Evans Cycles Sportive RideIt! Kent
Our first ever RideIt! in Kent! Beginning just outside Gravesend at the fantastic Cyclopark, we are soon out into the countryside and ready to explore the ‘Garden of England’! Quiet, country lanes and an abundance of stunning scenery make this ride enjoyable throughout. Short, sharp climbs jotted along the route will keep riders on their toes and keep the legs and lungs alert. Some longer, gradual ascents should keep you warm in the February air and provide some superb natural viewpoints across the North Downs and beyond.
Ultimately the problem is humans. That is amplified by "mass motoring" - but even "professional drivers" mess up and kill....
Over on weight_weenies there's 310 pages of discussion on Light Bicycle so have a look there.
It's a thing... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pilot-Carbon-Look-Decorative-Adhesive-Carbon/dp...
Went past this just after it had happened, straight road, just after a mini roundabout with traffic calming all the way down the road......
I'm marten you down for that one.
These are new valves, recently picked up for a deep section set, the 75mm long ones. So I suppose the sealant could have already gunked up the...
Educate yourself bellend.
I expected Vine to be the leader at UAE and that cost me. Cameron Scott was a bad choice, I expected him to sprint for the Aussie Team....
That doesn't follow at all. Reading a few news feeds and reshaping that into a story for the website requires considerably less resource than it...
40 pedestrians a year are killed by drivers on pavements in the UK. The solution is simple - remove all the pavements!