Another week, another Kickstarter cycling product. The Infinity Seat is a unique looking sadde that claims to avoid sit bone discomfort, by removing those parts of the saddle that normally support the body.
Everyone wants a comfortable saddle and there are dozens of differently shaped and sized options on the market. But Dr. Vincent Marcel, a chiropractor with 20 years experience and a keen triathlete, wasn't happy with that choice. His search for a comfortable saddle led, he says, him to question the standard saddle design and come up with the Infinity Seat.
By removing most of the saddle, Marcel has not only created a very lightweight design, but one that doesn’t use the sit bones to support the body. Instead, the cutaway sections mean your weight is on your buttock muscles, rather than the sit bones.

Almost all saddles are designed to support the sit bones. This saddle turns that idea upside down, and completely abandons the idea that supporting the sit bones is key to saddle design.
Marcel claims that because the Infinity Seat is “designed to accommodate the rider’s skeletal structure, it fits indiscriminately of muscle mass and body type.“ And they’ve called it a seat. A seat is designed to carry your entire weight, while a saddle is intended to carry some of your weight, with your arms and legs supporting you when you ride a bicycle.
All that said, they’ve sailed past their $25,000 goal on Kickstarter and, with 15 days to go, they have currently raised $93,566 with 699 backers. Take a look here.
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Well it's red, and red is faster, so that's a good start
It's only 205 grams. That'd be a lot less with titanium rails.
I'd be keen to demo it. Could go either way. One think for it would be that I imagine it would be much harder to sit skew, like I have a tendency to do on a normal saddle.
If people are suffering from pressure related problems to their perineum it could potentially be really helpful.
Guess you'd have to take it on a long ride and see really.
Certainly a taking point when you roll up to the sunday club ride, I would like to try one and see
You don't judge how comfortable a saddle is by looking at it.
Unless you're appearing in an 80s Yellow Pages ad.
I have no clue whether it could work but it sure looks uncomfortable
Looks awfully uncomfortable to me. Saddles only cause major discomfort when one isn't supported by the sit bones. Sitting on the muscle and that just sound painful.