Well there's plenty of you out there with fingers crossed I'm sure, hoping that today's the day that your bike gets the cleaning setup you know it deserves. Tiffin's been taken and we've fired up the random number generator at www.random.org. There can only be one winner, and this week the fickle finger of fate is pointing in the direction of...
Congrats to a fellow Sou'Wester, we'll be boxing up all that cleansing goodness for the trip west to Taunton in the next few days. Commiserations to everyone that missed out, but it's only a matter of time before there's something else worth grabbing on road.cc. so stay tuned!
The fun's over: the snow has melted and we're back to the usual winter fayre of murky, mucky dampness. It's not much fun to ride in and your bike isn't going to thank you either, coming back from every ride caked in unspeakable filth. But help is at hand in the form of this week's schwag grab: Those nice chaps at Muc-Off have weighed in with a £250 prize fund consisting of every single conceivable thing that you could possibly need to clean your bike, pretty much. The only thing not included is elbow grease!
Have a gander at the list below and just imagine how clean your bike – and all your friends' bikes – would be if you got your hands on this mountain of cleaning goodness...
Muc-Off 1 Litre Cycle Cleaner
Muc-Off 1 Litre Cycle Cleaner
Muc-Off 5 Litre Cycle Cleaner
Muc-Off / Bikespray Value Duo Pack
8-In-One Bike Cleaning Kit
Bike Spray 500ml
Muc-Off Silicone Shine 500ml - NEW
Muc-Off Disc Brake Cleaner 400ml
Muc-Off Disc Brake Cleaner 750ml
Muc-Off Degreaser 500ml
Muc-Off Dry PTFE Chain Lube 400ml
Muc-Off Dry PTFE Chain Lube 50ml - NEW
Muc-Off Chain Cleaner 400ml
Muc-Off Quick Drying Chain Cleaner 400ml
Muc-Off Chain Doc
Muc-Off Miracle Shine Polish 500ml
Muc-Off Premium Microfibre Polishing Cloth
Muc-Off 3 x Brush Set
Muc-Off 5 x Brush Set
Individual Muc-Off Brush - 2 Prong
Individual Muc-Off Claw Brush
Individual Muc-Off Detailing Brush
Individual Muc-Off Wheel & Component Brush
Individual Muc-Off Soft Washing Brush
Muc-Off Dry Lube 125ml
Muc-Off Wet Lube 125ml
Muc-Off Puncture Repair Kit
Muc-Off Helmet Foam Fresh 400ml - NEW
Muc-Off Dirty Work Wipes
Interested? of course you are. That's over £250 of gear that'll shift the grime off a whole stable of bikes for the foreseeable future. And all you have to do to be in the hat is post a comment below! Usual schwag grab rules apply and we'll be firing up the fickle finger of fate on Monday (17 January), round about tiffin. Good luck everyone!
Check out more Muc-Off news at their facebook page
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Send me gifts
My bikes are filthy.
A wonderfully romantic Valentine's present for my boyfriend.
Me too! Mine are all very dirty!
After the recent rust and chain snapping, I will need this to keep my bike in top notch condition. Thank you.
Yes please... even after just a week back on the bike, commuting, it's damned grubby!
Soap on a rope!
Yes please
Clean bike? Sorry don't understand that concept! Will it hurt?
count me in!
the winter weather has taken its toll and my bikes really do need a thorough clean now
My Bike is Awffy dirty, it's just rode through an Embra winter.
you're talking durrty again.
Long time reader, firt time poster!
looking forward to more Schwag!!
Count me in!
I need this to clean off all the winter muck! I'm embarrassed to be seen with my bike at the moment.
I shall be winning this, thank you.
Looks fancy! Definitely needed after Strathpuffer!
That lot will keep the bike clean for a while.
Where will I keep all this schwag? Have to move the bike outside which means I need to clean it more...and I'm probably too late anyway...
So let´s leave this snowy and muddy winter behind. Getting the Mud off our bikes with MUC-OFF to be shiny and fast... Not to forget the quote of Steve Peat: "MUC-OFF can change your life too"
Not to late am I?
That should keep me out of cleaning the rest of the house few weekends!
Yes please; especially after the state my bike came back in after my ride yesterday!
just in time to bring the Schwag back - I'm very Muc-ky
Oops, no excuse now! I hereby promise to do all my fellow competitors justice by polishing furiously latebinto the night!
Oooh shiny stuff yes please
I'm so dirty, make me clean again
I'm Dirty !
come clean