We’ve been just down from Rimini on Italy’s Adriatic Coast this weekend at the Misano World Circuit for the Italian Bike Festival, and it was fantastic. We’ll be taking a look later in the week at some of the highlights of the show, but in the meantime, here’s five things we loved – and one thing we didn’t.
You can test a bike on a Moto GP circuit, and headwind apart on the home straight and the one pretty much parallel to it, the feeling of riding on a circuit like that is amazing – pro tip if you do Strava, take easy on the first lap, then watch all those PBs arrive on subsequent laps.
However tough your day has been, you will meet someone who has had it tougher, but is still smiling.
You will see all kinds of weird and wonderful bikes; who doesn’t love the bastard child of a wheelbarrow and... well, we do not know what, but it is laden with crisps which makes it a winner in our eyes.
Loads of cool stuff – from the latest state-of-the-art bikes to, well, something like this which is guaranteed to bring a warm glow to any cycling fan of a certain age.
Doggies. No, seriously. Cute dogs everywhere. Of course, the two black mini schnauzers were my favourites for reasons that are well documented on this site.
No, no, no, no, and – at the risk of repeating ourselves – no. If we want to see this sort of thing, we’ll go look at Michelangelo’s David in Florence.
If they're formally recognising phone addiction, and have noted that our eating habits (driven by stuff people want to sell us) are obeseogenic ......
I believe the Road Traffic Act 1988 disagrees with you.
Yes. Just like there's no push rod brakes or U brakes any more. Get with the program granddad.
Actually everyone is wrong, it was the 16th century as shown in the glass at Stoke Poges church *. Plus horns predate bells as a way of alerting...
Looks like the perpetrators were not Italian
You can't enter BC races because you don't have a BC license?...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....
...and maybe a third? Don't forget the M49 'ghost' junction: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/work-m49-ghost-junction-...
What a shit world we've created.