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Trek launches female-only technician scholarship - and some men are apoplectic

Sexist keyboard warriors out to have their say at the news

Trek Bicycles has run its first ever Women's Expert Technician course to help female technicians find their way in the cycling industry.

The six-day scholarship-funded course, run at their global headquarters in Waterloo, USA, is part of the School of Certified Service, which aims to bring through a greater number of women into the business.

The brand stated: “With women making up less than 10 percent of technicians in the bicycle industry today, it is our goal to grow this number substantially.”

Each scholarship has an approximate value of $3,000 and is awarded based on the qualification of the entrant, as well as the quality of the application.

This week, Trek posted the above photograph to their Facebook account, saying: “The first ever Women's Expert Technician course is in progress at the Trek global headquarters this week.

“The six-day, scholarship-funded course is the third in a series of women's-focused courses designed to provide growth opportunities and increase diversity within the cycling industry.”

Unfortunately the post wasn’t met with unmitigated accolades, with a number of sexist keyboard warriors pitching in.

Lars de Waardt said: “I think it's nonsense to make women only courses as if a woman isn't capable to keep up with a man when it comes to working on a bicycle. I love the Trek brand and I do not think different about it but this is just plain silly.”

Trek answered: “The course curriculum is exactly the same for all of our classes, because all classes are open to everyone. This is a class designed to give the opportunity to an under-represented population of mechanics and technicians in our industry. The take aways and skill level obtained are EXACTLY the same.”

Scott Allred added: “Let me know when there is a mens only expert course. won't happen because that would be sexist. Common [sic], trek, enough with the PC crap. It's not like woman we're excluded from previous courses.”

Trek responded: “Everyone is welcome in all of our courses. This one is focused on encouraging women to participate, because we know this industry can be a challenging place for women, where they feel less like peers and more as something to be looked at.”


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ClubSmed replied to urbane | 8 years ago

urbane wrote:

The reason why some women got/get paid less is for basic reproduction and economic reasons; sensible women try to have babies, this is very costly for an employer in benefits pay and years of loss of a trained worker, and males have primal psychological needs for some endeavours with no female prescence.

Women are only sensible if they try and have babies?!? WHAT!?!

Given that maternity leave is now transferable between the Mother and Father the potential of a worker being off for a time with childcare should start to be spread across the genders.

Primal psycological need for some endevours with no female presence? I am not sure that mentality of a time when we were apes is relevent in todays society.

urbane wrote:

The cruel irony of women trying to have their cake and eat it, is that by working on long careers, wasting their nubile youth sleeping around and maybe late marriage,  is that they may no longer be attractive enough for men to marry, try to have childen too late, when their ovaries are exhausted/damaged, later get avoidable female ill heath, like breast cancer, because their Breasts were never or too late matured and protected by pregnancy and nursing *,  and/or become unhappy cat 'ladies' who can become nasty, jealous feminists, so have cause stupid and unfair laws.

* See the book "Breasts" by Florence Williams for the Science on this.

Women challenge Nature at their cost as well as Mens', and no amount of precious, wishful thinking, pink, unicorn, princess fantasies and laws are going to change that.

I really don't know where to start with this, words fail me really.

Just what the actual???

davel replied to urbane | 8 years ago
urbane wrote:

davel wrote:
velo-nh wrote:

bumble wrote:

I agree with those that think positive discrimination is an imperfect, non-ideal tool.

but if we're going to get all hot and bothered about discrimination, positive or otherwise, how about we start with the entire rest of the world first?

or are some of you men so insecure that you can't see one single sign that says 'no men, not today' without feeling threatened? As if automatically being at the front of the queue for the rest of the known universe isn't enough somehow?


There is no such thing as positive discrimination.  It's discrimination regardless of the intent.  The rest of the world?  Irrelevant.  This article is about what Trek is doing and that's what is being discussed.  Feeling threatened?  Nothing of the sort.  People are rightly pointing out that what Trek is doing is disciminatory.  No fear, no hate, just pointing out what it is.  You wouldn't turn a blind eye to a racist policy, why allow it for a sexist one?


Except that 'positive action' is already legal and widely used (over here at least; not sure about across the pond but it's unlikely Trek are doing anything illegal). A 'blind eye' is already turned to what is a crude tool. Unfortunately it's the lesser of two evils when the other is dominance of particular work environments and trades by particular groups of people.

Just because something is legal doesn't make it fair, right or moral e.g. another example is banks being allow to create multiple of the input currency out of thin air via debt instruments for massive profit compared to their costs; debt which can never be paid back!

Some women may like the warm embrass of Socialist state 'support' via Socialist Third Wave Femininist corruption, but that does not make it a good idea because it isn't financially, culturally, or population sustainable, and there should be no surprise at the growing push back from awake males now via activism and passive detachment!


Look out! Someone's watched a cartoon on fractional reserve!

I see you got your sociobiology education from Tom & Jerry, too.

Edit - Holy shit: I've just read your other post.

Could people stop having breakdowns on these pages, pleeeeeeease.

james_from_stoke | 8 years ago
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What happens when they leave the  course and have to work in bike shops with predominantly male staff? Or are they only going to work in women's bike shops that only serve female customers? If women are avoiding mixed courses because they don't want to be with men, then that's their problem. Equally though, they should be able to go to mixed courses without fear of any kind of abuse.  But segregation is not the answer.

There are bound to be less female mechanics at the moment, because there are less female cyclists. As the numbers cycling increase, so will the number of mechanics. Cycling (certainly road cycling anyway) is generally a very accepting and welcoming community, composed mostly of those who are more socially mobile - the kind of guy that makes crude jokes and shares trump's "special handshake" is usually the kind of guy that wouldn't dare wear lycra or drive anything with less than a 2 litre engine.

Jackson replied to james_from_stoke | 8 years ago
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james_from_stoke wrote:

Cycling (certainly road cycling anyway) is generally a very accepting and welcoming community

I think that's generally true but the pathetic old fogeys whingeing in this thread show there's still a way to go.

Krazyfrenchkanuck | 8 years ago

To me it looks like a great initiative.

Did it ever occurred to you that you might be the type of men that Trek want to shield these women from ?
With more than 10 posts on the subject, you sure looks like someone who always wants to have the last word.

Stumps | 8 years ago
1 like

I have no problems with this at all. If they want to run an all female course let them what harm does it do ?
No doubt there will be some who are apoplectic over this but who really cares, it's only a course and if they are better than men then that's tough on the men.

Al__S | 8 years ago



Christ almighty you lot are the worst.

SouthCraven | 8 years ago

I'd be all for getting more women into the industry.  But why are people so hung up about doing so?  If women really wanted to work as bike mechanics they would do so.

The reality is its a dirty, low paid and practically thankless job.  A world away from all these courses with brand new bikes in clean workshops.

Jobs like this and others similar are male dominated because most women don't want to do them.  Some do, which is great but they'll always be in the minority.  So whats the problem?


velo-nh | 8 years ago
1 like

"sexist keyboard warriors"



"by Sarah Barth"

Now it makes sense.  Looks like has a sexist keyboard warrior writing articles.  Got a lot of comments which means a lot of page hits which undoubtedly makes the advertisers happy.  Chappeau.


beezus fufoon | 8 years ago

seems to me this argument is moot - bike mechanic is a shit job, long hours, poorly paid - it's like seeing people argue over the right to be trained as a toilet cleaner!

Jimmy Ray Will | 8 years ago

Reading these threads reminds me how un down with the kids I actually am.

I'd love to simply celebrate this initiative and say well done trek, but there is something sticking in my throat.

Did I read it right that trek is funding these classes to the tune of 3000 dollars a throw?

If I did, then that's where I sadly get off. I utterly agree with providing segragated classes for women, men are dicks and I can see why breaking into a male dominated environment would be off putting.

However by funding these courses, trek are actively giving opportunities to someone not available to others purely on their gender... the very definition of discrimination.

I have a daughter and a son... now if either came to me asking to fund them to become a mechanic, I wouldn't, right now have the cash to do so... so essentially my sons quest to be a mechanic stops there... however, my daughter can get funded purely because she is a woman.

To me that's not what equality looks like.

Maybe I'm too blinkered by my balls.

That said, it would be good for one of them to live their mechanical dreams so well done trek!

timb27 | 8 years ago

Trek make a perfectly laudable decision to actively encourage more women into technical roles. A bunch of men get all antsy because they feel they are being discriminated against, even though the overwhelming majority of bike technicians are men. 

Really? You lot are *proper* hilarious. The fact that it was started by someone with the username dinosaur leads me to suspect satire.

VeloPeo | 8 years ago

Fuck me what a depressing set of posts.

DrDave replied to VeloPeo | 8 years ago
1 like

VeloPeo wrote:

Fuck me what a depressing set of posts.

Aye, couldn't agree more. So much ignorance.  

Jackson | 8 years ago

God, how much of a saddo would you have to be to feel threatened by a woman getting a hand to become a bike mechanic. 

Rich_cb | 8 years ago

In my opinion these single gender courses are an admission of failure on Trek's part.

If there is a lot of demand for female only courses then it will show that Trek's previous courses were being actively avoided by women.

Trek would then have to ask themselves how they allowed such an intimidating culture to develop on their courses.

These single gender courses shouldn't be seen as a definitive solution but merely as a step towards successful mixed courses.

frogg | 8 years ago

my daughter (27 years )  is an engineer, works in a refinery and she's reponsible of 4 units; not especially a woman friendly environment. She didn't have any special treatment or consideration because she's small, young and  female. Why would have had one? Ya want to know her nickname ? Little Stalin.


Jamminatrix | 8 years ago

White males... The only group you can legally discriminate against.

bikebot replied to Jamminatrix | 8 years ago

Jamminatrix wrote:

White males... The only group you can legally discriminate against.

True. I've always noticed how badly represented white males are in cycling.

How about a group hug?

CygnusX1 replied to Jamminatrix | 8 years ago

Jamminatrix wrote:

White males... The only group you can legally discriminate against.

Oh, grow up.

frogg replied to Jamminatrix | 8 years ago

Jamminatrix wrote:

White males... The only group you can legally discriminate against.

Besides, if you are Christian, it's worse ...

Remember all this gender-racial-sexual_orientation-religious "discrimination" is just a tool for the Marxists/Globalists to divide and conquer us. You just have to read "Rules for radicals" from Saul Alinsky. And guess what ? He was the subject of Hillary Clinton's senior thesis.  Hillary, the first female President of the United States. Too bad.

stomec replied to frogg | 8 years ago

frogg wrote:

Jamminatrix wrote:

White males... The only group you can legally discriminate against.

Besides, if you are Christian, it's worse ...

Remember all this gender-racial-sexual_orientation-religious "discrimination" is just a tool for the Marxists/Globalists to divide and conquer us. You just have to read "Rules for radicals" from Saul Alinsky. And guess what ? He was the subject of Hillary Clinton's senior thesis.  Hillary, the first female President of the United States. Too bad.

Erm.. I think I forgot that bit about the Marxists/Globalists dividing and conquering us. I must have dozed off in tinfoil hat conspiracy nutter class. Can you remind us?  Could do with a laugh....

Alf0nse | 8 years ago


jay Lou and murph are #sadface 

they ask you to stop 

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

The purpose is to increase interaction as the current situation is woeful at only 10%. Merit arguments only apply in isolation  in a pure meritocracy, of which I know none of in history. 


Your example is is a good one. Let's take this working class workshop in Scotland full of rough lads. Do you think women of all backgrounds would feel at ease there? Sincerely? Training for such places will be somewhat similar to the workshop itself, as the same sort of people populate it.


You refer to these women as snowflakes and buttercups, but I can tell you straight up that these rough working class Scottish guys would feel equally uneasy if I stuck them somewhere like say a city finance group interview. A dinner at legal chambers, etc.


So who are the 'buttercups' then?


Easy to talk big when you stay in your comfort zone, but I've seen how horribly uncomfortable burly, tattooed, rough working class Scottish blokes fare in mixed environments, likes planes. Confidence shattered. Sit and squirm in their seats. Can't be all shouty now,  mates aren't about. Just a bunch of judgemental strangers who act and dress nothing like you. 


Just as guys born into council estates and may not have high self esteem need help with social mobility, so too do women need help with feeling accepted into technical disciplines. So too do minorities feeling accepted into massively predominantly white workplaces and sports. 


We we need to bring out  the best in people. Accept each other's causes. Not cast knee jerk scorn at anything that isn't our bag.  

Ush replied to tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

unconstituted wrote:

We we need to bring out  the best in people. Accept each other's causes. Not cast knee jerk scorn at anything that isn't our bag.  


Brilliant post.  Thank you. 

beezus fufoon | 8 years ago

I think this course seriously discriminates against those who have absolutely no interest in bike mechanics whatsoever, it's an outrage!


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