Peloton on the Prom, Worthing
This year sees the return of the Street Velodrome to Worthing - - and just like last year, you can arrive in style by joining the Peloton on the Prom!
There is already a planned bike ride on Saturday the 2nd - therefore this year we are all riding together on Sunday morning (2015 was over both days).
We will meet at the bottom of George Fifth Ave where there is free (on road) parking, and ride along the shared use prom to Beach House Gardens, making this ride ideal for kids who aren't ready for traffic!
This is an ideal opportunity to pull out that old cruiser, pump up the tyres on the Raleigh Shopper or polish your show bike, as we will be riding slow and steady, and won't leave anyone behind. In 2015 there were some fantastic custom bikes, as well as lots of families, all riding together! Have a look at youtube for more of 2015 -
See you all there, share this event as much as possible, and don't forget to head to the main Velodrome page as well - West Sussex had the most hits of all their locations last year!
As Ranty Highwayman says, an eight minute presentation of everything that is wrong with UK highway design, starting from the premise that...
Except I wasn't compairing ebikes to cars like you do here, I was comparing ebikes with regular bikes, and pointing out that in the name of pedal...
I can see you've had a look at the Inverness Tourist Board Facebook page...
The Police Scotland Digital Evidence Sharing Platform being rolled out will not make it any easier to report incidents, it simply allows an...
Highway Code states: ...
Thank you.
It's great to see this sort of innovation but it's always worth reminding people who say helmets should be mandatory that most cycling fatalities...
I do indeed.
The article states the toerags were youths, so unfortunately there probably won't be any real punishment. But at least the police are appealing for...