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Mallorca - organised day rides near Pollensa

I am off to stay near Pollensa in Mallorca in a couple of weeks.

Earlier in the year when in Tenerife I managed to get permission to do an organised day ride with Club Activo. I had a great time.

Using the power of google I can't find any organised day trips for Mallorca, it's all a week's holiday. 

I want to be told where to go with some back up rather than just hire a bike and ride, but struggling to find anything! Anyone got any recommendations please? 






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doc_davo | 7 years ago
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Max Huerzeler do single day rides - somewhere in the region of 10 Euro per day. local station is 


But is you ar elooking for something exclusively english speaking try SunVelo a little more expensive but it shoul dbe good none the less.


the other suggestion is Ottile Quince - never used her services however some rave reviewes on pro an dnon pro twitter pages alike, inc recently Brian Smith.



kil0ran | 7 years ago
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Pollensa over the ridge to Lluc and down to Sa Calobra is a good day-long ride. Soller would be a good option too. Roads are generally quiet and drivers used to cyclists. If you want fast and flat then head south west towards the centre of the island, not my idea of fun though (think first 100kms of Roubaix)

alexn | 7 years ago
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Am in Mallorca myself from the 16th to the 27th of September and bringing my bike with me! Am staying near Alcudia, and in Mallorca you don't really need to join an organised group ride, unless you need to have fellow riders around you and are a social butterfly.

I prefer rides on my own, as it is probably the only time I have a few hours for some peace and quiet.  1

Roads are all in good/great shape, and if you use Strava for example you can see what other cyclists have done as a route.  And from Pollensa it is easy to head to Lighthouse and back...can't really get lost. Or head from Pollensa up to the Petrol Station, and via Inca back. So many route options.

graybags | 7 years ago
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If you take out bike recovery insurance with Mallorca Cycle Shuttle at least you can be comfortable that in the event of any problems you will at least be recovered back to wherever you are staying. In terms of rides from Pollensa, the obvious one is out to the Lighthouse, beautiful ride, and only one road there and back so you can't get lost, but beware the goats at the cafe, they're very confident and will eat anything !

Lazereyes | 7 years ago
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I can't speak much for organised holidays, BUT!


I've been to Mallorca 4 years in a row, Playa de muro - quite close to pollensa.

I've rented localy in Playa de Muro and there are few options:


Rad-Salon - they got some really nice bikes to rent, i.e. BMC Di2 but terrible email service, so no way of reading through their T&C online, unless you speak german.

Wheels - chain of shops i was once lucky to get Cannondale Synapse for few days, usually Kross and Centrurion bikes

Pro-Bikehire - british cafe shop and rental, gotr some decent bikes, colnago and van nichols, but i find them overpriced

You can also rent Dogma f10 if you'll fancy, but that's 120eur a day.


there are plentiful options once you look-up bike renta n google maps of the area you're staying in.


Mallorca is one of the best places in the world to cycle for a reason, you won't need to be a part of a group to find beatiful rides, unless you want to be really social.


Send me PM if you have any questions


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