I have a nice 2004(ish) Giant OCR0 - not too new, not too light - road bike I'm perfectly happy with.
It came with 9 speed Campagnolo Mirage (Triple 30-42-52 + 12-23 casette) which was fabulous on flat Dutch roads. I'm also quite content with the Mirage... after all these years I have only replaced the derailler wheels. Reliable and durable.
The issue I have now I have moved to North Lancs... those pesky sections of 20%. I can just about brute force shorter sections, but it is not comfortable. Unfortunately Campagnolo don't do a 9 speed 12-27ish casette.
I'm worried on the whole spin-out issue if I'd loose the 12, else going with a 13-28 would be great.
Alfine 11 city/tourer vs current OCR0 gearing:
Development using the Alfine 2.28m - 9.32m
Development current OCR0 2.78m - 9.25m
I actually use all of the gears on the Alfine (although the 11th rarely, mainly because it tends to stay in and around Lancaster), and that is using a pretty relaxed position on 15KG of bike.
Current OCR0 vs 13-28 casette
Development would range from 2.29m - 8.54m
This is perfect on the bottom end; but rather short on the top end (Only just longer than 10th on the Alfine, which I'm sure would spin out on long clear descents)
Ideally I'd find a 12-28 casette that works well with Campagnolo, as the alternative, upgrading to Athena 11 or similar would be a bit more costly (Although much less than a new bike with Athena 11 or similar from Sram/Shimano)
Any recommendations or ideas to consider?
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Thanks everybody who replied, all are valueable ideas.
@daveyraveygravey: I definately prefer spinning over grinding... But will consider the BBB/Miche casettes... definately the easiest option
@slugwash: I like the idea, does remind me I really need to check capacity on the rear derailler.
@carton / @mattsccm: what terrain (where) do you tend to ride?
@matthewn5: Thanks, I did spot that... very nice upgrade; As clo
You can get an Athena 11 speed full groupset on sale at Wiggle for £379.99, see http://www.wiggle.co.uk/campagnolo-athena-alloy-11-speed-groupset/
You won't miss the little sprocket at the back. Bet you don't spin out 52/12 anyway. Just get the cassette with the largest rear sprocket you can find.
I've put changed my 52/42/30 Campag chainset to 52/39/26 with 13-28 on the back. I can easily get up the steep hills we have here in Devon (in touring mode), but rarely spin out on the commute or longer weekend runs.....
Maybe the 30 is too SMALL with a 23 tooth cassette? Maybe it's too much spinning?
As to the Miche cassettes, I never had a direct comparison with a full Campag-equipped bike, but I never found the shifting to be an issue.
The BBB one is 12-27 on Ebay for £29, why not give it a try? If you don't like it or it doesn't work out, that's not a huge amount to lose.
I'd second that.
If that doesn't pan out I would consider the 13-28, just because upgrading the whole groupset is a hassle (though 10 years in it's actually quite a reasonable option). And as much as I'd hate to lose 12, 52/13 should take you past 30mph (@100rpm), to the point where I'm usually alternating between freewheeling and sprinting out of corners at way past 100 rpm.
First question, have you lost the granny ring from the triple? Isn't a 30 on the front and a 23 at the back "spinny" enough?
I had 9 speed Campag Veloce on my old road bike, 53-39 and 12-25 initially. When that wore out, I got a 12-27 (maybe from Miche rather than Campag) and then when that wore out, I went to 10 speed and got a 12-29 cassette, again maybe Miche.
Depending on how many miles you cover and how you maintain it, I would think the cassette, chain and maybe chain rings need replacing by now. Most people reckon 5k miles is enough to wear a chain and cassette, I believe.
Have a look on ebay, you can usually pick up bargain new cassettes etc there.
I think there may be a third manufacturer of Campag-compatible cassettes.
I wouldn't want to lose the 12 myself, but it may not be a big issue to go with 13-28, which would give an enormous range with that triple.
Thanks Dave.
I still have the 30 tooth granny.
Maybe I'm not strong enough, maybe I'm very much a spinner rather than grinder, but I find 30x23 tough to turn on the numerous 20% sections around here. Definately not going to be happy going up Hardknott/Wrynose (30+% in places) with this.
I found some third party casettes by Miche and BBB, but also some references they don't shift nearly as nicely as Campagnolo proper, so experiences by anyone who run these would be appreciated.