Bit of a blurt this, but I thought I'd put it out there as I shall likely meet many of you at the Bike Shows we're doing over the next 3 months in London, Glasgow and Manchester.
I got into the cycling industry because my wife said I couldn't have a new bike. I realised lots of people face the same problem from their non cycling partners so I offered some varied ways to solve it
Several years later, I had 103 demo bikes at my disposal.
Nothing is more successful at hindering your riding as running a bike business!
Something is not quite computing there wouldn't you say!?!?
For years my colleagues and I have focused on offering something that adds value. Putting it frankly and openly, we have spent all our waking hours chasing sales and keeping people happy to the best of our abilities. It becomes all encompassing.
The irony is that it whilst we've grown significantly, the pleasure has not. That's largely due to the fact that the riding has been sacrificed too much.
Now, everyone else in a "proper" job will know that cycling is a fantastic de-stresser. Not doing it is a distressor!
Also, cycling seems to have become completely focused on showing off what new kit you've got AND how cheaply you managed to buy it for.
Feck that! Cycling to me is about riding, either on your own or enjoying the company of others, but predominately about riding, making your own stories and adventures.
So for 2017, there's a new personal manifesto:
Set the business up in a manner that obligates riding more
Set up our Membership so that our efforts are focused upon helping those cyclists who quite literally buy-in to what we are offering
Discourage those cyclists who believe that they are somehow "entitled" to what we are offering from becoming Members in the first place
Make it easy for Members to get best value, a great experience and opportunities to experience much more from their cycling than they do currently
Keep making it better for the Members
I accept that it is human nature to look at the bottom line and want to pay the least amount for something. So we've made that possible in a manner that rewards loyalty rather than "chasing" the people who themselves are simply "chasing" the lowest price. The race to the bottom in other words.
It's about customer loyalty I guess, a very rare commodity in the world of cycling retail nowadays. So, we're stepping off the race to the bottom and making it so that a really good price is always available to people who are loyal to us, even if we don't need to make it available. Loyalty is a two way thing afterall.
Money is such a transient thing though. How long does the buzz of buying something last until the next shiny thing comes along? How long does the bloody money last for that matter??? Not long at all with cycling kit being soooo ridiculously expensive!
However, the memories, the stories and the fun does last longer, in terms of happiness, lower stress, and frankly, being able to be the real you.
So a lot of focus is being given to that.
We'll make our own stories and memories along with our Members. That's a hell of a lot more fun than chasing after people's money.
It'll take some time to get it all perfect, but I think that it's a step in the right direction.
Thanks for reading the blurtings of someone who tends to wear their heart on their sleeve somewhat.
I look forward to seeing you at the London, Manchester or Glasgow Cycle Shows 
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if you're not one of the big 5 online (tredz, wiggle, crc, evans, planet x) or halfords offline, your future is pretty much servicing with a smile (and please don't moan about customers bringing parts in), 2nd hand bikes and maybe some group led rides
anything else is high end boutique shit that will inevitably leave you bankrupt in a few years
All the best with it. Seems to me that you're coming from the right place, and if I was local to you and able to pop in and take advantage of some of the benefits in person I'd probably be signing up.
good luck to you Paul, I hope you do get to ride more
Do you have any specific cycling plans?
Hi and thank you.
Absolutely. At the end of last year I decided to action it and we introdcued the Membership Plans.
I've got a number of events lined up through the year and it's kicking off with a trip to Gran Canaria.
We're paying for the accommodation and guiding for the Members.
It's doing things like that which will ensure that I get out with the Members
Our Members come from all over the country so it's great to be able to think nationally and internationally in terms of the events.
I'm also tlaking to a number of events companies about getting some sort of added value for our Members to take part in their events.
I don't want to ask them to merely offer a discount to our Members as that's not going to be the driving force behind them taking part. I'm thinking more along the lines of setting things up such that the experience is even better for our Members than it would have been if they had merely arranged it themselves.
I'll throw it open to the forum to make suggestions.
P.S. One of the reasons I'm not sugegsting mere discounts is because many of the best events are already easily filled, and I fully accept that the people running the events need to fee their own families too
INRATS but I work in the world of cycling and I would not recommend.
Hope you have a fantastic '17! I am sure that I will.