100 mile or 100km CX/Gravel/MTB Challenges
The South Downs Way; it has long been a right of passage in mountain biking circles. And now this hundred mile ribbon of imposing chalk downland is about to become an icon of the CX/gravel scene.
Renowned as a supreme physical rather than technical challenge, the South Downs Way is the most high profile answer to the long distance US gravel scene that we have. But so much more, too. The huge climbs and sweeping descents wouldn’t be out of place among the Tuscan Strade Bianchi, while the expansive coastal views are quintessential British beauty.
CX Century brings you all of this in the ultimate gravel event! An unforgettable experience and a monumental challenge that will prove your place amongst the endurance elite! CX Century will be a badge of honour and pride, and this is your chance to be one of the very first to join that club!
CX Century is fully supported, from route marking to multiple feed and support stops, we make it possible for you take on this epic ride as part of the first mass CX/gravel bike challenge!
ALSO INCLUDES: 100km option.
CX Century also includes a kilometre century option; 100km and almost 7,500ft of climbing in a single day, 90% off road on CX friendly chalk tracks, the CX Century kilometre century is a physical test and a genuine epic, and the perfect preparation for taking on the full 100 mile CX Century in a future year!
Starting alongside the 100 mile event in Winchester, the 100km route finishes on top of Truleigh Hill above Shoreham; ideal for an easy pick up off the A27, or downhill all the way to the station to begin your journey home!
That's what you'd employ legal professionals for?...
Taunton slider?
Ah ok that's great appreciate the condolences and thank you for your time
“A five-year-old had a part in the planning” Maybe you should get the five year old to drive your car out of your driveway, for you...?
Funny how so many drivers bring up the point that they pay for insurance, implying that cyclists should too. One has always been a legal...
Othering of those in non-conformist outgroups. Lists of persons regarded as "villains" to be hated by society. Language comparing targets to vermin...
There's a big difference between 54/11 and 56/10. Just sayin'.
I’ll be playing all year again if it’s on. Pleeease.
It would have to be the police's cars... although stealing bikes from a police station does seem to fall in to the "low hanging fruit" bracket for...
13 vehicles crashed through my wall. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clyvegw54e5o Time for some proper bollards!