Get ready for our annual celebration of all that’s best in the world of cycling: the Recommends Awards begin on Thursday, 9th January 2025.
Our awards recognise the best bikes, components, accessories, and clothing from everything that we've reviewed over the past year.
If you haven’t checked out Recommends, it’s your go-to hub for top-tier products. We carefully review hundreds of items every year, and select only the exceptional for Recommends, adding a new batch at the end of each month.
Now, we’ve gone even further, revisiting Recommends to select the best of the best for our awards. Whether you’re considering a new road bike or you just want a rack, a backpack or bib tights, tools or tyres, we’ll guide you to the top choices.
For components, accessories, and clothing, we’ll highlight our favourites from the past 12 months and present three different types of awards:
Bargain Buy This award is given to products that provide the best value for money in their category.
Money No Object We take the price out of the equation for this one; it’s all about performance.
Editor’s Choice This award goes to products that offer the best combination of performance and value for money.
We’ll do things a little differently with bikes, counting down the best models in various categories. We’ll then take the highest performers from each category, present our overall top 10, and announce the Recommends Bike of the Year 2024/25.
Here’s what to expect:
Wednesday 8th January Recommends Accessories of the Year 2024/25
Thursday, 9th January Recommends Clothing of the Year 2024/25
Friday, 10th January Recommends Components of the Year 2024/25
Monday, 13th January Recommends Tyres of the Year 2024/25
Tuesday, 14th January Recommends Wheels of the Year 2024/25
Wednesday, 15th January Recommends Bargain Buys of the Year 2024/25
Thursday, 16th January Recommends Bikes of the Year 2024/25: Electric bikes
Friday, 17th January Recommends Bikes of the Year 2024/25: Gravel and adventure bikes
Monday, 20th January Recommends Bikes of the Year 2024/25: Money no object bikes
Tuesday, 21st January Recommends Bikes of the Year 2024/25: Road bikes
Wednesday, 22nd January Recommends Bikes of the Year 2024/25: Best bikes (overall)
Stay tuned; it’s all happening from Wednesday.
No thanks. More enforcement of existing regulations instead, please....
Thats a lovely job. Kudos to the welder, especially if they aren't a frame builder...
Isn't it true that London is the only city in the country that actually contributes more to the Exchequer than it receives? We also have the...
I don't kudos indoor rides, but only because I don't particularly want them on my feed, endless Zwift squiggles and jargon titles is just a bit...
But that's enough about cars…
Fashion. It's kind of modern drillium - people always want lighter (or at least to feel that they're optimising the "negatives" of weight / drag).
Driving is a right embedded in the Maggie Carter (sic)...
Once again vehicles take priority. Hardly surprised these days and only goes on to highlight how little the council's and gvt genuinely care for...
There appears to be a bollard at a 45º angle mostly obscured by the bins - presumably they were able to remove that and then drive through the gap.
Have to say as a long time and multiple (7 bikes) user of Camapg - I have about half the fleet on genuine rivetted Campag chains and half on SRAM...