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Do you wave/nod/say hi to other cyclists?

The reason I ask is lately there seem to be a lot of miserable people out riding bikes.

I give a nod and say hi as I see other riders but a lot of the time it gets ignored and sometimes I even get a confused look back.

I don't really understand it as I'm generally in a good mood and happy when I'm out on my bike.

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Pilot Pete | 4 years ago
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FFS get over it. Nod, wave, whatever. If it's reciprocated then great, if it's not, so what....

It's as simple as that, honestly.


mdavidford replied to Pilot Pete | 4 years ago

Pilot Pete wrote:

FFS get over it.

I think you may be taking a bit of idle chatter a little too seriously.

quiff | 4 years ago

If I'm likely to see a lot of cyclists (e.g. in town, on my commute) then not generally, though there are a few familiar faces I'll chat to at lights etc. Out on the open road where there are fewer cyclists (and people generally) around then usually, yes. Similar rules for walking really - I don't say hello to everyone on the high street or in the local park, but do when further from "civilisation" and you may only meet a handful of people in a day. I agonise over the appropriate way to pass other cyclists though - I worry that no matter what I say it sounds like I'm being smug about overtaking them.


Tom_77 | 4 years ago

If I'm out in the countryside I'll do the head nod thing. In town there are too many cyclists, I'd give myself whiplash.


Nick T | 4 years ago

I do a motorcyclist side nod out of habit which I'm sure confuses most other riders, but every so often I get the same back from presumably a fellow biker

Gearshifter | 4 years ago

I have spent a lot of time on this topic and my fairly solid observations are :

95% of people on roadbikes, in "proper" cycling gear, helmets, etc, will wave / call a greeting

0.0% of people on mountain bikes ( typically no helmet, no hi-vis etc) ever bother to even look, let alone speak or wave

Cargobike | 4 years ago

There must be something in the water up in the Derby area as they are almost to a man, miserable gits!

I nod, smile and wave to pretty much everyone I meet out on the open road apart from the odd roadie who with all the gear, wouldn't dream of recognising a pleb like myself, as I often wear baggy shorts out on the bike rather than all the lycra, god forbid.

I'll even give motorists a thumbs up if they've been patient enough to wait for a safe opportunity to pass, although wankers signs are also thrown around with great abandon 

Got to say though that times are definitely changing. I punctured recently and had 20 or so riders streak past me without even a casual " you ok mate" before one bloke stopped to offer assistance. Obviously KOM's are far more important than looking after your fellow riders. Strava has a lot to answer for and not in a good way.

check12 replied to Cargobike | 4 years ago

Riders going by? Covid?

LetsBePartOfThe... | 4 years ago

The wave or acknowledgement between fellow cyclists sharing the simple joys of the open road and the landscape quietly whizzing by.
A beautiful and precious moment.

Then I get home to this email from Strava: "There it goes! <name> nabbed your Local Legend title"

Little git. Which one of those oh-so-kind waving cyclists was he. Bet it was that one who looked like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Complete sod. I'm waving next time as you overtake me. But then have a quick look back over your shoulder, here's a different type of greeting to send you on your way. 

But all you other cyclists xx 




melliott | 4 years ago

I nod, smile or wave at every cyclist I go past, whether they're on a £10k super bike or a supermarket special. If I go past a little kid on a balance bike or have just started out I'll usually give them a big grin, thumbs up and tell them great riding.

I love being out on my bike, and if it helps cheer people up and make cycling more accessible then it's a small price to pay

gavben | 4 years ago

Of course, I wave/ say hello. I'm not a barbarian.

wtjs | 4 years ago

There aren't that many cyclists up here in N Lancashire, so it's feasible to raise a hand (or whatever) to them-I admit to feeling a little disappointed if they don't 'reply', when I have done my duty and initiated the contact. We all share a kinship- we're all subject to the same police approved psycho-driving!

Jimnm | 4 years ago

I always nod or raise my hand in acknowledgment. If they don't respond, no worries. It's not my fault that I passed them lol 😂 

Nick Gough | 4 years ago

I always wave and say hi/ hello/ good morning. We need to welcome the newbies, especially women and anyone not swathed in lycra.

STiG911 | 4 years ago
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Always! Well, 'Hi', 'Morning!', nod or raised hand depending on where this happens. Last thing you need when cornering at speed is to wave one arm about like a loon.

I recently said 'Hi' to the same guy three times in 20 minutes. We were kind of on the same route, but he was turning earlier where I was taking the long way round, so I kept catching and passing him.

leipreachan | 4 years ago

Always. Usually I say "Good morning" no matter what time of the day is it.

nikh | 4 years ago

I nod or wave to the people i see regularly on my route to work, other than that not generally. If people wave at me I might smile or give a nod.

Cycling's way too popular nowadays to acknowledge eveyone on two wheels. I used to see two other cyclists regularly on my 6 mile commute into Exeter in the 90's at peak times, would be more like 100 now i expect. Where's it all going to end - do I have to fist bump every other pedestrian I pass on way to Mozzers for my lunch? Think I preferred 'cycling' when it was generally just weird loners and club cyclists.

I don't really like people - can you tell?


one_bad_mofo | 4 years ago
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There's a fella on Facebook who seems to think it depends on what you're wearing as to whether other riders acknowledge you or not -

Westy | 4 years ago

Acknowledge anyone on two wheels, and almost always get some kind of acknowledgement back - though some folks don't like taking their hands of their bars of course, but they'll still smile, usually. If I get nothing back it doesn't worry me a jot.

reuvenfg | 4 years ago
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nod or a wave to roadies.

it depends with commuters or guys on MTBs

Rome73 | 4 years ago
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Yes, i do, mostly. Especially the ones i see everyday on the commute. It's a solidarity thing. 

Titanus | 4 years ago

No. But sometimes I'll wave back if someones waved or nodded me. I don't bother to acknowledge other people as I like to keep myself to myself (I rarely even go dogging). Same applies to when riding a motorcycle.

Kapelmuur | 4 years ago

Geraint Thomas used to live locally and I'd see him out training, he always waved and said 'hi'.

I reckoned that if it was OK for an Olympic gold medalist it was OK for me.   Most riders I see are acknowledgers.

mtb_roadtripper | 4 years ago
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I generally give a wee wave to absolutely everyone on two wheels, dont always get a response. Sometime I miss people and they probably think im one of these too cool for school wankers but im not haha 

There is a difference if im riding in Edinburgh, i dont think the people are less friendly its just if you waved to everyone you'd never have two hands on the bars and some people arent cyclists they are just humans on bikes. If you know what i mean. 

HeadDown | 4 years ago
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I agree, I've noticed more cyclists not responding, and they're not all lockdown newbies. I hate to admit that I actually find it mildly annoying! I greet everyone on two wheels. 
And - this'll put the cat amongst the pigeons - the more pro they are the less likely it is they'll wave. That's my observation and overall impression. It seems, almost, like we're both waiting for the other to acknowledge, and the Castelli doesn't want to be left hanging. 
And no I'm not bitter or, er, brandist, I own some Castelli stuff. 

Achtervolger replied to HeadDown | 4 years ago

I can understand your feelings. I think it can have a very powerful effect on us if we feel like we're being ignored, in many situations in life. Strangely, I've found if a driver has pulled a dangerous manoeuvre on me, and I've caught up with them at lights and tapped on their window to have a word, it angers me more of they just ignore me than if they wind their window down and argue with me. I still can't seem to help feeling annoyed when drivers don't give a little sign of acknowledgment/thanks if I've stopped to let them come though. But then I can't say I do it every time myself when the situation is reversed, though I am trying to get better at this. I think I used to get more upset if other cyclists didn't acknowledge my wave, I'm not sure when I stopped caring, it just seemed to happen. Like you say, I guess there's probably an element often of wondering if the other cyclist will acknowledge you, he/she is thinking the same, then the moment's passed. I suppose someone just has to make the first move!

kil0ran | 4 years ago

Generally say hello, nod, or wave to oncoming cyclists and yell "ON YOUR RIGHT" at people I'm overtaking*


*this literally never happens yes

Achtervolger | 4 years ago

I give most people a nod or a wave if I can when I'm out on my road bike in the Peak District - other roadies, mountain bikers, people struggling on BSO's, tourers, the lot. Not so much when I'm in the city, as I'm usually paying more attention to what's going on ahead of me and I appreciate that other cyclists might be doing the same. I don't take offence if it doesn't get returned. I think many people are in their own little world when they're on their bike, which is fair enough. Perhaps some people who are new to cycling don't realise it's a thing in the cycling community, but I guess the more people that give them a friendly acknowledgement the more they'll come to realise that it's the case. For myself, it makes me so happy to receive a nod or wave from another cyclist. It makes up for so much of the horrendous behaviour we have too put up with from drivers. It's like a brief moment of connection between two people who know how amazing cycling is, for all the risks that come with it.

HeadDown replied to Achtervolger | 4 years ago

Klopt. Dank je. 

lolol | 4 years ago

If in club kit and passing someone from a different club the tradition is to say hi "insert club here", saying hello to the club
I tend to nod/small wave to other roadys out on the lanes, then sit up and full salute to a group in club kit.

everyone else can *$!* off!


Not really, if your out riding your'e in the gang.


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