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White heterosexual men lead the cycling industry, report says amid calls for more inclusive approach

The Bicycle Association's report also suggests a "widespread experience of unfair treatment, including harassment"...

The Bicycle Association has published the insights of its research into diversity in the cycling industry, releasing a report which says the senior leaders are "overwhelmingly white, heterosexual men", as well as noting "widespread experience of unfair treatment, including harassment".

The industry body's work follows its Diversity Report, published in March, and has been released in collaboration with Cycle Industries Europe's Women in Cycling programme and is supported by WORK180.

Commenting on the report, the Bicycle Association says it sheds light for the first time on critical insights and perspectives surrounding diversity and inclusivity within the cycling industry. It has been put together by surveying 1,123 people from a variety of backgrounds who work across the industry in companies and sectors of varying sizes.

Of the key findings, the report suggests that the industry is overwhelmingly led by straight white men, and that there is "widespread experience" of unfair treatment, including harassment.

Nearly half of those with disabilities hide them from their employer, while "women and those from minority groups are more likely to leave the industry". The report also highlights how women want "concrete action" on leadership and pay.

On motivations to pursue working within the cycling industry, 63 per cent of men said they were inspired by a passion for cycling, while 45 per cent of women said the same.

In March, the Bicycle Association said the "male, white, cycling enthusiast niche has reached its natural limit" and urged the bike industry to change if it wants to grow and reach new customers.

The body notes that respondents overwhelmingly expressed a desire for greater inclusivity and representation, and called on employers to sign the BA's 'Diversity Pledge' to prioritise seven "key actions to begin to address the findings".

  • Lead an inclusive, anti-discriminatory culture 

  • Implement bullying and harassment policy and communicate to all employees 

  •   Diversify leadership teams 

  •   Make pay equitable 

  •   Introduce flexible working and paid leave entitlements 

  •   Offer mentoring and career development to all 

  •   Give more visibility to women and marginalised groups

Sally Middlemiss of the Bicycle Association said the report "marks a significant step towards understanding the complex dynamics of inclusivity within all levels of the cycling industry".

"We are dedicated to driving positive change by promoting dialogue, actionable recommendations, and an environment where every individual feels welcome and empowered to achieve their career goals," she said.

Ian Beasant, managing director of Giant UK, added: "The core purpose of this BA perception survey was to understand the barriers and challenges people face in their company. The acknowledgement and commitment to supporting all equally is our industry's duty. We must create the most welcoming, inclusive and prosperous environment for all, fostering innovation, representation, and growth."

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Cugel replied to grOg | 10 months ago

grOg wrote:

So you are the product of a bossy lady.. figures.

Bossy but loving.  Try it; you'll like it!   1

Goodthink replied to mctrials23 | 10 months ago
1 like

Getting to the million dollar question.

By which means do you define "gender"

Gender stereotyping?

chrisonabike | 10 months ago

Men in charge of most stuff shocker.  Most men in charge of stuff in Europe are straight white men, exclusive reveals...

I suspect more diversity makes things better for everybody.  Even the minority who are overpriveledged who'll definitely feel a bit more equality as oppression - in the end could be better off.

However from where we are it's obviously going to be (largely) The Man reporting on The Man trying to be less like The Man.  Take a gander at the diversity of the staff of the Bicycle Association.

mark1a | 10 months ago

Next up, scientists to release new report on ursine defecation habits in arboreal areas. 

grOg replied to mark1a | 10 months ago
1 like

The question of the specific nature and site of ursine mammalian excretory processes is one that has exercised the rhetorical skills of homo sapiens sarcasticus for a considerable period of time. Given the frequent reference to this conundrum in demotic speech, it is surprising that this topic of lively debate has not been examined systematically. Paleo-ontological excavation of coprolites would indicate persistence of this behavioural trait through geological epochs.

mike the bike | 10 months ago

Is the preponderance of white, heterosexual men a surprise, given that they make up the vast majority of regular cyclists?

Coming soon - a report headlining the overwhelming number of men involved in our infantry regiments.  Send me £99 for your copy.

Left_is_for_Losers replied to mike the bike | 10 months ago
1 like

mike the bike wrote:

Is the preponderance of white, heterosexual men a surprise, given that they make up the vast majority of regular cyclists?

Coming soon - a report headlining the overwhelming number of men involved in our infantry regiments.  Send me £99 for your copy.

Or the local councils drive to get an equal representation of males and females in highways maintenance and dust bin men people

Spangly Shiny replied to Left_is_for_Losers | 10 months ago

The gender neutral word for such workers (in Dundee at least) is, "Scaffies".


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