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Play the cycling version of the popular word game Wordle

How well do you know the surnames of past and present pro cyclists?

Are you part of the angry mob fuming about the phenomenally popular word game Wordle being sold to the New York Times? Well if you're also a cyclist fear not, because there's now a cycling version... and it looks like it will be free for the foreseeable!

Bikle is a “modified (unofficial) version of Wordle” and has been created by the Italian online magazine Bidon. The aim of the game is to name current and former male and female professional cyclists. 

There is just one puzzle to attempt each day and as with Wordle, players have six attempts to guess the five-letter word. If after each guess the colour of a tile turns to green, that means the letter is both in the word and in the right position. If the tile changes to yellow, the letter is in the word but in the wrong place and if grey appears, that letter isn’t present at all. 

What’s different is that there’s a cycling theme behind the final word - the goal is to find male and female cyclists whose surname is made of 5 letters. How well do you know the surnames of past and present pro cyclists? You have a chance every day to find out...

“The difficulty of the solution will vary from day to day: it can be a legend from the past, a well-known name of the present, a domestique who loves breakaway and carrying bidons”, says its creators.  

Wordle has become a hugely popular word game in recent weeks, and with over 300,000 people playing it daily the New York Times  have now bought the game from creator Josh Wardle for an undosclosed seven-figure sum. Despite the uproar, it is being reported that the game will remain free for all to enjoy. 

You can play today's Bikle over here. 

Let us know how easy or hard you’re finding the cycling-themed game in the comments below.

Anna has been hooked on bikes ever since her youthful beginnings at Hillingdon Cycle Circuit. As an avid road and track racer, she reached the heady heights of a ProCyclingStats profile before leaving for university. Having now completed an MA in Multimedia Journalism, she’s hoping to add some (more successful) results. Although her greatest wish is for the broader acceptance of wearing funky cycling socks over the top of leg warmers.

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The _Kaner | 3 years ago
1 like

I'd play Curdle....but I can't...
There's no use crying over split (sic) milk.

Secret_squirrel | 3 years ago
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I play wordle just to build the houses afterwards. (wordle2townscaper)


IanGlasgow | 3 years ago
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I'm a f*cking huge fan of sweardle

hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I enjoy Primel:

Just use your handily memorised list of 5-digit primes. (Not actually that hard as you know that the last digit has to be 1, 3, 7 or 9 so on average it takes around 5 guesses to find a prime)

JustTryingToGet... | 3 years ago
1 like

Lewdle is our current team favourite

lesterama | 3 years ago

Not as playable as Wordle, but niche fun

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