The Sigma Sports West Coast Classic takes you from city to sea, exhibiting some of the best of Bowland en route. With one or two tough climbs to test you, and - perhaps more pertinently - work up an appetite, we will make sure that you are well rewarded for your efforts once you reach the coast! A tasty and well-earned portion of fish and chips right on Lytham Green awaits the riders who tackle this sportive. There’s nothing quite like lunch by the sea!
The ride will begin at Preston College, and from here we weave our way out of the city and onto the cycle network heading east towards Bowland. For those that just can’t wait for lunch, the Short route soon heads back west, leaving the Standard and Epic riders to push on east, accumulating a few more miles and a couple of climbs in preparation for the calorific indulgences of the chip shop. Continuing east all riders cut an edge off the Forest of Bowland before the Standard riders leave, heading back west shortly after crossing the River Hodder.
Epic riders now begin a northerly tack, making for the southern hills of Bowland and skirting the edge of Clitheroe. We then climb up out of Waddington to the top of the Newton Fells only to be rewarded with a sweeping descent down into the village of Newton. Here we follow the course of the River Hodder to Dunsop Bridge, where we turn left and head south via the ascent of Hall Hill. After rejoining the Standard course we now skirt the northern edge of Longridge Fell and make a beeline for the coast, heading west, hightailing our way through the beautiful countryside of Flyde.
Once in Lytham Green, you will be greeted with a warm welcome and an even warmer plate of fish and chips which you can enjoy while listening to the therapeutic fizz of the tide. The journey back to HQ from here is a gentle one with no challenges to speak of.
Epic: GBP 40.0
Standard: GBP 40.0
Short: GBP 31.0
U16: GBP 3.0
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Yes. Just like there's no push rod brakes or U brakes any more. Get with the program granddad.
Looks like the perpetrators were not Italian