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Fred Whitton 4 seasons

Anyone ridden this?

Without feed stations I'm worried about finding places on the route to buy water and grub. I telephoned various cafes and hostels and there is no guarantee they will be open 'out of season'.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Simon_MacMichael | 15 years ago

Had a look at the results page Old Cranky flagged up - looks like the two who completed it were a father and son team, given the ages - and looking at the timings, father beat son by 28 seconds - maybe he was looking forward to a pie so much that he dropped him on the way into Gosforth  3

Old Cranky | 15 years ago

I'm planning on doing the ride on a (dry) Saturday in November.

I will carry bars and gels but, for the distance, I will need to refill my two 750ml bidons twice and have at least one feed stop around the 70miles. Perhaps I'll try to snack at Buttermere and then have a longer stop at Gosforth.

The results page looks as though only 2 riders have done the 4 seasons since it was set up -

Tony Farrelly | 15 years ago

There's a shop in Gosforth that's open until late and if you are doing it during the week Gill Unsworth's pies (bakery in a row of houses just along from the shop) are fantastic. My wife is from around there and we always (well all right I always) go and have at least one pie on every trip up - worth riding 89 miles for, in fact you could treat yourself to two.

dave atkinson | 15 years ago

the checkpoints are at:

Kirkstone Pass Inn (14.7 miles covered) 015394 33888
Buttermere Youth Hostel (52 miles covered) 0845 371 9508
Ramblers Cafe in Gosforth (89 miles covered)

so i guess your best bet is to get in contact with those three, can't find a contact number for the rambler's cafe but there's plenty of pubs in gosforth too so unless you're doing it at some godforsaken hour of a sunday you should be okay...

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