A man hoping to take taking part in the Canterbury leg of the World Naked Bike Ride yesterday was told to put his trousers back on and leave the event before it began – after getting “overexcited.”
The cathedral city in Kent was hosting its edition of the event, designed to highlight both the vulnerability of cyclists and the effects on the environment of fossil fuels, for the third year.
According to a witness quoted on BT.com, ''Everyone was taking their clothes off to get ready for the ride. I heard gasps and I turned around – it was a horrible sight.
"It's fair to say he was overexcited and got aroused. It looked like he was enjoying the event a bit too much.
"One of the organisers went over to him and told him to put his trousers on while speaking on a walkie-talkie to police.
"The man looked sheepish when he was spoken to by the police."
Participants had been warned by organisers beforehand that “the police have confirmed they will act on any inappropriate behaviour and we, the organisers, will support that.”
Chief Inspector Mark Arnold from Kent Police said: "One individual was spoken to by the protest organiser and stewards and he was required to get dressed and leave the protest, which he did.
“His details were taken by police but no action will be taken against the man.”
Organiser Barry Freeman said on the event’s Facebook page: "We do not accept this behaviour, and he was dealt with and removed before the ride started."
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Are we sure it wasn't just his mini pump?
Could the mods please lock this thread before another helmet debate kicks off.
Was he riding a Chopper?
These events seem to be all about exhibitionism to me (to draw attention more than to sexually stimulate). I've seen the London one go by a couple of times and none of the participants looked anything like any keen cyclist I know.
The calling the police thing is ridiculous, like someone said above, he wasn't jerking off.
The whole thing's pathetic, but then so's the event.
It does seem that they were a bit hard on him.
Sometimes these things just happen (I remember being young). Cold water from a bidon or a picture of Eric Pickles should've resolved the situation.
I think it was the other way round.
It is utterly absurd though. As someone else commented, how on earth can someone in a perfectly natural state be accused of being a "horrible sight". The modern world is fucked up in head.
> "I heard gasps and I turned around – it was a horrible sight."
Oh my, the male anatomy doing its thing is a "horrible sight". What an idiotic response to an unfortunate incident.
I wasn't aware that cycling around with what, at first glance, appears to be a small and badly plucked bird landed on your lap that unfortunately broke its neck on impact, would be any less horrible tbh.
Its odd that in a culture which worships the sexualisation of everything that we get so worked up over a willy.
So just because a man had a hard penis there was a reason to kick him out
? It's like giving a baby a bottle to drink from and expecting that he won't spill some of it on himself. As I understood he was not masturbating to them... being aroused is natural behavior and most probably he felt very uncomfortable already. For them to just kick him out must have felt really bad, not to mention giving the details to the police... In regards to the event itself one thing doesn't make sense. They wanted to make more awareness in term of cyclist vulnerability on the road, but managed to only amuse journalist on nudes...
OMG like none of us ever got an erection just out of the blue
He should have worn a helmet!
I'd say they stiffed him
Was he wheelie excited?