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Video: Essex motorbike cop tells cyclists they mustn't ride two abreast - even after he consults Highway Code, which says they can

Officer insists: "You are making other road users drive carelessly"...

A cyclist has posted a video to YouTube showing an argument he and his riding partner had with an Essex Police motorbike officer who pulled them over and insisted they were breaking the law by not riding in single file.

 The footage was uploaded to the video-sharing site yesterday by Paul Clayton, who was told by the officer at one point, "You are causing other road users to drive carelessly."

Essex Police Biker Argues the law with Cyclists by StanCardinalBCLion

Even after consulting a copy of the Highway Code, with it taking him several minutes to find the relevant section, the officer insists that the cyclists are endangering themselves and other road users by riding side by side, and takes down their details.

Rule 66 of the Highway Code says that cyclists "should never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding round bends."

Side by Side from carltonreid on Vimeo.

In August 2015, British Cycling policy advisor Chris Boardman teamed up with driving instructor Blaine Walsh for this video produced by cycling journalist and author Carlton Reid which explains that cyclists are allowed to ride two abreast.

> Video: Chris Boardman explains why cyclists can - and do - ride two abreast

Boardman said: "According to rule 66 in the Highway Code cyclists are advised to never ride more than two abreast. So, three’s out but riding side by side is fine.”

“Think of it like this,” he continued. “In your car, you have the driver’s seat and the passenger seat, that makes a car suitable for two people to travel next to each other. Cyclists riding next to each other are doing the same thing, maybe chatting just like you would do in a car.”

As we reported at the weekend, Derbyshire Police recently published road safety advice regarding cyclists and aimed at both people on bikes and, primarily, drivers of motor vehicles.

> Derbyshire Police launch website explaining how to drive around cyclists

On the subject of cyclists riding two abreast, the force said: "It may come as a surprise to most drivers but cyclists have as much right as drivers to take up the entire lane.

"You will often see cyclists riding side-by-side, and you, as a driver, may think they’re being selfish by doing so.

"But the fact is the cyclist is actually reducing the risk of having an accident; it’s the safest way for them to cycle, particularly if there’s a blind bend, a narrowing of the road, a high risk junction, pinch point or traffic lights ahead."

NB This story was amended at 2.50pm on 15 May 2017 to reflect that the video on YouTube has been made private.


Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

What I just realised, like literally this moment, is that using clickbait videos that stir offense without actually being an organisation that does activism, is really a bit offensive itself. It's basically profiteering off of misery, misfortune and death. 


Huh. Weird I never saw it that clearly before. Guess I'm not as sharp as I think I am. Enough for me, this place has some great characters and dualists on it, but it's not right to keep baiting them like this for cash. You can't even argue that these pieces are raising awareness - the site has no outreach, it's a circle-jerk. 



leqin replied to tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

What I just realised, like literally this moment, is that using clickbait videos that stir offense without actually being an organisation that does activism, is really a bit offensive itself. It's basically profiteering off of misery, misfortune and death. 


Huh. Weird I never saw it that clearly before. Guess I'm not as sharp as I think I am. Enough for me, this place has some great characters and dualists on it, but it's not right to keep baiting them like this for cash. You can't even argue that these pieces are raising awareness - the site has no outreach, it's a circle-jerk. 




So you've been here that long and made that many posts and you've been using the internet for that many decades.... and you only just realised how the universe works.

tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

Not so, I always make that gibe, though light-heartedly, if you could trawl my post count you would see that. but I never realised how offensive the situation really is, until now.

Do you see the distinction there? If not it's okay.

Nice snipe though. I like a good snipe myself.

Anyway, I've had my say, don't want to upset pete76. He doesn't like it when you criticise this place. It's 'bad manners' enlightened


Mungecrundle | 7 years ago

"Making other road users drive carelessly"

How does that work then? Direct mind control over the motorist themselves or some sort of cyclist specific neural interface to the other road user's vehicle controls?

ChrisB200SX replied to tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

You can't even argue that these pieces are raising awareness - the site has no outreach, it's a circle-jerk. 

Yeah, it is a bit insidious, but it has raised my awareness of how uneducated this roads police officer is on policing the roads  2
As a biker, I cannot fathom how he doesn't know better?!

richardbassett01 | 7 years ago

Whats the music about?

OldRidgeback | 7 years ago

It's rather sad that when there are so few traffic offiers around these days, you get some who don't even understand the law. If I was the cyclists I'd be every bit as pissed off at them and credit to them for not getting really angry about a traffic stop they endured for not breaking the law. I hope they complain directly to the senior officer involved and ask for an apology and also further explanation of the law to the officer involved.

dodgy | 7 years ago

I this ever happens to me, I'll simply ask "am I being detained?", when the officer answers no, I'll just pedal off.


jollygoodvelo replied to ChrisB200SX | 7 years ago

ChrisB200SX wrote:

unconstituted wrote:

You can't even argue that these pieces are raising awareness - the site has no outreach, it's a circle-jerk. 

Yeah, it is a bit insidious, but it has raised my awareness of how uneducated this roads police officer is on policing the roads  2
As a biker, I cannot fathom how he doesn't know better?!

There's definitely a risk of this site simply preaching to the converted.


However - as someone who lives in Essex I have 'skin in the game'.  If anyone else would like Essex Police to investigate and perhaps explain themselves, there's nothing to stop people tweeting relevant accounts such as @essexpolice , @essexpcc , @saferessexroads , @EPRoadsPolicing , etc and asking polite questions...

jollygoodvelo replied to CXR94Di2 | 7 years ago

CXR94Di2 wrote:

 His postion was the cyclists were getting in the way, couldnt find a suitable section to pin on the fellas so got high and mighty taking details.  

Amusingly, if he'd really wanted to be a jobsworth about it, he could simply have checked their pedals for reflectors.  I'd be willing to bet they didn't have any (and neither do I).

pllb | 7 years ago

To paraphrase the Simpsons -

Ned Flanders "hey, you aren't allowed to ride two abreast"

Homer Simpson " we aren't riding to a breast, we are riding to a lake"

cidermart | 7 years ago

What a chopper!

atgni | 7 years ago

Lol. Holding up trafic and a queue behind them. Just watch the 1st 20 sec of the video and that will somewhat prove that copper just started making things up when he proved himself wrong.
Competancy training awaits hopefully. We need the laws enforced not prejudice.

gonedownhill | 7 years ago

The look on the traffic officer's face when he opens that highway code and finds out he is wrong!

TedBarnes | 7 years ago

It's disturbing that even when he is literally stood reading the relevant section in the Highway Code out loud, the copper still doesn't understand it. Looking at the road, there is no sensible way to consider it within the "ride in single file" part of the Highway Code.

The cyclist is, in my personal view, a bit too in the copper's face pretty much from the start - but then I wasn't the one stopped for no reason at all with someone that should be keeping you safe, but who is instead talking absolute rubbish that strongly suggests they have no understanding of cycling & road safety issues. 

What I find weird is the particular place that they were stopped - in the space leading up to the traffic island, with what looks like a much longer, clear section of road just the other side. They've then parked an unmarked car behind the cyclist, causing all the other traffic to pull out and then straight back in again for the traffic island. That kind of undermines the whole "you're causing other drivers to drive carelessly" nonsense to me. (as if it wasn't clearly a ridiculous comment in the first place...)


Edit: is the copper equating "busy" with fast/60mph speed limit? But in any event, it's a should, not must. 

Hug replied to jollygoodvelo | 7 years ago

jollygoodvelo wrote:

Amusingly, if he'd really wanted to be a jobsworth about it, he could simply have checked their pedals for reflectors.  I'd be willing to bet they didn't have any (and neither do I).

I think lighting regulations for pushbikes only apply from sunset to sunrise (not sunset+30 min, sunrise-30 min, plus inclement weather - as it does for motor vehicles). So he doesn't even get that. Though, how busy does a busy road need to be? Another well-written law!

antigee | 7 years ago


"You are causing other road users to drive carelessly."

never correct what is happening is drivers are choosing to drive dangerously because they lack patience 

flathunt | 7 years ago

You mustn't wear that pretty frock, you're causing other chaps to go all rapey.

Username replied to tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

You can't even argue that these pieces are raising awareness -


I disagree. I've been cycling daily since the 1960s, I have a reasonble level of respect for traffic officers doing a dangerous job with limited resources but I am shocked at this officer's lack of knowledge.

If this is indicative of the training taking place for advanced and professional road users, we have a massive battle on our hands.

This has raised my awareness.

hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

I'm so glad to see that our tax money goes to good use. I can only imagine what an idyllic place Essex must be where the only thing that the traffic police can find to do is to chastise cyclists for daring to cycle side by side. Here in Bristol, we have drivers jumping red lights at pretty much every intersection when the lights go from amber to red. We've also got plenty of speeders, but that might be something to do with our 20mph limit around the centre.

I wish I lived somewhere that was had such law-abiding citizens that the police don't even know their way around the Highway Code.

MalcolmBinns | 7 years ago

I used to get letters to from the public about cyclists in my club when we cycled two abreast or didn't use a shared use cyclepath when riding. I used to write to each of them giving the guidance from the highway code and the relevant information on minimum standards required for cycle paths from the Department of Transport.

As this video demonstrates, it's a sad reflection of our times that all road users are not aware of the Highway Code. Shame.

I'm not sure that the motorcyclist in this short video was left with any clearer idea of the guidance in the Highway Code, but they seemed to share contact details so maybe if the two cyclists contacted the local police they might be able to reach out to the motorcyclist in question and send a local "bobbie" round to show him the relevant sections and explain the meaning. It's quite clear. I'd hate for the road user to be unclear about the law.

I suspect the car driver who stopped behind may have understood the matter as he kept well away from the melee.

CXR94Di2 replied to jollygoodvelo | 7 years ago
jollygoodvelo wrote:

CXR94Di2 wrote:

 His postion was the cyclists were getting in the way, couldnt find a suitable section to pin on the fellas so got high and mighty taking details.  

Amusingly, if he'd really wanted to be a jobsworth about it, he could simply have checked their pedals for reflectors.  I'd be willing to bet they didn't have any (and neither do I).

Don't need pedal reflectors or other reflectors in daylight hours

SCBCL | 7 years ago
Metaphor | 7 years ago

Are we living in ignorance?

KarlM77 replied to SCBCL | 7 years ago

SCBCL wrote:

Video -



Category : Comedy & Entertainment  laugh

davel replied to TedBarnes | 7 years ago

gw42 wrote:

The cyclist is, in my personal view, a bit too in the copper's face pretty much from the start

I know I'm massively selectively quoting you there, and I totally agree with the rest of your posts, but I think right from the start he marks himself out as an officious prick. Gets off, wagging finger straight away.

Then it just goes downhill as he shows himself to be the best kind of officious prick - a stupid one. Yay. The cop wants them off the road, really, and I doubt I'd be willingly riding along that one, but their arguments are spot on, and his are non-existent.

StraelGuy | 7 years ago

Just watched the whole thing. Ha, ha, good on the cyclists. The guy obviously has a chip on his shoulder about cyclists and just ended up making himself look like an officious prat.

808999 | 7 years ago

Regardless of the coppers lack of knowledge his main view was their safety, cars will be going 70 on a 60, this isn't safe for cycling two a breast on a single lane road, single file with a good rear LED would be better, appreciate the law allows otherwise, just my opinion.

Looks like another typical road with poor cycling design.

CXR94Di2 replied to 808999 | 7 years ago
808999 wrote:

Regardless of the coppers lack of knowledge his main view was their safety, cars will be going 70 on a 60, this isn't safe for cycling two a breast on a single lane road, single file with a good rear LED would be better, appreciate the law allows otherwise, just my opinion.

Looks like another typical road with poor cycling design.

When drivers are presented with a clear lane with one or two cyclists in single file will rarely scrub off speed if they think they can get by without moving over to the other lane. When confronted with no option(2 abreast) but to slow down and assess when they have to move into the other carriageway either partially or fully. The driver has to come out of autopilot mode and think

Housecathst | 7 years ago
1 like

A motorcyclist giving safety advise lol.

its only a matter of time before he rides that thing into a tree or a wall or a building. 


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