York Rally Grande Classic Sportive 2015
Following last year’s successful fundraising Sportive, the volunteer organisers of the York Rally (the cycling festival in June, see http://www.yorkrally.org ) are organising a repeat event this year, on the 20th September 2015. The three routes (36 km, 100 km, 140 km, about 22, 62, 86 miles) are as last year, and will start from Wigginton Village Hall just north of York. The longer rides will head up into the spectacular North York Moors, while the shorter ride stays to the mostly flat countryside below the Howardian Hills. All will be well signed, there's legendary cake at the stops, and sag and broom wagons are on hand. GPX downloads from the website.
Join the friendly Rally Sportive and see some of Yorkshire's most beautiful scenery!
Entries via British Cycling: https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/events/details/126982/York-Rally-Grand...
The one time I've been to court over a close pass the prosecution got the driver to admit it was too close but she was still found not guilty...
The bus driver had the responsibility to slow down and look to make sure it was safe to turn, looking for pedestrians and cyclists (even if they...
Agreed but I struggle to take seriously people who are are so skewed in their outrage - that just shouts bias to me.
Puts a whole new meaning to "Tour Down Under day 2"
You're kidding me, right? The BBC have been anti-bike for as long as I've been interested, something over forty years. I can't explain it, I don...
The only good thing about Muc Off lube is that it smells nice. Honestly that stuff seems to attract all of the crud the bike goes near and coates...
This is a tad cheaper https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007112974070.html?spm=a2g0o.productl...
They should get ColdWarSteve in to do 'em.
Most of this is reasonable advice - and if you have a very regular route the "get together with others" advice is good. For general use you missed...
The system is that the ban given is served from the moment the driver is disqualified, i.e. at sentencing, but it must be extended from whatever...