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Dragons' Den backs indicators: another dodgy decision from the dragons on a cycling product

How did cycling's least successful product category get the dragons' attention?

Whenever Dragons’ Den gets a pitch for a cycling product I wince. Partly, that’s just my general reaction to hearing that any bit of the non-specialist media is looking at cycling, but the dragons have a terrible record when it comes to cycling. That they gave a warm reception to a handlebar-mounted indicators a couple of nights ago is just their latest inexplicable reaction to a cycling idea.

Nick Jenkins offered £45,000 for 15% of CYCL, the company behind Winglights indicators, and was negotiated down to 12.5%. A good day for the two young entrepreneurs behind the product, then.

The dragons debated whether indicators on the ends of the handlebars could be seen easily enough to be useful, but acknowledged that Luca Amaduzzi and Agostino Stilli had done a great job of the design and polish.

The problem is, a product can be as beautifully designed and made as the Venus de Milo, but it won’t succeed unless there’s a demand for it.

The history of indicators for bikes suggests there really is no demand.

Luca Amaduzzi and Agostino Stilli pitch at the dragons (Screenshot from BBC Dragons' Den)

Luca Amaduzzi and Agostino Stilli pitch at the dragons (Screenshot from BBC Dragons' Den)

Back in 2009 we reviewed Bicygnals, which put indicators on both the front and rear of your bike. We weren’t impressed and since then the product has vanished without trace. We also looked at Winkku that year, which combined an indicator with a mirror. It’s also long gone.

Then there was Spooklight, which provided indicators and a brake like triggered by an accelerometer. Shaun Audane called it “little more than a gimmick for the ipod age”.

But indicators for cycling just keep popping up. In 2013 we reviewed Scute Design Lumin8a gloves. We were even quite kind about them. Scute Design folded in 2015.

Lumin8a Indicating Gloves - lit

Lumin8a Indicating Gloves - where are they now?

At least there’s now a sure-fire way of finding out if anyone’s interested in your product before you commit to production. Last year a Canadian team took to Kickstarter to try and raise CA$8,000 for a SIX, a gesture-controlled indicator that also incorporated a brake light. They barely reached a third of their target.

The most recent attempt to get an indicator system off the ground prompted lively debate from our readers. London cabbie Gary Thatcher came up with the Signum wrist-mounted indicator. His Kickstarter campaign raised just £1,306 of the £20,000 goal.

The only indicators to get any traction are built into ‘innovative’ helmet designs. Even then, they often don't make it past the sketch stage. For some reason the judges of design competitions like to give them awards anyway. One indicator helmet, Lumos, managed a successful Kickstarter and appears to be shipping. Call us cynical, but we give it a year.

And while you’re putting batteries and lights and electronics into a helmet, why not go hog wild and have it play music, read out your text messages and send out an emergency alert if you crash. If you can’t live without all that, you can get a Livall BH60 from Amazon for £104.

Livall Bling BH60 complete with Flaschenblinkenlights

As Al Storer pointed out in the comments of our story on Signum, there have been loads of indicator systems — we’ve barely scratched the surface with the ones we’ve mentioned here — but they all have one thing in common: you never see them in the wild.

Either people don’t buy indicators, or if they do they don’t use them for long. They’re the sort of thing a well-meaning relative buys you for Christmas, not realising that keeping them to hand and charged is a faff that’s hard to justify for the function.

The inventors of indicator systems almost always say they’re trying to make cyclists safer, but they’re solving the wrong problem. The assumption is that drivers hit cyclists because we can’t be seen. But the majority of crashes involving cyclists happen because the driver simply didn’t look, and adding small flashing orange lights is going to make, at best, a tiny, tiny difference.

As Deborah Meaden pointed out on the show, an indicator is just another flashing light, and it’s one drivers aren’t expecting to see on a bike. However, it’s not clear that the Highway Code makes hand signals mandatory even if you have indicators, as many people think. The code describes how indicators and hand signals must be used, but doesn’t say who should use them.

Meaden might have been sensible to pooh-pooh the Winglights, given the repeated failure of indicators over the years, but the dragons don’t have a great track record when it comes to rejecting cycling ideas.

Hornit DB140 bike horn
The dragons turned down  Tom de Pelet’s Hornit

At least three ideas pitched at the dragons have gone on to success despite being rejected.

Probably the biggest missed opportunity was Tom de Pelet’s Hornit, a 140 decibel bike horn. In an episode screened in 2015, but filmed ten months earlier, the dragons declined to back the Hornit. Between the pitch and the show going to air, Tom had sold half a million quid’s worth of Hornits, and reckoned he was on course for £1.2 million in sales that year.

Later in 2015 sisters Sky and Kia Ballantyne, aged 12 and 14 respectively, pitched Crikey Bikey, a harness that makes it easier to support a toddler who’s learning to ride a bike.

The dragons turned them down even though they’d had orders from Evans Cycles and Mountain Warehouse. Their appearance on Dragon’s Den prompted a flood of new orders and the gadget is now stocked by Halfords.

Sometimes the dragons just don’t get the joke. They turned down Fat Lad At The Back (FLAB) clothing in 2014 because they didn’t like the name. But if you’re a non-svelte cyclist you get used to not taking yourself too seriously, and FLAB’s clothing struck a chord with riders don’t fit in Italian Lycra.

Later in 2014 Evans Cycles took on FLAB clothing, along with then-new sister brand Fat Lass At the Back.

All of that said, Nick Jenkins may be backing a long shot with the CYCL WingLights, but Amaduzzi and Stilli are clearly promising talents.

Jenkins and all the dragons were impressed that the duo had already got the product out into the market and broken even. The standard of finish impressed even notorious cyclophobe Peter Jones who said: “The quality and the way you’ve put this together, I think is as good as I have ever seen in a product.”

I'm looking forward to seeing what they do next.

John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.

He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called John’s bluff and the rest is history.

Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishing’s group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.

John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.

He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.

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Rich_cb replied to ClubSmed | 8 years ago
ClubSmed wrote:
Rich_cb wrote:

Just read the research.

Stop pontificating about how you think they did it and just read it.

But didn't you comment/elaborate about how you thought they meant it?

Rich_cb wrote:

I don't know exactly what they meant by 'dark clothing' but I'd imagine they meant dark colours and non reflective.

A bit different, they didn't define 'dark clothing' in the report but they did clearly describe their method.

Rich_cb replied to shay cycles | 8 years ago
shay cycles wrote:

Rich_cb wrote:

You could always read the research. They explain quite clearly where they are getting their data. It's mainly based on the STATS19 data collected by the police, also hospital data, coroners reports and 'on the site' reports.

Well in reality research based mainly on STATS19 needs to be handled with care. The government's own guidance says;

"The factors are largely subjective, reflecting the opinion of the reporting police officer, and are not necessarily the result of extensive investigation. Some factors are less likely to be recorded since evidence may not be available after the event.

While this information is valuable in helping to identify ways of improving safety, care should be taken in its interpretation."

So the data quoted is far from reliable.

So you cannot reasonably claim that dark clothing was a contributary factor in 10% of fatalities - whether a University study says so or not.


Have you got any better data?

Links to any better research?

davel replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:
shay cycles wrote:

Rich_cb wrote:

You could always read the research. They explain quite clearly where they are getting their data. It's mainly based on the STATS19 data collected by the police, also hospital data, coroners reports and 'on the site' reports.

Well in reality research based mainly on STATS19 needs to be handled with care. The government's own guidance says;

"The factors are largely subjective, reflecting the opinion of the reporting police officer, and are not necessarily the result of extensive investigation. Some factors are less likely to be recorded since evidence may not be available after the event.

While this information is valuable in helping to identify ways of improving safety, care should be taken in its interpretation."

So the data quoted is far from reliable.

So you cannot reasonably claim that dark clothing was a contributary factor in 10% of fatalities - whether a University study says so or not.


Have you got any better data?

Links to any better research?

Weak, subjective and incomplete research is worse than none at all if it's used to justify weird and wonderful leaps in the dark.

Rich_cb replied to davel | 8 years ago
davel wrote:

Weak, subjective and incomplete research is worse than none at all if it's used to justify weird and wonderful leaps in the dark.

I really don't think this can be described as weak or incomplete. It covers a huge numbers of fatal collisions and has examined most if not all of the available data.

Data of this type will always be subjective, there is no way to produce objective data about these sorts of collision.

Finally it's not a leap in the dark to suggest that removing a reported contributing factor could reduce the incidence of fatal collisions.

It's a logical response.

davel replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:
davel wrote:

Weak, subjective and incomplete research is worse than none at all if it's used to justify weird and wonderful leaps in the dark.

I really don't think this can be described as weak or incomplete. It covers a huge numbers of fatal collisions and has examined most if not all of the available data.

Data of this type will always be subjective, there is no way to produce objective data about these sorts of collision.

Finally it's not a leap in the dark to suggest that removing a reported contributing factor could reduce the incidence of fatal collisions.

It's a logical response.

I might be going round in circles here, but my point all along has been how logical that response is.

Am I right in that the problem here is the contributing factor - dark clothing?

If so, a lot hinges on the term 'dark clothing', how they've arrived at that definition and what the basis for including deaths under that label is. But then they don't explain how they've done that? (This is where I think ClubSmeds was going)

So how do you fix a problem as defined by a bunch of other people if they haven't told you what the label that they've given the problem actually means?

If we don't know what it means, how do we remove 'dark clothing' here? (I think this is where Beezus was going. ) Do they mean just unlit clothing? Do they merely mean that the cyclist was in the dark? Are they just saying that it was dark or is the problem with the actual clothing? Types of garment? Clothing brands? Does hair colour make a difference? Do peds suffer the same casualty rates? You see what large effects a subtle difference in the label could have?

Next, are reflectives demonstrably the antidote, as opposed to 'light clothing' or just nakedness or a Ronald Macdonald outfit or a portable, head-mounted spotlight? How effective are they? Should cyclists be advised to avoid cycling in the dark if their clothes make drivers hit them? What might the unintended consequences be of applying the suggested fix? Is there a wider problem with drivers not driving to the conditions on unlit roads or elsewhere (I think this is where ktache was regarding shit driving and you were regarding factors beyond your control)?

(I'm not actually being obtuse here - I spent a long time working in performance improvement and the same mistakes regarding 'fixing problems' happen repeatedly, and one of the most common is a lack of understanding and agreement as to what the problem is in the first place. And complex problems are never fixed via 'common sense'. I hear your Swiss Cheese model, but you need some confidence that the slices address the factors, and I lack confidence that they've been defined correctly here.

1. Can we demonstrate what' dark clothing' means?
2. Can we be confident that those figures were categorised accurately?
3. Can we demonstrate that reflectives address the issue of 'dark clothing'?

Isn't this' no' on all counts?

Rich_cb replied to davel | 8 years ago
davel wrote:

1. Can we demonstrate what' dark clothing' means?
2. Can we be confident that those figures were categorised accurately?
3. Can we demonstrate that reflectives address the issue of 'dark clothing'?

Isn't this' no' on all counts?

1. We can't know definitely what they meant by dark clothing.

It would be reasonable to say that high-vis clothing would be very unlikely to be classified as dark.

In certain lights reflective clothing can appear as dark so there may be a few cases where reflective clothing has been recorded as dark.

Realistically though I would expect almost all people to be able to identity dark clothing correctly.

Overall I think it is perfectly reasonable therefore to assume that dark clothing means just that in the vast majority of cases they've recorded.

2. I have quite a lot of confidence in these figures, they seem to have been very methodically gathered and seem to tally with real world experience.

The fact that they report a high incidence of death at junctions tallies with what I read about on an all too regular basis.

The fact that they found that car drivers were inattentive and drove at excessive speeds mirrors exactly what I experience on an almost daily basis.

3. There is no definite proof of this, it therefore becomes a personal choice. In low light conditions reflective gear is the brightest stuff you can wear, if dark clothing is a problem then it seems sensible to wear the brightest clothing you can.

You're never going to get scientific level proof in these sort of studies, I think this research is about as good as you can get given the data available.

shay cycles replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago
1 like

Rich_cb wrote:
shay cycles wrote:

Rich_cb wrote:

You could always read the research. They explain quite clearly where they are getting their data. It's mainly based on the STATS19 data collected by the police, also hospital data, coroners reports and 'on the site' reports.

Well in reality research based mainly on STATS19 needs to be handled with care. The government's own guidance says;

"The factors are largely subjective, reflecting the opinion of the reporting police officer, and are not necessarily the result of extensive investigation. Some factors are less likely to be recorded since evidence may not be available after the event.

While this information is valuable in helping to identify ways of improving safety, care should be taken in its interpretation."

So the data quoted is far from reliable.

So you cannot reasonably claim that dark clothing was a contributary factor in 10% of fatalities - whether a University study says so or not.


Have you got any better data? Links to any better research?


No I have no better data, there is unlikely to be any better data. But data based on subjective opinions is unreliable and therefore all of the conclusions drawn from it are unreliable. The statement that the report uses STATS19 data effectively invalidates it. This really is pretty basic scientific or statistical method.

In the absence of "better data" you effectively have no data and no usable data yet insist on defending your unsubstatiated position regarding this report.

Rich_cb replied to shay cycles | 8 years ago
shay cycles wrote:

No I have no better data, there is unlikely to be any better data. But data based on subjective opinions is unreliable and therefore all of the conclusions drawn from it are unreliable. The statement that the report uses STATS19 data effectively invalidates it. This really is pretty basic scientific or statistical method.

In the absence of "better data" you effectively have no data and no usable data yet insist on defending your unsubstatiated position regarding this report.

If you accept this is the best data available but reject it then you have to accept that there is no reliable data proving drivers are at fault in the vast majority of fatal collisions.

That is what this data shows, everyone on this thread is desperate to discount the data, I doubt they're so keen to stop blaming drivers for fatal collisions.

Your call.

ClubSmed replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago
1 like

Rich_cb wrote:

It's 10% of fatal collisions, dark clothes are a factor in the death of 12 cyclists a year, 1 a month. I think that's pretty significant.

This research from an Australian university  basically says that reflective, not high-visibility, clothing is the answer to being seen in the hours of darkness. Fluorescent clothing needs UV rays to be reflective and so don't work at night so I question how much of factor "dark clothes" are. I can accept that non reflective clothes are a factor, but not how dark they are.

Rich_cb replied to ClubSmed | 8 years ago
ClubSmed wrote:

This research from an Australian university  basically says that reflective, not high-visibility, clothing is the answer to being seen in the hours of darkness. Fluorescent clothing needs UV rays to be reflective and so don't work at night so I question how much of factor "dark clothes" are. I can accept that non reflective clothes are a factor, but not how dark they are.

I don't know exactly what they meant by 'dark clothing' but I'd imagine they meant dark colours and non reflective.

urbane replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:
ClubSmed wrote:

This research from an Australian university  basically says that reflective, not high-visibility, clothing is the answer to being seen in the hours of darkness. Fluorescent clothing needs UV rays to be reflective and so don't work at night so I question how much of factor "dark clothes" are. I can accept that non reflective clothes are a factor, but not how dark they are.

I don't know exactly what they meant by 'dark clothing' but I'd imagine they meant dark colours and non reflective.

Hi-Viz looks frankly retarded fugly, part reflective doesn't; my coat is Black with Reflective patches on it, so not a eyesore off my bicycle, my back packs have reflective patches and back/strap piping, and my tires have reflective side-wall strips too. The latter must be very obvious to a car illuminating my bicycle from the side, far more than my front or back light side emissions, so people without these would be wise to get wrap-on spoke reflectors.

davel replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago

Rich_cb wrote:

That's why it's worth doing even if the gains are only small.

Comprehensive driver education would probably have a far greater impact but it would need to be agreed politically and would take years to begin having an effect.

100% agree with this sentiment.

Rich_cb wrote:

Reflective clothing represents an additional safeguard, it might have flaws but it is a quick and easy step to take.

But I'm not sure on this specific point.

1. Is it actually a proven safeguard?

2. Are there any negative consequences to this quick and easy step?

There's got to be a balance... eg. it makes you 0.1% safer then it probably feels like a no-brainer. But if that action, when replicated through a lot of people following the same logic, reinforces behaviour in drivers that actually results in you being 0.2% less safe, then everybody needs to stop doing it. I suppose my point actually boils down to 'we don't know', which I accept is a bit shit.

Rich_cb replied to davel | 8 years ago
davel wrote:

Rich_cb wrote:

That's why it's worth doing even if the gains are only small.

Comprehensive driver education would probably have a far greater impact but it would need to be agreed politically and would take years to begin having an effect.

100% agree with this sentiment.

Rich_cb wrote:

Reflective clothing represents an additional safeguard, it might have flaws but it is a quick and easy step to take.

But I'm not sure on this specific point.

1. Is it actually a proven safeguard?

2. Are there any negative consequences to this quick and easy step?

There's got to be a balance... eg. it makes you 0.1% safer then it probably feels like a no-brainer. But if that action, when replicated through a lot of people following the same logic, reinforces behaviour in drivers that actually results in you being 0.2% less safe, then everybody needs to stop doing it. I suppose my point actually boils down to 'we don't know', which I accept is a bit shit.

If dark clothing is a contributing factor in fatal collisions then by replacing the dark clothing with light or reflective clothing you are removing a possible contributing factor.

For that reason I would say it was a safeguard.

As for whether cyclists wearing reflectives makes non-reflective wearing cyclists more vulnerable?

I don't think you could ever prove that and even if you could it would involve asking people to put themselves at greater risk in the short term for a possible increase in safety in the long term.

I'm not sure many people would be willing to risk it to be honest.

beezus fufoon replied to Rich_cb | 8 years ago

Rich_cb wrote:

In 10% of all fatal collisions involving a cyclist the wearing of dark clothing at night was found to be a contributing factor.

In 44% of fatal collisions the driver not looking properly for the cyclist was a contributing factor.

Drivers are significantly more likely to hit a cyclist from behind after dark.

Collisions after dark are far more likely to result in death or serious injury. Seems to me that in all the 3 scenarios above reflective clothing would make a fatal collision less likely.

This is based on a pretty huge piece of research commissioned by the Department for Transport. Link:

It's a good reason to not cut the reflective strips off my cycle clothes, but it's not covincing me to go out looking like Timmy Mallett's demented cousin.

Mungecrundle | 8 years ago
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When it comes down to it the only difference between all the opinions here is how far we are prepared to go with respect to the aspects of our personal safety that we can actually control.

Me, personally, it's second nature to shoulder check and signal before changing course in moving traffic (advanced motorcyclist and ex instructor if we are going to get into a credentials pissing contest). I always wear gloves, always use lights after dusk, usually wear hi viz/ reflective, sometimes wear a helmet but I wouldn't use these indicator contraptions when I think arm signals are more effective. I still have the occassional run in with other road users but such incidents are the exception and most importantly I have little interest in being a victim regardless of who is to blame.

Ultimately the highway code is the base line of acceptable roadcraft for all road users. If you disagree with the advice contained therein, then take your research to the relevant authorities and get it revised.

beezus fufoon | 8 years ago
1 like

flashing lights are an irritation to other road users - if you dress like a clown then you'll get treated like one

ktache replied to beezus fufoon | 8 years ago

beezus fufoon wrote:

flashing lights are an irritation to other road users - if you dress like a clown then you'll get treated like one

Perhaps, but if you're irritating them they have seen you.

beezus fufoon replied to ktache | 8 years ago

ktache wrote:

beezus fufoon wrote:

flashing lights are an irritation to other road users - if you dress like a clown then you'll get treated like one

Perhaps, but if you're irritating them they have seen you.

they're irritating to me - whether I'm walking, riding, or driving - also, from a distance you have identified yourself as a cyclist - personally I use reasonably powerful constant lights and try to create the illusion I'm on a motorbike, as it is my intention to be able to pedal at that speed one day!  1

fenix | 8 years ago

I've seen someone in a Lumos helmet - running with the lights on in the daytime - it certainly made me look twice. Great for visibility.

I'm not 100% sure about the indicators though - but the lights work well. 

Mungecrundle | 8 years ago
1 like

My cycle gloves have small reflective logos. At night and if a car is behind they are extremely visible in headlights. During the day an arm signal is clear enough.

As a motorcyclist arm signals are second nature. In any situation an arm signal is by far a clearer and unambiguous statement of intent. For a cyclist they also make you effectively an arm length wider.

LastBoyScout replied to Mungecrundle | 8 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

My cycle gloves have small reflective logos. At night and if a car is behind they are extremely visible in headlights. During the day an arm signal is clear enough.

So do mine, but they only really work if you hand is at the right angle.

Mungecrundle wrote:

As a motorcyclist arm signals are second nature. In any situation an arm signal is by far a clearer and unambiguous statement of intent. For a cyclist they also make you effectively an arm length wider.

As a motorcyclist, I have no intention of taking my hands off the bars and reducing the control of my bike. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a motorcyclist using arm signals?

Mungecrundle replied to LastBoyScout | 8 years ago

LastBoyScout wrote:

Mungecrundle wrote:

My cycle gloves have small reflective logos. At night and if a car is behind they are extremely visible in headlights. During the day an arm signal is clear enough.

So do mine, but they only really work if you hand is at the right angle.

Mungecrundle wrote:

As a motorcyclist arm signals are second nature. In any situation an arm signal is by far a clearer and unambiguous statement of intent. For a cyclist they also make you effectively an arm length wider.

As a motorcyclist, I have no intention of taking my hands off the bars and reducing the control of my bike. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a motorcyclist using arm signals?


I'll admit it is a bit old school as are some of the other habits that were beaten into me by my instructors. E.g when was the last time you saw any motorcyclist kick up the sidestand before getting on? This goes back to the days before moron interlocks stopped one riding off with the side stand down and crashing on the first left hander soon thereafter.

If you have choreographed being in the right place at the right speed in the right gear, then there is usually time for a cheeky arm signal to back up what your indicators are telling other road users. Especially useful for exiting multilane roundabouts or when turning right into a minor road from a major road in my experience.

Not to turn this into a motorcycling thread but there are a lot of transferable skills, especially to do with road positioning and a copy the Police Motorcyclists Roadcraft manual is actually not the most tedious bedtime reading. Round town at cycling speeds I still think of myself as a small (and horribly underpowered) motorcycle rather than a pedal cycle.



A summary of the riding system from Wikipedia.

Information received from the outside world by observation, and given by use of signals such as direction indicators, headlamp flashes, and horn; is a general theme running continuously throughout the application of the system by taking, using and giving information;

Position on the road optimised for safety, visibility and correct routing, followed by best progress;

Speed appropriate to the hazard being approached, attained via explicit braking or throttle control (engine braking), always being able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear on your side of the road;

Gear appropriate for maximum vehicle control through the hazard, selected in one shift; and

Acceleration for clearing the hazard safely.



CyberTonTo72 | 8 years ago
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The worst thing about cycle indicators is this one guy I see on my commute that thinks cause he has a flashing light on the rear panier that he can just turn where he wants, he will change lanes without looking and pulls out on other cyclists and cars all the time. Have heard he telling cyclists that they need to be more aware and they should of know he was turning cause he used his indicator 
This bar end lights are just somthing else that will give people like him a reason to not be aware of other road users 

karrie51 | 8 years ago
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I love my Lumos Helmet. It's true that you do still need to take primary position etc as drivers are not expecting to see signals on a helmet. As someone has already said here, not all drivers notice hand signals either. The helmet gives me one more level of security to my turns. It's comfortable too which is a bonus.

Pub bike | 8 years ago

I wouldn't trust my life to a motorist whilst making a right turn on the basis of little flashing light.  And it's no use on drops anyway.

Sometimes I think motorists don't even see my arm in high viz, so I use body language and every other tool I have:

Signal early.  Take primary.  Slow down gradually. Don't go into the middle to let the car past on the inside unless it really is wide enough.  Most roads aren't.  Stop if necessary.  Then make the turn.

Even this doesn't prevent harassment and for a while I've been taking another route to avoid this right hander.

ktache | 8 years ago
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Used the NightSun Horn for a while too, but a bit screechy, similar but not as nice to look at as the Hornit, drivers just didn't respond.  Their police one might have worked better, they did a lot of police products, but wouldn't sell it to normal members of the public, the warble might have attracted more attention.  It's the AirZound for me, but it will not fit on my getting to work bikes bars.  Sounds like a car horn but because there is no car around it blocking the sound, much louder.  And they don't expect little old me to be making such a noise.

The Dragons also turned down the TangleTeaser, which for my dready hair is one of the greatest products ever made.  Have 4.

ktache | 8 years ago

The other half got me a set of the Bicygnals, I think for a crimbo pressie, she wasn't too pissed at me when I said I couldn't use them.  I had read some terrible reviews and they would have interfered with my NiteSun Trilights, which for me for a good decade were the best front lights in the world.  Didn't get a replacement pressie mind, but to be expected, at least I didn't have to use the horrible lights.  Did buy myself an angle activated yellow flasher for the wrist, which I used for a bit, but it was cheap and awful.  If someone made a good stand alone one of these I might consider it.  Use Ronhill slapbands, but I dont know how visable they might be over the Hope District+, and the NiteRider Solas 40 on the bag.

Good rundown on the awful range of bicycle indicators over the years.

ChairRDRF | 8 years ago

Nice summary: I think Deborah Meaden said it all when she pointed out that indicators are yet another flashing light amongst many others on various parts of the cyclist and bicycle, and that motorists aren't expecting to see them.


In context, I visited the then cycling person at RoSPA in the last 1980s, and he told me he would get inventors of cycle/cyclist indicators regularly and frequently. They were surprised and upset to hear that they were just the latest of a long line of such inventors, and that thr product wouldn't actually be helpful.


There is no reason to suppose that in a cyclist-unfriendly culture like the UK's that this will not continue with such inventions. As it has done for at least 30 years.

Accessibility f... | 8 years ago

Bicycle indicators:

That's all you need to know.  Useless.

bendertherobot | 8 years ago

I think you'd need to look at the Lumos comment about "appears to be shipping" a bit more fairly.




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