Youth Cycle races @ Tour of Cambridgeshire
An opportunity to race on a closed road course around the Peterborough Arena while the Gran Fondo takes place. Racing following the British Cycling Go ride racing format means two races for each rider. You should also get to see the 7,000 or so riders start & finish the Gran Fondo and have the chance to look round the cycle expo after the races. Suitable for all riders upto under 16's.
Great news. Does it mean that the local government and council will fix the roads in Edinburgh? Or are they happy to showcase the pothole laden and...
US Department of Transport Annual Household Travel Survey figures for USA 2017 attached. Miles cycled annually by population of the USA, 9 billion....
How is it only an extra 56 minutes a day? That seems to imply either the road is very busy with vehicles, in which case it might not be delivering...
I've lived in Perthshire for seven years. You really should stay abreast of NZ politics - believe me, Scotland is a beacon of properiety in...
Good for the Scousers. But meanwhile back in Bristle...
"Gloucestershire Live" headline on actually have to open the story to discover a car was involved and he didn't just misjudge a bend...
And no tour caravan
Next min we'll be hearing he's related to Ursula Von Der layen
The UCI bores strike again... once done a 1/2/3 cat race and even then then where truly unrelentless
I get pullouts like that more regularly than 1 in 10 years for sure. ...