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Is hungover on Belgian beer or something?

Everything seems painfully slow this morning - is that just me, or is it like that for everyone?

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Rich_cb replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago
1 like

Don't blame me.

I didn't revive it.

I'm merely exposing the dishonesty/forgetfulness of other posters.

Why you'd want to post easily disprovable lies is another question.

mdavidford replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago

I wasn't blaming you. Or at least, not just you (as my mum would have said, 'I don't care who started it - you all carried it on'). Yours just happened to be the last comment in the thread when I caught up to it.

I was just rolling my eyes in despair at the whole lot of it.

Rich_cb replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

Wise words from your mum!

To be honest I wasn't exactly delighted to see that discussion come back to life either.

An eye roll is entirely warranted.

markieteeee replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago
1 like

Hahaha.  Nice try at re-opening the debate that even your defender can't be bothered to read.  I'll reply this once.

There was nothing misleading about my statement. Oddly your claim that it's misleading is followed by you agreeing with it. You reaffirm your support for the Austrailian policy, which includes paying people traffickers.  So you do indeed support this. And you say that you support it because you believe it saves lives.  This is exactly what I said.  

You've literally reworded my comment while simultaneously claiming it's misleading.

As we both know, the best that can be said about the Australian policy is that it has reduced reported deaths in Australian waters, which seems to be the hair you'd like to split.  But the same people are simply drowning elsewhere or, in many cases, being returned to countries where they meet an awful fate. It pushes deaths and suffering to other countries, which is also mentioned in your favoured article. I don't think that this is the best way for a civilised country to go; your point is that it reduces drowings off one particular coast so it's successful.  We disagree about this, so I won't be replying when you inevitably engage in your usual tactics. Maybe someone else will bite  1

By the way, you repeat the phrase 'refresh your memory' a couple of times in your comment and you also keep reposting the same link that doesn't really back up your claim. It's no big deal but I'm mentioning in case you weren't aware. 

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday.

Rich_cb replied to markieteeee | 3 years ago

You really seem to struggle with basic comprehension.

That link completely demolishes your original claim on this thread. I did not make an 'incorrect' claim. The claim I made is entirely supported by the evidence.

There is no evidence that all the drownings are occurring elsewhere as you claim. Your claim is analysed and dismissed in that very same link.

I was very careful on the previous thread to make it clear I did not endorse the paying of people traffickers yet you persist with that lie.

You continually try to claim my support for all aspects of the Australian policy when I have been explicitly clear that the safe returning of boats is the only aspect I support.

When you choose to post easily disprovable lies on an open forum all you do is diminish your own reputation on said forum.

Feel free to post any evidence to support your claim.

I'll wait.

hawkinspeter replied to markieteeee | 3 years ago

markieteeee wrote:

Nice try at re-opening the debate that even your defender can't be bothered to read.

If you're referring to me as Rich_cb's defender, then I was acting more as a character witness (assuming that's even possible across t'interwebs). Don't go bringing my boredom threshold into this - I didn't even read all of your reply. Personally, I doubt very much that anyone on this site gets involved at all with people trafficking.

markieteeee replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

HP - it wasn't a dig at you, it was more that I was thinking that people are maybe tired of this being dragged up again and again. I happened to see your comment, which neatly evidenced this point, just as I saw his reply. So it was no way saying that you defend his views or have a low boredom threshold, it was this. 

hawkinspeter replied to markieteeee | 3 years ago
1 like

markieteeee wrote:

HP - it wasn't a dig at you, it was more that I was thinking that people are maybe tired of this being dragged up again and again. I happened to see your comment, which neatly evidenced this point, just as I saw his reply. So it was no way saying that you defend his views or have a low boredom threshold, it was this. 

No worries - I didn't consider it to be a dig at me at all (and I do have a low boredom threshold unless it involves squirrels). I'll quite happily defend some of his views (and not so much others) - he often brings an interesting point of view to discussions.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

I'm guessing it is the same thing I mentioned several weeks ago. The site has embedded a video into the pages halfway down that then auto plays. Because they do that, the browsers will then continue playing the preview as you continue scrolling. On desktops, it sits bottom right but on mobile devices.....

Mungecrundle replied to Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

Blimey, I only wanted to mention an irritating and pointless feature of the website, not start a full on handbag fight.

FWIW I do not consider any of the above posters to be at all trollish, just different points of view, or at worst playing Devil's advocate to stimulate interesting counter argument.

Tony Farrelly | 3 years ago

Evening all!
As you've noticed the site has been having a bit of a mare today… after a difficult week, to the point where earlier on this evening we had to revert the whole thing to basically yesterday. 
So first off, apologies to anyone whose lost any comments posted between then and this evening - top marks if you did manage to post anything after mid morning. 
We've been able to put back all the features and tech news that we lot, but so far we haven't been able to get the news back - we will though. 

hawkinspeter replied to Tony Farrelly | 3 years ago

Sounds pretty stressful - go get yourself a beer once things settle down

mdavidford replied to Tony Farrelly | 3 years ago
1 like

Given where some of the comments have gone on this post, I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to give it a couple more beers and send it for a lie down again.

Rendel Harris replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago
1 like

Isn't it okay, and indeed interesting, for discussions to develop and go in different directions? Or should t'internet be like a work meeting where nobody deviates from the agenda?

mdavidford replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

Discussions and whatnot, sure. It was the mutual abuse and insults I was referring to.

Rendel Harris replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago
1 like

OK, but as a paid subscriber (be interesting to know how many others pay) to a website I care about I'm not going to stop challenging rightist trolls who stink up the joint. Everyone's free not to read their rubbish or indeed mine.

Hirsute replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago
1 like

There are only a couple of trolls at the moment and one pbu.
Best the ignore unless they go anti semtic or equivalent.

Rendel Harris replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago


ktache replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

I looked it up the other day, it was used in reference to cyclistformerlyknownas, previously banned user...


Rendel Harris replied to ktache | 3 years ago

Ah seen, thanks.

Hirsute replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

Previously Banned User

Hirsute | 3 years ago
1 like

Some very odd moderating going on.

Why remove comments from here by HP and myself?

Where is today's live blog?

Was it removed because Rendel was too political?

hawkinspeter replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

Maybe they rolled back to a previous version?

Steve K replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

Maybe they rolled back to a previous version?

It must be that - my comment on baggy shorts seems to have gone, and not even our Nige could have found a political angle to that.

Rendel Harris replied to Steve K | 3 years ago

Steve K wrote:

It must be that - my comment on baggy shorts seems to have gone, and not even our Nige could have found a political angle to that.

Oh I wouldn't bet on that - highly political shorts can be. Possibly my favourite lines in all of Wodehouse are when Bertie Wooster attacks Roderick Spode, who has set up a group of fascists called the Blackshorts (because when he came to do so all the coloured shirts were taken):

“The trouble with you, Spode, is that just because you have succeeded in inducing a handful of half-wits to disfigure the London scene by going about in black shorts, you think you're someone. You hear them shouting "Heil, Spode!" and you imagine it is the Voice of the People. That is where you make your bloomer. What the Voice of the People is saying is: "Look at that frightful ass Spode swanking about in footer bags! Did you ever in your puff see such a perfect perisher?”

wtjs replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

Possibly my favourite lines in all of Wodehouse are when Bertie Wooster attacks Roderick Spode, who has set up a group a fascists called the Blackshorts

Unfortunately, these expressed sentiments didn't stop him disingenuously collaborating while in Nazi captivity

Rendel Harris replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

wtjs wrote:

Unfortunately, these expressed sentiments didn't stop him disingenuously collaborating while in Nazi captivity

Wodehouse was totally exonerated of any charge of collaboration. He foolishly agreed to make some broadcasts for his American fans with the CBS correspondent in Berlin, at a time when America and Germany were not at war - he was guilty of naivety and nothing else, as George Orwell (hardly the typical Wodehouse defender) said in his essay "In Defence of P.G.Wodehouse." He was not a collaborator - they don't generally get knighthoods.

wtjs replied to Rendel Harris | 3 years ago

Wodehouse was totally exonerated of any charge of collaboration

We'll have to disagree- one man's exoneration is another's 'finding excuses'. Living in luxury in Berlin while pretending to be a bewildered old buffer is no way to behave during a total war. Orwell died in the 40s, so doesn't count- information has improved since then. Very bent and dodgy people do get knighthoods- Fred Goodwin, for a start

Rendel Harris replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

You talk as if he volunteered to live in Berlin; he was arrested as an enemy alien when he was living in Le Touquet when the Germans invaded and spent a number of months in internment camps run by the SS, being shifted from one to another in cattle trucks. While he was in these internment camps, incidentally, he met a number of Canadian prisoners of war and took the names and addresses of their families, and wrote to his American publisher saying he owed them $5 and could they please send it to them. This was the first notification many families had that their sons were alive, and Wodehouse risked severe penalties if the Germans had realised what he was up to. Eventually he was moved to Berlin and freed when he turned 60, as was the case with any civilian internee. However, unlike with most civilian internees he was not allowed to return home and was forced to stay in Berlin, until he persuaded the authorities to allow him to move to Paris, where he was when the city was liberated. What exactly did you expect a 60 year old man transported to Berlin by the Gestapo to do, fight his way back to Blighty through the German army? 

The fact that he faced no charges in the aftermath of the war (there is an interesting piece by Malcolm Muggeridge, incidentally, about his experience as a young officer being sent to question Wodehouse in Paris), when people would quite rightly have been feeling vengeful against anyone who had been in any way a collaborator, speaks volumes.

Did you know, by the way, that the CIA, for many years after the war, used the recordings of the broadcasts Wodehouse made as exemplar material of how to subtly use what the enemy think is propaganda for them as a tool against them? The transcripts are available online, I suggest you read them and see what you think is treasonous in them.

Hirsute replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I guess, though seems a bit drastic !


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