Base Training – a presentation by Club Coach Barry Wootten at St Andrews Church Hall, Tiptoe
New Forest Cycling Club
Present an evening with club Coach Barry Wooten Tiptoe near Lyminton Hants. On Friday 16th November to provide information on how to train effectively over the winter months to maximise your performance next summer. The evening will involve a presentation on what is base training, how to structure a training programme and touch on elements of nutrition and weight training that are relevant to base training. There will also be chance for Q and A during and after the presentation.
Doors open at 1930 and the presentation will commence at 2000. All welcome.
I can see you've had a look at the Inverness Tourist Board Facebook page...
The Police Scotland Digital Evidence Sharing Platform being rolled out will not make it any easier to report incidents, it simply allows an...
Highway Code states: ...
The video is there now
That little pedal assist that allows people with disabilities and debilitating illnesses to use bikes instead of cars, that allows people who have...
Thank you.
It's great to see this sort of innovation but it's always worth reminding people who say helmets should be mandatory that most cycling fatalities...
I do indeed.
The article states the toerags were youths, so unfortunately there probably won't be any real punishment. But at least the police are appealing for...
Residents awoken by car crashing into Almshouse garden...