The Jurassic Beast arguably has some of the best Vistas out of all the UK’s sportives with breath-taking views of Corfe Castle, Lulworth Cove and Poole Harbour. Quiet roads and spectacular scenery are waiting for you at the top of the hills as your reward for conquering some leg pumping climbs. In addition the Epic route heads north for a loop of the Dorset Downs taking in their stunning views. You will enjoy the panoramic views of distant Somerset from Dorset’s highest point Bulbarrow, the picture postcard view of Milton Abbey School Playing Fields on the way down and the model village of Milton Abbas. - See more at:
This is the way sport coverage is going. But that should mean ending the BBC licence fee, freeing up that money at least to invest in what we...
I did wonder in what way was mandatory light use at night not covered by the current law.
This (the health benefits) is one of the economic pillars that we can wave at drivers who complain we don't pay road tax etc....
This is my frustration with the service, you're not paying £31 for a premium service for the sport you want to watch, you're paying £31 for a load...
I'd start even younger... (I actually think driving licences should need renewed after a period, whatever age)....
Good for them and cycling in general.
I thought the saying was, "If it bleeds, we can kill it"?
It's a topsey-turvey world some times:...
wtjs who, if I've understood correctly, only reports "must"s now...
correct. poor typing!