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What do you think of this educational video?

Video is on Northern Ireland in the Road to Zero campaign. Seems fair enough, but if you didn't notice the van indicating you would get the impression cyclists are solely responsible when cycling up the inside of white vans. Obviously no one in their right mind would cycle up the left side of a van turning left but I'm sure one  could think of a few examples where drivers roar up past you to cut left - not saying thats what going on the video, but I kind of feel car and van drivers will feel cyclists must not cycle into the drivers blind spot. I suppose it's no different to the road traffic ads reminding pedestrians to look left/right etc before stepping out into the road. What does anyone else think?


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Kendalred | 6 years ago

I can't help but think that these type of 'public information films' should be far more prevalent. I live in an area that gets ITV from a border region, and therefore see a lot of Scottish 'PIF's', but I can't recall seeing that many, if any at all, from England. They used to be all over the screens, 'Think once, think twice think bike'...Tufty on road safety (showing my age a bit there), and so on, but apart from the drink-driving ones, I can't recall any others to do with road safety. A decent campaign like this may not work if shown infrequently, but shown often enough it will seep into ones consciousness and plant the seed.

Bmblbzzz | 6 years ago

I have the feeling I've seen this very video a dozen times, with Scottish, English, French, accents, the only thing new is the Irish accent. 

PRSboy | 6 years ago
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Looks fair enough to me.  I like the 'Hi.  I'm Sara'... i.e I'm a human, not a 'cyclist'.

It does raise a point that yes drivers have a responsibility to check blind spots, but equally, cyclists should look for signals and not put themselves on the inside of an obviously turning vehicle.  But it wasn't clear from the video if the cyclist had begun to pass on the inside before the van signalled, so it was a bit mixed... it gives the impression cyclists should always 'hang back'.

Maybe a 'don't left hook and check your blind spot before turning' sequence would redress the balance.

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