The Wiggle Ashdown Sportive is a challenging early season sportive, set in the Heart of Sussex. Starting from the well-equipped South of England Showground, the route explores the scenic Sussex countryside with its stunning views, quiet roads, and 2 breath-taking reservoirs (Weir Wood & Ardingly). You will pass through quaint villages as you weave your way to the Ashdown Forest. The Forest is at the heart of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has national and international protection because of its wildlife. Riders are more than likely to see roaming animals especially deers. Two routes are available, 68 miles (Epic) and a 51 mile (standard) route. Both routes are packed with amazing scenery and a few climbs… a great mix for an early season sportive! At the Finish riders will be greeted, with a Finishers Medal, T Shirt and a Free PowerBar Protein recovery Bar. - See more at:
To be fair as much as I like to see decent public rack being put up just not at the cost of taking spaces like these specifically designed to allow...
Motor vehicles are not dangerous -- but their operators frequently choose to drive them dangerously. That's an important distinction....
Stop beating a dead horse, people. This story isn't really about trans competitors but about the elected felon and his autocratic regime, targeting...
Contrary to what we are lead to believe, not everything is about e-bikes....
Has it? Okay. TBH I was just trying to be funny by quoting FBs catchphrase back at them...
You've missed the bit where it's going to court.
The Silca is not that great, if you go online to Silca and look at the scale they use it is very poorly designed with the readings far to close...
I gurantee you this is happening to millions of products sold all over the world.
Roughly about 66% to 75% of the flats that I get I can repair the tube without ever removing the wheel from the bike! This is an old trick I was...
Surely Pog has souplesse in spades?