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End Of The Season

Well, I Can't really believe the end of the season is almost upon us!

I must say I've had a really fun year with the fantasy cycling! A Highlight being a stage win in a grand tour, (Stage 14 of the Tour De France.) As well as some other really close calls.

How has everyone else enjoyed the season? What were your High's and Low's?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Stumps | 10 years ago

How about this for enrique ????????

chrisdstripes | 10 years ago

I like to imagine Enrique as someone famous that has it in for cyclists and enjoys winding them up on forums like this. Maybe he's Jeremy Clarkson. Or Lance.

Allan Bremner | 10 years ago

I don't think Enrique is a real person. I believe it is a computer program capable of generating 229 winning teams in a billionth of a nanosecond. Its main purpose is to keep people amused whilst the game is updating. ENRIQUE actually stands for Enormous Number of Incredibly Quirky Update Excuses

cgipryan replied to Allan Bremner | 10 years ago
Allan Bremner wrote:

I don't think Enrique is a real person. I believe it is a computer program capable of generating 229 winning teams in a billionth of a nanosecond. Its main purpose is to keep people amused whilst the game is updating. ENRIQUE actually stands for Enormous Number of Incredibly Quirky Update Excuses

Darn, now you've gone and changed my image of him completely. I'll have to picture him like one of those Matrix agents now, which is certainly not what I previously had in mind... Agent or not, I miss him...

Stumps | 10 years ago

On a personal level I have little or no interest in the WWC and, due to working shifts, multiple races over weekends / days are a nightmare for me to catch deadlines, but that's my concern to sort.

My only major gripe is the multiple races at one time which , if you want to do well, takes ages to prepare for. Otherwise everything is cool.

Joelsim replied to Stumps | 10 years ago
stumps wrote:

On a personal level I have little or no interest in the WWC and, due to working shifts, multiple races over weekends / days are a nightmare for me to catch deadlines, but that's my concern to sort.

My only major gripe is the multiple races at one time which , if you want to do well, takes ages to prepare for. Otherwise everything is cool.

Just imagine having 229 teams...

Joelsim | 10 years ago

The US races and the WWC hold the least appeal to me. Would like all of the Classics to be in there.

TERatcliffe26 | 10 years ago

Yup its nice to be able to pick different riders, and its from the American races I had Thuens in my ToB purist team, as id seen how well he had done. Also as many of the riders in those races are cheap it means much more varied teams from a normal WT race where differences in points scored can be very close due to potentially picking 3 or 4 riders from a small group and the cheaper riders being more like filler riders, which is less of the case in those races.

Or maybe that just highlights a potential for slight change in budget calculation? But again as startlists are not uniform and involve constant change and differences in depth its a difficult balance for all races without it becoming alot of work, especially when races need to be opened with just partial startlist info available

cgipryan | 10 years ago

American races are fun. One of their charm for me is that I'm forced to check out the guys from the smaller American teams, and go through the results of all those races that are never really visible for us (Gila, Beauce etc.), but that are nonetheless there. And then, all of a sudden, two normally isolated cycling landscapes come together in the American races, and you see all these American guys you know only/mostly by name mixing it up with all the guys you usually see in any race on TV. (The reason for this, of course, is that organizers wisely keep away from world tour status, so they can invite so many of the smaller local teams). For me, that is always a thrill  26

TERatcliffe26 | 10 years ago

My major disagreement from what has been said above is re. the American races. I love them and think they should be in the game, certainly when wanting more classics in autumn, when we've just had such a busy week with classics, Vuelta and ToB all in one monster weekend. ToC is when the Giro is, USA pro is when the Vuelta is, and if you saying they detracts from the GT, shouldn't we then axe ToB too then?

Having said all that won't there be even less overlap with proposed real life calender changes?

Also re. rider values, im not sure how easy it is to tweek or employ an algorithm for that as it is all based on game data, so if a rider races and wins straight off, thats all the game data he has. (i don't know any more than that on hoe exactly it works) But im sure its already something to be considered on Dave's list

ray silvester | 10 years ago

Never even saw this questionaire....but then i tend to delete the e-mails without looking at them to be honest.

backflipbedlem replied to ray silvester | 10 years ago
ray silvester wrote:

Never even saw this questionaire....but then i tend to delete the e-mails without looking at them to be honest.

Ok, just found mine, sent on Spetember 12th

Twybaydos | 10 years ago

I've just done my questionnaire. Rated loads highly and made following comments - anyone agree?

Re races:
More Autumn Classics. We could have one race every weekend. Plus all these Italian races on at the moment. It would be good if we could pack in a lot at the end of the year.

Scheldeprijs in spring classics. I love a flat track bully challenge

Women's races - can we have some stage races - Tour of Britain, La Course. This could be in place of some of the women's world cup. The tour of chongming Island is a waste of time. I would like women's races to stay in the game, I just feel you picked the wrong ones

US races are of a poor standard and the USA pro challenge detracts from the Giro. I would ditch these for more European races

re gameplay:
Riders who have not had 12 previous races, but won in their first few (yates, Formolo, Hofland, Coquard), get incredibly high costs in their next race. It would be good if they could build up gradually.

re leagues:
a table of points per stage in my mini leagues.

Joelsim replied to Twybaydos | 10 years ago
Twybaydos wrote:

I've just done my questionnaire. Rated loads highly and made following comments - anyone agree?

Re races:
More Autumn Classics. We could have one race every weekend. Plus all these Italian races on at the moment. It would be good if we could pack in a lot at the end of the year.

Scheldeprijs in spring classics. I love a flat track bully challenge

Women's races - can we have some stage races - Tour of Britain, La Course. This could be in place of some of the women's world cup. The tour of chongming Island is a waste of time. I would like women's races to stay in the game, I just feel you picked the wrong ones

US races are of a poor standard and the USA pro challenge detracts from the Giro. I would ditch these for more European races

re gameplay:
Riders who have not had 12 previous races, but won in their first few (yates, Formolo, Hofland, Coquard), get incredibly high costs in their next race. It would be good if they could build up gradually.

re leagues:
a table of points per stage in my mini leagues.

Agree with all of those. There do seem to be some low scorers who are really pricey. Not sure why. As well as neo pros getting expensive quickly.

Stumps | 10 years ago

Highs - got to be my FS Criterium win.

Lows - Quintana crashing out of my purist Vuelta team which meant i had no hope of getting anywhere near the top of the leaderboard.

Thoroughly enjoyed it but fingers crossed there is much less bickering next year.

northstar | 10 years ago

Meaningless when certain people who know better make it up as they go along...

chrisdstripes | 10 years ago

I got an email a week or so back...

chrisdstripes | 10 years ago

PS - just filled in my questionnaire about the game for next season. I said I loved it, which I do. The changes I suggested were...

1) More women's races (Paris, London, Flanders, Worlds);
2) Opening the races earlier with provisional startlists;
3) Differentiating between Purist and Standard in one-day comps eg Spring Classics (maybe 5 transfers per race).

And a fourth I forgot to mention should've been - sort out when prizes get sent out, and keep us informed! Still no sign of my rucksack from Romandie and no reply to my last email about it. Not an issue for me, but might turn off some people.

backflipbedlem replied to chrisdstripes | 10 years ago
chrisdstripes wrote:

PS - just filled in my questionnaire about the game for next season. I said I loved it, which I do. The changes I suggested were...

Where is this questionnaire?

Jonas Lorenzen | 10 years ago

I won something!!!  36

runaroundsioux | 10 years ago

This is my first year at Fantasy Cycling and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I started with the Vuelta 2013, and who would have thought that I would win the Grand Tour event just 12 months later. I believe I can thank Enrique for the final result, but hey, I am stoked just by even making the top 10. It was just one of those races where everything went to plan, and we all know that doesnt happen very often. I have learned a lot about road racing over the last 12 months, and am still learning everyday.
Thanks to everyone who plays (from the land down under).

TERatcliffe26 replied to runaroundsioux | 10 years ago
RunaroundSioux wrote:

This is my first year at Fantasy Cycling and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I started with the Vuelta 2013, and who would have thought that I would win the Grand Tour event just 12 months later. I believe I can thank Enrique for the final result, but hey, I am stoked just by even making the top 10. It was just one of those races where everything went to plan, and we all know that doesnt happen very often. I have learned a lot about road racing over the last 12 months, and am still learning everyday.
Thanks to everyone who plays (from the land down under).

Congrats, I just couldn't make up any ground in the last week after a poor middle and ended up 3rd. The 2 transfers I made in the first week costing me a hatfull of points stopped me from being closer, but it was a good battle

STEVESPRO 79 | 10 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed it as usual but disappointed with my own results.... Next year I intend to pick riders who don't fall off as much.... Respect to Nibali and Yorkshire but I thought the TdF was a let down due to the tumbles... Highlight for me has been Contadors Vuelta, speed of his recovery has been astounding.... Still think Sky were mad and also a little disrespectful not taking Sir Brad to the TdF, and the cycling gods seem to agree as Sky are looking a little ordinary at the moment... I hope next year that G is given a more prominent role in the team....

enrique replied to STEVESPRO 79 | 10 years ago
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

Thoroughly enjoyed it as usual but disappointed with my own results.... Still think Sky were... a little disrespectful not taking Sir Brad to the TdF...

Ah, I think you did ok... Nice to hear about your plans for next year... I do agree with you about Wiggins though... but don't you think you're selling Froome a little short?...  39

backflipbedlem replied to enrique | 10 years ago
enrique wrote:
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

Thoroughly enjoyed it as usual but disappointed with my own results.... Still think Sky were... a little disrespectful not taking Sir Brad to the TdF...

Ah, I think you did ok... Nice to hear about your plans for next year... I do agree with you about Wiggins though... but don't you think you're selling Froome a little short?...  39

And so he returns!  39

Jonnyd | 10 years ago

Been lots of fun....and generally did better than last year which is nice....shame it's the end if the season, but then again it means that the classics aren't far away. I always get very excited about Paris Roubaix time!

chrisdstripes | 10 years ago

I've really enjoyed this year - been a bit more relaxed about the game and that has helped my overall enjoyment of the races as a spectator!

Lows - Early bad luck with purist picks crashing in the first couple of stages (Meersman in Paris-Nice, Tejay in Romandie, Dan Martin and Rodriguez in the Giro), I was lucky enough to avoid that kind of thing last year. And then Froome and Contador in the TdF but I'm sure that was pretty common.

Highs - 4 Forum Scorum wins (I think) including the women's world cup, none of which I watched. Still without a Grand Tour stage win in three years, mind. (Having said that, Sky didn't win a stage in a Grand Tour this season either...)

Outside the game, my favourite race this year was probably Nibali winning in Sheffield, I'd love to see a one-day race on that terrain, it really did look brutal the way they raced it so hard. Or maybe Stannard in the Omloop H-N. And van Avermaet's attacks made Flanders really memorable this year as well, I'm hoping to go over to Belgium for that next year.

Gerrans for the Worlds and Rodriguez again in Lombardia?

Joelsim replied to chrisdstripes | 10 years ago
chrisdstripes wrote:

Still without a Grand Tour stage win in three years

Heh heh, I got one in the Giro.

Pleased with my first season, still learning the ropes though. High expectations set for next year.

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