly designed with the readings far to close...
I gurantee you this is happening to millions of products sold all over the world.