Charity Positive Action on Cancer (PAC) is organising a one-day charity cycle challenge for September and is looking for people to take part.
The Fromerang Cycle for PAC, organised by by Ride Your Bike Challenge Events, will take place on , September 26 and is a celebration of the Somerset town of Frome, the surrounding area and the joys of cycling.
Events Fundraiser for PAC Rosie Eliot said: “We are thrilled to be the chosen charity for such an exciting event. The route the cyclists will take is breathtaking and the training and support Ride Your Bike Challenge Events give prior to the ride will be incredibly useful for anyone wanting to take part.”
There are two rides to choose from – a 30 mile for beginners or a 50 mile half century challenge for those with stronger legs, and the route will take in quiet roads set in Somerset and Wiltshire countryside as well as wonderful views.
Riders will start in Frome and pass through Longleat Forest and Shearwater Lake, continue through the Deverills, the Wyle Valley and the woods surrounding the land of the Duke of Somerset, before finishing back in Frome.
Along with the training schedule and advice prior to the event, cyclists will be supported throughout the event with food stations, marshals, technical support and a clearly signposted route.
For a Fromerang 2009 information pack and application form email rideyourbike [at] or telephone 01373 471064.
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