The Giro dello Scorpione is a cycling holiday for everybody who wears Castelli cycling clothes which will consist of several bike trips starting from the same base camp, the Borgo delle Olive, a beautiful and characteristic building with luxury apartments and a large swimming pool in Balestrate (PA).
The event is held from May 31 until June 7 2014. The Giro dello Scorpione is not a race, but a fun event where you meet other cyclists and enjoy some quality time on the bike together. Besides cycling in a lovely, hilly area with spectacular sea views (for more photos of the area, check out this blog!), you will have the possibility to visit several beautiful places of interest and you can enjoy the excellent Sicilian cuisine!
So if you like / love cycling, you own a Castelli kit, you like to meet new people/make new friends and you always wanted to visit “la bella Sicilia”, then the Giro dello Scorpione is something for you! Check out for more info about the proposed program and routes, the accommodation, the prices and FAQ and book now!
Arrivederci in Sicilia!
Don Bici
Giro dello Scorpione 2014
PS Non cycling partners are also welcome!
I was unaware, stopped reading at No.6, I happen to think it's a sign of strength.
We have a new BKRY here in Cvrshm.
Tried to like this and got 'threaded ' comments instead.
Thanks for the insurance explanation, it's a bit of a sly headline calling the driver uninsured if 3rd party claims are dealt with differently in NZ.
Counter argument is that if the problem is crap infra (cycle lanes, shared space, ASLs...) the fix is "proper infra". But in the UK it it's often...
Wouldn't they just charge your credit card rather than insist on a direct debit? And the cardholder's address is not shared with the merchant by...
To be fair, he'd only be riding in a cycle lane where it wasn't a bus lane, a side road or a junction. Cycle lanes always vanish when one of those...
Remember, any driver flashing headlights for you to proceed should be assumed to be a crash for cash scam. ...
This is just a joke certainly in any tvp area they can't even police themselves let alone anything else all their interested in is fineing...
last time I went a few years ago seat tickets gave you access to the central area, yes.