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Is hungover on Belgian beer or something?

Everything seems painfully slow this morning - is that just me, or is it like that for everyone?

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hawkinspeter replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
1 like

Probably the quickest way to get things working properly again.

Steve K replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
1 like

We've also lost my maths to work out the full price of the new Hiplock lock - which I was quite proud of and was the main result of me helping my daughter prepare for her 11+ (well, subject to whether she's passed or not)

Hirsute replied to Steve K | 3 years ago
1 like

I think you said £250.

Rendel Harris replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

 Yes, I went politicising things again (according to Rich CB) by responding to NG's perfectly innocent comment:

"​The bloke with the green rosette, EU Flag and rainbow emoji needs to understand that he acts as a role model for other remainers"

I'm awful me, see politics in everything...

I don't think anyone's comments have been removed, looks like they've lost pretty much everything from today and have had to revert to a backup from yesterday.

ktache replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

There was quite a bit of "site maintenance" and all comments from the last eighteen hours seem to have disappeared.

Hirsute replied to ktache | 3 years ago

Ah yes, I was going by the latest comments threads without looking at the comments.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to ktache | 3 years ago

Although it is a good maintenance page window. Almost as clever as the 404 page.

Rich_cb replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

Which you replied to with what exactly Rendel?

A rant about right wingers being stupid.

So, yes, you did politicise it by escalating it quite so ridiculously.

You're just as bad as all those you shout 'Troll' at routinely.

Rendel Harris replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago

One sentence. NG said, ridiculously, that the helmetless councillor was "a role model to remainers." I said that maybe the right were stupid enough to ape their leaders in everything they did but on the left we have the brains to make up our own minds. That was it. That's not a rant. If you want to waste your time accusing me of trolling every time I challenge a rightist comment on here, fill your boots, but it just makes you look a bit desperate really.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

Shame you didn't point out the Conservative MP who tweeted out that Pedestrians are at the bottom of a very long list of priorities on the road as the example with cars and Lorries the first thing. That was after him commenting it was stupid for cars to leave a little space for pedestrians to be able to cross infront of petrol stations because "someone else would queue jump into that space". 

brooksby replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

... That was after him commenting it was stupid for cars to leave a little space for pedestrians to be able to cross infront of petrol stations because "someone else would queue jump into that space". 

That seems to be a very common attitude.  Even in a queue of traffic toward traffic lights, people don't like it if you leave (oh, I don't know) a gap so that other people can get in or out of a side road.


OT, anecdote from last night: long queue of traffic heading toward Portishead on the A369.  Nose to tail from Abbots Leigh down to the Pill junction, as there are temporary traffic lights on Haberfield Hill.  I'm on the cycle path, go through a gap between cars onto the refuge.  Look to my left and check nothing's coming.  Start to move but my spidey sense shrieks so I don't move, just as a delivery scooter races past from my right on the wrong side of the traffic island...  That little trick managed to get him maybe five or six cars further forward in the queue surprise

wycombewheeler replied to brooksby | 3 years ago

brooksby wrote:

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

... That was after him commenting it was stupid for cars to leave a little space for pedestrians to be able to cross infront of petrol stations because "someone else would queue jump into that space". 

That seems to be a very common attitude.  Even in a queue of traffic toward traffic lights, people don't like it if you leave (oh, I don't know) a gap so that other people can get in or out of a side road.


OT, anecdote from last night: long queue of traffic heading toward Portishead on the A369.  Nose to tail from Abbots Leigh down to the Pill junction, as there are temporary traffic lights on Haberfield Hill.  I'm on the cycle path, go through a gap between cars onto the refuge.  Look to my left and check nothing's coming.  Start to move but my spidey sense shrieks so I don't move, just as a delivery scooter races past from my right on the wrong side of the traffic island...  That little trick managed to get him maybe five or six cars further forward in the queue surprise

I've noticed that drivers are more likely to let a car out of a side road into the queue in front of them, than they are to leave a gap so cars coming in the other direction can turn right into the sid road, causing them no delays whatsoever.

I don't understand myself, they will even stop across the entry side of the road to allow someone out of the exit in front of them.

And near zero chance of leaving a gap at a pedestrian crossing, or waiting for pedestrians to cross before moving 5metres forward because the car in front moved 5m forward.

ktache replied to wycombewheeler | 3 years ago

Even though stopping on a ped crossing is an offence, 3 pointer I think.

brooksby replied to ktache | 3 years ago

It's not just stopping on a pedestrian crossing, but not leaving a gap so pedestrians can conveniently access a refuge/island.  In a long line of stationary traffic, you'd think that leaving a two metre gap wouldn't be such a big deal and yet...

AlsoSomniloquism replied to wycombewheeler | 3 years ago
1 like

As with alot of things, Ogmios covered that in an extract on one of his Zen videos with him stopping to let cars come across and commenting on the Personalised Plate guy ahead who didn't.

Rich_cb replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago
1 like

I enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy Rendel.

What was the definition of trolling you were touting a while back?

Something about inflammatory language?

You seem to make a lot of inflammatory posts for one so dedicated to ridding this site of its 'trolls'.

Rendel Harris replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago

You're just making yourself look a little bit silly, not to mention obsessed, now, do carry on as much as you wish. I appear already to be living rent-free inside your soulmate Nigel's head, perhaps I can use yours as the weekend cottage.

I'm sure other people find this extremely boring though, so unless you actually want to address anything about cycling rather than simply miserably failing to show I'm a troll, this is the last response you'll get on the matter from me.

Rich_cb replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

I notice you haven't actually challenged my point.

You routinely use inflammatory language on this forum and then criticise others for the same behaviour.

You're an obsessive hypocrite.

chrisonabike replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago

Looks like I missed most of the excitement.  I had just tried to post a summary of where we'd started from before the shouting when the site fell over. I blamed myself for posting an incendiary comment like:

We have a story of two politicians here - we elect them to choose where our money gets spent, to choose the priorities. Otherwise we wouldn’t care what they said and thought. We currently spend billions on "specialist" motor vehicle infrastructure and a rather small fraction of that on cycling and walking. Our story starts with one who is getting a new bike. The second politician then enters and the first comment he makes is that the first one should wear a helment because otherwise he’s setting a bad example.

chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

There goes my pithy solution to all the transport issues in this country and also the last word on helmets.  Topics which we'll probably never discuss again. Never mind, I'll stay for the cheap puns and snark.

TheBillder replied to chrisonabike | 3 years ago
1 like

I'll look forward to the Fermat's Last Rim Brake theorem. And your ultimate analysis of whither the door mirror.

chrisonabike replied to TheBillder | 3 years ago
1 like

It's WING MIRROR the reflecty thing that looks back! But yes, quo vadisc brake?

Hirsute | 3 years ago

Slowing down again.

Notice it more when there is more than one page and you click on 2 and nothing happens and you wonder if you did click correctly.

Jack Sexty | 3 years ago

Hi all, really sorry about the issues over the last couple of days. We believe it's to do with a new feature release on the site, that has now been reverted while it's fixed so things should be back to normal. 

Mine's a Chouffe by the way, but judging by our website's performance recently I think it has been on the Bush Prestige De Nuits, a 13 percenter from Belgium's Hainaut province... 

Hirsute | 3 years ago

Half an hour later and it is now ok !

Hirsute | 3 years ago
1 like

It is awful.

I have addons that don't load extraneous stuff and it is still extremely slow.

No issues on other sites.

Sriracha replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
1 like

Just up-voting your comment brought out the spinning circle of doom. Yeah, it's super slow, like me going uphill, but slower!

kil0ran | 3 years ago

Me too. 

Seems to be third-party site components which are taking an age to load and slowing down the site. Even as a subscriber it's slow so it's not ad stuff (unless that still loads for subscribers but is then hidden in the front end?)

kil0ran replied to kil0ran | 3 years ago

For some reason it's heading off to - which is a payments gateway?

Hirsute replied to kil0ran | 3 years ago

My script blocker stops that I and was still having issues. Ok today though.


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