The Wiggle Ashdown Sportive is a challenging early season sportive, set in the Heart of Sussex. Starting from the well-equipped South of England Showground, the route explores the scenic Sussex countryside with its stunning views, quiet roads, and 2 breath-taking reservoirs (Weir Wood & Ardingly). You will pass through quaint villages as you weave your way to the Ashdown Forest. The Forest is at the heart of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has national and international protection because of its wildlife. Riders are more than likely to see roaming animals especially deers. Two routes are available, 68 miles (Epic) and a 51 mile (standard) route. Both routes are packed with amazing scenery and a few climbs… a great mix for an early season sportive! At the Finish riders will be greeted, with a Finishers Medal, T Shirt and a Free PowerBar Protein recovery Bar. - See more at:
There should be a review of the safety of mini-roundabouts...lousy for cyclists...
I'm andytheciderman, Roast Dinner Appreciation Soc
That smart ring is a ridiculous price. I've bought a couple of cheapo smart rings from Aliexpress (e.g. < £20) to play around with and I can't...
Pointless pedantry: strictly speaking Westminster Hall debates don't take place in Westminster Hall. Westminster Hall is the massive old hall in...
FWIW, I don't think your question was out-of-place or insincere. Something that's obvious to one person may be baffling to another until it's...
Ratio would seem to fit in with my experiamce so far in West London. Used for half a week from Tube to work (plus return) 1 bike had a rear brake...
Hi wtjs...
I wouldn't discount outside influences, but people do seem to get very passionate when driving is criticised. People often see it as infringing...
Thats OK then, but wont be able to watch unless paying a forfune £30.99 a month, at 81 and on small pension thats un realistic
Several times recently I've come across drivers having to back out of roads and take an alternative route because either their cars wouldn't...