There's a time and a place for taking a selfie and a shot posted to Instagram by professional photographer Kristof Ramon has led to a young Irish cyclist with the Nicolas Roche Performance Team development squad learning that lesson the hard way. Ramon's camera captured David McCarthy taking a selfie with an exhausted Marcel Kittel after the Giant-Shimano sprinter had collapsed to the ground after winning Stage 3 of the Giro d’Italia in Dublin on Sunday.
McCarthy has apologised to Kittel after Ramon's picture went viral once being posted to Instagram resulting in predictable levels of online vitriol being heaped upon the young Irishman for the inappropriateness of his actions. Kittel had just celebrated his birthday by taking his second Giro stage win in as many days.
Ramon’s photo was later posted side by side on Twitter by Cycling Flash with McCarthy’s own selfie, with Kittel’s face showing what appears to be a mixture of incredulity and offence.
Some people commenting on the photo seemed to assume it was taken in the aftermath of a crash, although in fact it was after Kittel had sealed his stage win.
This morning, Nicolas Roche posted a message on Twitter on behalf of McCarthy in which he apologised to Kittel and anyone else offended by his selfie.
McCarthy posted a number of other selfies taken at the Giro Big Start to his own Instagram feed, including ones with Tinkoff-Saxo owner Oleg Tinkov, and team manager Bjarne Riis.
For Kittel, Sunday's win marked his last particpation in the race, which resumed in Italy today with a stage to Bari.
After his victories in Belfast on Saturday and Dublin the following day, his withdrawal from the race this morning due to a fever denies him the chance of going for the distinction of winning three consecutive Grand Tour stages in three different countries.
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I'm gonna stick up for the lad here. It was no big deal, he meant no offence. David is just a young lad and we should all cut him some slack. Yeah Kittel ain't smiling in the moment because of what he's just been through physically, but I don't doubt that he sees the humour in all of this - at least he should. I don't know who you think you are calling this young athlete of our fine sport offensive names over something so trivial. I think you need to grow up and get some perspective BOY!
Dear me, I think you need to calm down. The only one who would be getting done for assault, with the kind of attitude you display, would be yourself.
The kid has admitted he made a mistake, and apologised. It's not like he tried to nick his sunglasses or mess about with his bike. Kittel has TV and press cameras shoved in his face 10 seconds after crossing the line every time he wins a stage.
Really, I struggle to find words to reply to your stupidity.
The selfie may have been mistimed but he's clearly been caught up in the moment. Kittel is a professional athlete and should be well used to the camera, at all times, if not he should find a less "public" job.
I suspect your real issue is that you didn't get the picture with Kittel, that's the truth isn't it, go on, you can admit it, jealously is ugly but okay.
Yes your right... I will admit your an idiot
Blimey, don't let Kaner see you using "your" when you should be using "you're" - that really will open a can of worms!
Joking aside, a poor response, you really should try harder.
erm... have you even read your reply to the person my original
comment was aimed at....who is the chump now...f*cktard!
...witty reply I think not...
were you a big bully at school, secretly a mummy's boy, but felt the need to show bravado...take a long hard look at your own stupidity before responding to someone else's replies...give it a rest (and stop liking your own posts)...and wasting forum space.
Oh dear, are you still up!?
Of course I read it you fool, I wrote it! His comment, very much like everything you write is pure twattery.
Of course I like my own posts, I write them.
Now, I've got things to do and I'm sure you've got sandals to polish and socks to iron so run along, there's a good lad.
Well, considering that Kittel doesn't seem to be that arsed or offended I'm not sure you can be on his side.
This really isn't a deal, he has had a snap at a potentially personal moment but is it any more personal a moment than Kittel losing himself in the moment and roaring out in exultation with a teary eye? It's not assault, he hasn't laid a finger on him, look at how other riders get mauled and pawed at as they pass at considerable speed, that's much much more invasive and offensive.
I'm sure the lad involved has blown his own arse out on a few times in training or he wouldn't be in development squad that he is, so if you want karma to come back and bite him on the arse then I can guarantee you that if he finds himself in a similar post race situation then it is nailed on that there is going to be a queue of teenage lads just waiting to rip the piss out of him. I can't tell by your username what your gender is but if you are male then you'll probably remember being a teenage male with other teenage males. We were fucking brutal. Awful pisstaking gobshites if truth be told.
The main crux of this story is giddiness, the lad got giddy and took a photo, then social media got giddy and wanted to crucify him for it.
Of all the things to get worked up by in the world this ranks even lower than Eurovision. Honestly it does. And I utterly despise Eurovision.
Its not a big deal.
Its a sign of the times that people take pictures of themselves and we are supposed to think its funny or entertaining., its not.Wish big kit had smacked him, now that would be entertaining!!
cool pic
I'm more concerned that a small child has been turned into a walking Adidas advert.
Surely Kittel has his picture taken all the time, I'm certain he's had to deal with worse press than this one kid and his iPhone.
Kittel doesn't seem too fazed:
Gave a little lecture about playing with fire(works), but the
at the end suggests he's not too pee'd off.
What about the tv crews and press photographers and the fella trying to stick a microphone in Kittels cake hole and getting up all in his face and that?
Not saying this kid did the right thing but lets put this in a bit context eh?
Storm in a tea cup, the young lad was just having fun, he hasn't tried to nick his helmet, he hasn't thrown his arms around him for a picture and he hasn't tried to pick up his bike to take a funny photo. I'm disappointed by the uproar, I'd like to know what Marcel thinks because if he genuinely was annoyed I will not be supporting him in future. He retweeted the apology - I would think it would be better for him to say no apology needed, it was a bit of harmless fun.
I wish the kid didn't apologise but it is a sign of the PC times we live in where things can be viral in minutes. He should have just said it was a picture, get over it.
Kittel has just pulled out of the Giro saying he has flash burn and cant see
Same here - I 'LOL'd'. I bet even Marcel will see the funny side, but maybe not for a few weeks/months....
i still think its kinda funny, not very professional for an up and comming cyclist, but still a little giggle was had