The stunning backdrop of Framlingham College at the start of the Suffolk Sunrise 100 bike ride is a sight to behold. As one of over 1,300 riders, you will set off on this popular charity cycling sportive that offers an enjoyable mixture of town, countryside and coast on quiet lanes. The Suffolk terrain offers little resistance on this RIDE100 cycling event that is raising funds for children’s charity Action Medical Research.
With three route options the Cool 45 mile route is great if you’re a newbie to cycling or if you’ve been out of action for a while. The more challenging Classic 60 mile and Champion at 103 mile routes are ideal if you’re an experienced or regular Sportive rider.
Expect a great day in the saddle with the team on this Action Medical Research cycling event with first class support throughout the day.
I observed that the distinctions which occupy this article do not, in fact, exist. In other words, that this article is and encourages sturm und...
Which is, ironically, very rare.
New addition to the fleet, a Specialized Aethos. This is the Comp model, 12 speed 105 Di2, 10r carbon layup in pearlescent white, with upgraded...
Local 'nimbyism' dismissed as consensus is new scheme will 'increase footfall'...
If they're formally recognising phone addiction, and have noted that our eating habits (driven by stuff people want to sell us) are obeseogenic ......
Yes. Just like there's no push rod brakes or U brakes any more. Get with the program granddad.
Looks like the perpetrators were not Italian
You can't enter BC races because you don't have a BC license?...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....