Ratae R.C. Reliability Trial - Leicester
Join us again on the renowned Ratae Reliability Ride - your choice of routes from either 20, 47 or 70 miles. All grades of cyclists are catered for, so this is the one to test your early season fitness or enjoy a social ride with fellow enthusiasts. Ride out South of Leicester onto the ancient Roman Fosse Way and then East across the rolling Leicestershire countryside towards Market Harborough and the Welland Valley.
Drinks and refreshments at the Start, Finish and Intermediate stops.
Entry on the Day.
Full Details on our Website - www.rataerc.org
As Ranty Highwayman says, an eight minute presentation of everything that is wrong with UK highway design, starting from the premise that...
Except I wasn't compairing ebikes to cars like you do here, I was comparing ebikes with regular bikes, and pointing out that in the name of pedal...
I can see you've had a look at the Inverness Tourist Board Facebook page...
The Police Scotland Digital Evidence Sharing Platform being rolled out will not make it any easier to report incidents, it simply allows an...
Highway Code states: ...
Thank you.
It's great to see this sort of innovation but it's always worth reminding people who say helmets should be mandatory that most cycling fatalities...
I do indeed.
The article states the toerags were youths, so unfortunately there probably won't be any real punishment. But at least the police are appealing for...
Residents awoken by car crashing into Almshouse garden...