Evans Cycles Wiltshire Downs Sportive
An increasingly popular area for cyclists, the Wiltshire Downs offer spectacular riding in an area steeped in history. Starting from Lacock College has enabled us to produce a fantastic route that explores the best of the northern part of the county. The ride is predominantly undulating countryside, but will of course throw up a few hills along the way. We'll take in some of the best landmarks in the area, including the famous Wiltshire White Horses and Hackpen Hill. The Vale of Pewsey and the Marlborough Downs will provide an array of classic Southern English scenery, for what is set to be another great day of road cycling.
I've got a great idea to tackle air pollution - re-open a pedestrianised street. ...
Our roads would be lovely a peaceful if bad and dangerous drivers were actually caught more than once in a blue moon. On the 1km or so to my...
The upside of this would be that people would obviously look it up to pass therefore informing themselves. It would also remove any doubt about the...
Who is dumb enough to buy a $500 derailleur cage?
I think they've been at Molière's "La malade imaginaire" again...
Twenty five years for my Joe blow de lux, a few services. Topeak make excellent air products. I also have the turbibooster X and their digital...
Nice way to shirk responsibility for your mind-bogglingly stupid choice
Phone cameras store the rotation of the device into the EXIF flags of photos and IIRC road.cc honours that flag. If you load the photo into a...
On my all-rounder bike 44-11 is the longest gear, with 24-43 being the shortest, this with 150 cranks. I'd generally be using 44-15 on flat road ...