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Through traffic to be banned in parts of Bristol for ‘liveable neighbourhood’ scheme



This should be introduced towards the end of this year as an experimental trial - I wish it could happen sooner as it covers where I live. We had questionnaires about it during lockdown, though I think that was just about making Beaufort Rd (by the cemetery) one way to motorised traffic.

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hawkinspeter | 1 week ago

Not much of note - seems to be a selection of comments for and against

slc replied to hawkinspeter | 1 week ago

Good URL though  1

wtjs replied to hawkinspeter | 1 week ago

Good link- usual Bingo comments with malevolent thicko NIMBYs pretending to care about the disadvantaged, disabled etc. On the same page is the enlightening "Man dies after being found seriously injured in Bristol"- this is about 99% probability a hit-an-run, but the death is described by the police as 'not being suspicious'. This roughly translates as 'somebody driving a vehicle has killed somebody else, but that's not deemed to be as serious as somebody not driving a vehicle killing somebody else. The police statement wording implies that their 'investigative enquiries' were completed by about 5:50am- I hope this is not true.

hawkinspeter replied to wtjs | 1 week ago

wtjs wrote:

Good link- usual Bingo comments with malevolent thicko NIMBYs pretending to care about the disadvantaged, disabled etc. On the same page is the enlightening "Man dies after being found seriously injured in Bristol"- this is about 99% probability a hit-an-run, but the death is described by the police as 'not being suspicious'. This roughly translates as 'somebody driving a vehicle has killed somebody else, but that's not deemed to be as serious as somebody not driving a vehicle killing somebody else. The police statement wording implies that their 'investigative enquiries' were completed by about 5:50am- I hope this is not true.

To be fair, the anti-EBLN petition was started by Melissa Topping who is a disabled resident of Victoria Avenue (I haven't seen if they've done any changes to that, but it already had traffic calming bumps).

hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago

Related topic of "School Streets":


Two more schools in Bristol will become official 'School Streets' this autumn term. Ashton Gate Primary School in Southville and St Werburgh’s Primary School in St Werburgh’s have joined 11 other schools in Bristol to introduce School Streets.

This means the streets outside these schools are classed as walking, cycling, and wheeling zones, restricting car use with temporary barriers put out across the road at drop off and pick up times at the start and end of the school day. The permanent schemes encourage families to walk, cycle, wheel or scoot to school or park further away from the school and walk the last part of the journey.

Councillor Ed Plowden, Chair of the Transport and Connectivity Committee, said: “I am delighted to welcome two more schools to the Bristol School Streets programme. This scheme provides lots of benefits for local communities, including reducing traffic outside school gates, improving road safety for pupils, reducing air pollution, and boosting the number of children walking, wheeling and cycling to school.”

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago
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All good - it's stuff like this which ought to be "just do it already" and which should be "quick wins" (because has zero effect on motor traffic when it's not vital).  As we've seen even "slam dunk" stuff like this can become a battle though!

Also perhaps "nothing to see here" but to my eye curious language: "... temporary barriers" but " ... The permanent schemes encourage ..." - suggesting that maybe even temporary barriers erected for a short period twice a day might be seen as a big change and subject to being removed if "it causes congestion" etc.

I'm actually wary of changes that have little impact - because these tend to be "window dressing" set out so we can say we have one thing when in fact the status quo is unchallenged.

Example: my building is actually on a signed "home zone".  It's a cul-de-sac leading to a car park - street goes nowhere else.  Some "engineering" has been done - the street is signed 20mph and it narrows to a single lane in several places, plus the required double-yellows and signs are everywhere.  But the home zone sign means nothing legally and of course people carry on as normal, paying little attention to parking restrictions or speed limits.

I've not seen children playing in the street.

hawkinspeter replied to chrisonabike | 2 weeks ago

chrisonabike wrote:

All good - it's stuff like this which ought to be "just do it already" and which should be "quick wins" (because has zero effect on motor traffic when it's not vital).  As we've seen even "slam dunk" stuff like this can become a battle though!

Also perhaps "nothing to see here" but to my eye curious language: "... temporary barriers" but " ... The permanent schemes encourage ..." - suggesting that maybe even temporary barriers erected for a short period twice a day might be seen as a big change and subject to being removed if "it causes congestion" etc.

I'm actually wary of changes that have little impact - because these tend to be "window dressing" set out so we can say we have one thing when in fact the status quo is unchallenged.

Example: my building is actually on a signed "home zone".  It's a cul-de-sac leading to a car park - street goes nowhere else.  Some "engineering" has been done - the street is signed 20mph and it narrows to a single lane in several places, plus the required double-yellows and signs are everywhere.  But the home zone sign means nothing legally and of course people carry on as normal, paying little attention to parking restrictions or speed limits.

I've not seen children playing in the street.

Ninja children

slc replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago
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Maybe they are waiting on their bikes at a red light while wearing an orange jacket and a helmet. 

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago

How is St Werburghs going to have a school street outside it?  The road outside it is the main road - other than the motorway - to get out of the city centre to points north (St Werburghs, Eastgate, Eastville, etc).

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 weeks ago

brooksby wrote:

How is St Werburghs going to have a school street outside it?  The road outside it is the main road - other than the motorway - to get out of the city centre to points north (St Werburghs, Eastgate, Eastville, etc).

Maybe they'll prevent traffic on Glenfrome Rd at drop-off and pick-up times. Apart from the M32, it does seem to be the only road that goes in that direction.

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago
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hawkinspeter wrote:

brooksby wrote:

How is St Werburghs going to have a school street outside it?  The road outside it is the main road - other than the motorway - to get out of the city centre to points north (St Werburghs, Eastgate, Eastville, etc).

Maybe they'll prevent traffic on Glenfrome Rd at drop-off and pick-up times. Apart from the M32, it does seem to be the only road that goes in that direction.

I think it's a good idea - the motorway is there, after all! - but it'll be hilarious reading comments BTL in the Post 

slc replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago
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Warminster Road? There is a gate at the NW end that opens onto the playground

quiff replied to slc | 2 weeks ago

Looks like the school is split site, and it's the other part of the site on Mogg St that's getting a school street:

chrisonabike replied to quiff | 2 weeks ago

Look how permeable this area is to motor traffic (even with lots of fairly "narrow streets")!

And the entry from the massive busy urban motorway onto Mina road is nuts!  Talk about a hopeful "drop anchors" (there's also a really skinny cycle path emerging from the left here too).

quiff replied to chrisonabike | 2 weeks ago

Perhaps the speed differential not quite as bad as it looks though - the section of M32 (Maja Rd?) before and after the Mina Rd turn-off has a 40mph limit anyway.

hawkinspeter replied to chrisonabike | 2 weeks ago

chrisonabike wrote:

Look how permeable this area is to motor traffic (even with lots of fairly "narrow streets")!

And the entry from the massive busy urban motorway onto Mina road is nuts!  Talk about a hopeful "drop anchors" (there's also a really skinny cycle path emerging from the left here too).

Yeah, that Mina Rd junction is fun. It's worse coming down Mina Road and trying to join the cycle path (to get across the M32 roundabout underpass which is a muggers' paradise due to all the blind corners). You have to get over to the right hand side of the road whilst avoiding traffic coming from the M32 as well. The traffic isn't usually moving fast though as they've just negotiated the roundabout and Mina Road has a 20mph limit.

I quite often go that route to one friend's house and the roundabout subway is one of the few places where using a bell (or calling out "ding ding") is handy due to the the blind corners and oncoming cyclists/scooterists. There's also times when the underpass gets flooded

brooksby replied to quiff | 1 week ago

quiff wrote:

Looks like the school is split site, and it's the other part of the site on Mogg St that's getting a school street:

Thanks for this.  Mogg Street is often used as a rat-run by motorists (and cyclists, to be fair) who want to avoid the Mina Road mini-roundabout, so this will be interesting… 

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 1 week ago
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brooksby wrote:

Thanks for this.  Mogg Street is often used as a rat-run by motorists (and cyclists, to be fair) who want to avoid the Mina Road mini-roundabout, so this will be interesting… 

I'd say that Mogg Street is more likely used by cyclists who opt for the bridge over the M32 rather than the underpasses as opposed to trying to avoid Mina Road.

I reckon the worst part of Mina Road are the loose bricks in the road surface, though the mini-roundabout can be tricky when vans park too close to the corner and block your view.

Crazyhorse | 2 weeks ago

My main concern is the potential impacts for less mobile and disabled residents. Less mobile residents may simply be unable to walk/cycle and there is an absence of any viable public transport in Bristol meeting their needs.  

LTNs seem to have real adverse impacts for disabled/less mobile residents. If so, then I cannot support them.

Are there any rigorous impact assessments that would reassure us on this?

hawkinspeter replied to Crazyhorse | 2 weeks ago

Crazyhorse wrote:

My main concern is the potential impacts for less mobile and disabled residents. Less mobile residents may simply be unable to walk/cycle and there is an absence of any viable public transport in Bristol meeting their needs.  

LTNs seem to have real adverse impacts for disabled/less mobile residents. If so, then I cannot support them.

Are there any rigorous impact assessments that would reassure us on this?

LTNs shouldn't be designed to prevent vehicle access to streets, but simply to prevent rat-running by the use of bollards/planters/bus gates to restrict one end. This means that residents can still use their vehicles as before, but may have to change their route as one end may be blocked.

Whether it has an adverse impact depends on the specifics of the implementation, but in general, with less through traffic, it should end up being easier for disabled people to gain access and face less danger when getting to/from their vehicle.

A specific problem raised in the East Bristol trial is that one disabled resident requires a large vehicle (to fit their wheelchair) and claims that the access to their street is through a narrow street that isn't big enough.

Another problem raised is that the main road is now busier, but other trials have shown that it can take a couple of months for motorists to adjust their journeys and other LTNs end up showing reduced traffic and pollution in surrounding areas.

I don't think that you'll find "rigorous impact assessments" as these kinds of schemes are all unique and their success/failure depends a lot on the behaviour of individuals. Similarly, you don't get 'rigorous impact assessments' when new roads are built.

slc replied to Crazyhorse | 2 weeks ago

Crazyhorse wrote:

My main concern is the potential impacts for less mobile and disabled residents.

Agreed. Well, also for other groups unable to switch (trades, care workers that need to travel between multiple locations each day), but...

Crazyhorse wrote:

Less mobile residents may simply be unable to walk/cycle and there is an absence of any viable public transport in Bristol meeting their needs.  

We don't need everyone to walk, wheel or cycle all the time, we just need more people to do it more often. Walk past any traffic queue and tell me that everyone in it is unable to switch modes or change their journey time. 

Crazyhorse wrote:

LTNs seem to have real adverse impacts for disabled/less mobile residents. If so, then I cannot support them.

Are there any rigorous impact assessments that would reassure us on this?

In Bristol? Depends on your view of rigour. At any rate, the EBLN assessment was not exactly reassuring, though it does point out that "60% of disabled people have no access to a car and use the bus around 20% more than their non-disabled counterparts." and that "disabled people with a range of learning and physical impairments, state that a reason for their lack of activity is due to the inaccessibility of the pedestrian environment"

Elsewhere? Depends on how specific you want the assessment to be.  Peer-reviewed evidence shows that, in London, LTNs reduce traffic on internal roads and do not on average increase traffic on boundary roads. That might be reassuring for people that do need to use motor vehicles. It really depends on the long-run 'traffic evaporation', which is not a universal law.

Turning to specific disucssion of LTNs and disability, its is easy to find qualitative research, which finds that e.g  "Feelings of discrimination were noted by... disabled car users"



chrisonabike replied to Crazyhorse | 2 weeks ago
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Crazyhorse wrote:

My main concern is the potential impacts for less mobile and disabled residents. Less mobile residents may simply be unable to walk/cycle and there is an absence of any viable public transport in Bristol meeting their needs.  

(part 1) As HP says a LTN should not prevent vehicle access (otherwise it's not an LTN, it's a "pedestrianised street".

The dilema we have is this: the status quo isn't good - but that is the baseline for people, usually.  Worse - keeping existing road policies will lead to worse congestion *.  So what we're doing now is already not helping less mobile and disabled residents.

But - without some "push" (AKA less convenience) for motorists in general nothing can change.  We can't only have a "pull" effect from adding "nice things" like cycling and improved public transport.  a) We need space for this, which is currently clogged with private motor traffic.  b) We "can't afford it" because of the costs of providing for all that traffic. c) There "isn't sufficient demand" for buses / cycling - because the default is "jump in the car".  And until the cycling and public transport are a LOT more attractive that will still seem the best option for most people.

Certainly public transport is generally bad in the UK, but for reasons above just adding more buses won't fix much.

In general we need to get to a point where there are viable alternatives to driving.  Simply removing through traffic from where it shouldn't be is a small part of that "chicken and egg" puzzle.

* Because motor vehicle numbers are going up, and often there is no place to put more / wider roads even if that helped.  Which the general consensus is that in the medium to long term it doesn't.

chrisonabike replied to Crazyhorse | 2 weeks ago
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Crazyhorse wrote:

LTNs seem to have real adverse impacts for disabled/less mobile residents. If so, then I cannot support them.

Are there any rigorous impact assessments that would reassure us on this?

As HP says - impact assessments are local.  And always depend on the behaviour of motorists in the overall area.

I guess there's a big one available though - all the thousands of existing "LTNs" which have quietly existed in the UK for decades - and more.

Then there's much of the urban environment of NL - they apply these very commonly.

Local authorities could always apply stuff like "blue badge only" parking, or bollards which let through / traffic lights which halted other traffic to permit residents who'd been assessed as having disabilities priority.  In fact - they could start doing that right now wherever people might be impeded by other traffic!

But... they do this in a very limited fashion if at all.  Because those who need this are drowned out by the cries of those who actually don't but feel they might be delayed.  It doubtless costs even more money, and adding this can see people take to the courts to challenge it or just start cheating / gaming the system (blue badge parking enforcement anyone?).

There ia lot of concern.  That's understandable if life is already hard for you, and you've realised that most people don't really give a stuff.  Of course - it also turns out that some of the concern comes from people who only get concerned about others when it might affect them.

Dnnnnnn replied to chrisonabike | 2 weeks ago

chrisonabike wrote:

the thousands of existing "LTNs" which have quietly existed in the UK for decades

I think this is one of the issues with some recent LTNs - they have been created as relatively large-scale, high-profile programmes of change that are likely to generate opposition. On one hand, there's clearly a rational case for comprehensive, integrated changes (and I think that might have been what funding was available for) - but I do wonder if a more incremental, "boiling the frog", a street or two at a time, might have been more politically astute in some cases.

hawkinspeter replied to Dnnnnnn | 2 weeks ago

Dnnnnnn wrote:

chrisonabike wrote:

the thousands of existing "LTNs" which have quietly existed in the UK for decades

I think this is one of the issues with some recent LTNs - they have been created as relatively large-scale, high-profile programmes of change that are likely to generate opposition. On one hand, there's clearly a rational case for comprehensive, integrated changes (and I think that might have been what funding was available for) - but I do wonder if a more incremental, "boiling the frog", a street or two at a time, might have been more politically astute in some cases.

I somewhat agree.

When the changes were first proposed and consulted about (sometime around 2020 if my memory serves), I thought they were going to just make Beaufort Rd one-way which would have made quite a big difference to it. I was then frustrated over the years since when they hadn't made any changes whatsoever when they could have just made a single change there to see how it works.

However, now that Beaufort Rd doesn't allow through traffic, I think that's probably better for the residents along there (and for us on the side roads too).

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago
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Making a road one-way can help - that's also a common Dutch treatment for residential areas. Though in the UK I suspect it will help ... once per day! (Which may be worth it of course).

slc replied to hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago
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I was surprised by the scale of the current proposal, given that the previous propsal had been sucessfully opposed, was half the size, and still allowed through traffic (albeit one way on Beaufort Rd and the other on Crews Hole Rd). The Barton Hill and St George sections of the scheme are seperate (with a boundary road between them), so starting with St George (where people are on average a bit wealthier and better able to adapt) might have made sense. But much of the current objection *is* just about the acute impacts of St George part, with Barton Hill still largely permeable to motor traffic.

chrisonabike replied to Dnnnnnn | 2 weeks ago
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Yes, in that LTNs "a street or two at a time" would be ... cul-de-sacs!

Probably not in that if this didn't have *any* effect on traffic, it wouldn't be worth doing.

There may always be slightly better politics or places to choose but I just don't think anything which makes more than a fractional difference (which would be negated within a year or so by more driving / drivers) is getting done without "outrage" yet. And that is with "picking the battles" (eg. acknowledging in many places doing more than say putting in a crossing by a school is just not possible).

There are a lot of frogs who think they're nearly at boiling point already, despite the pans being the biggest and best ever, because of the numbers of frogs!

EDIT on particular strategies I recommend some of Chris Boardman's recent talks.

hawkinspeter replied to Dnnnnnn | 2 weeks ago

Dnnnnnn wrote:

chrisonabike wrote:

the thousands of existing "LTNs" which have quietly existed in the UK for decades

I think this is one of the issues with some recent LTNs - they have been created as relatively large-scale, high-profile programmes of change that are likely to generate opposition. On one hand, there's clearly a rational case for comprehensive, integrated changes (and I think that might have been what funding was available for) - but I do wonder if a more incremental, "boiling the frog", a street or two at a time, might have been more politically astute in some cases.

Also, I think there's the problem that if the changes aren't high-profile programmes, then there's lots of complaints that the residents weren't informed and even with the well publicised EBLN, there's still that complaint.

The real issue is that the Tories have deliberately politicised traffic management which has done absolutely nothing to help apart from poison rational discussion of strategies. With the "War on the Motorist™", any detrimental change is going to get people riled up and then thinking of as many excuses as possible to oppose the change and repeating false tropes (e.g. increases pollution).

hawkinspeter | 2 weeks ago


There is anger among residents of a Bristol suburb who claim that they are suffering 'gridlock' as a result of a multi-million-pound 'liveable neighbourhood trial'. Campaigners are arguing the trial has caused emergency vehicles to get stuck, caused accessibility issues for disabled residents and harmed local businesses in East Bristol.

Residents claim that the trial has brought traffic to a standstill at busy times, created unsafe roads and increased pollution. Councillors have debated the project but there are so far no plans to scrap it.

Over 5000 people have signed a petition urging Bristol City Council to halt the 'liveable neighbourhood' trial that represents an investment of some £6m. It is taking place in the St George, Redfield and Barton Hill areas of the city.

It aims to promote active travel and has involved some road closures. Known as a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) project, it involves adding bus lanes, cycle gates and other means of promoting sustainable travel.

However, some protesters claim the trial has caused issues for emergency vehicles. Resident Ben Staples, 32, said: "There's multiple incidents where police, fire and ambulances are all just stuck in traffic because all of the traffic has been forced onto roads that can't cope with that level of traffic which means people can't pass. They physically cannot move out of the way for these vehicles."

It's news to me that emergency vehicles are getting stuck in traffic.

If that's a real problem (I have my doubts), then one solution would be to change some of the big planters into bus/emergency vehicle gates.

Of course, what we actually need is for people to make fewer journeys by car and that's the point of the EBLN trial - to see how we can shape people's behaviour by making it slightly more awkward to travel by car.


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